Administration & Finance FY13 Budget Presentation May 29, 2012 Administration & Finance Organizational Structure 2 Administration & Finance Personnel Benefited Positions (FTEs) Department Budget and Financial Planning Non-Benefited Positions (HC)* Student Employees (HC)* 7.0 0.0 0.0 Bursar 16.0 0.0 2.0 Campus Services** 39.0 36.0 33.0 Contracts & Compliance 20.0 1.0 3.0 Controller 14.0 1.0 2.0 8.9 1.0 3.0 Facilities 76.1 5.0 3.0 Human Resources 21.3 2.0 7.0 Master Planning 4.0 0.0 0.0 Emergency Preparedness 2.0 0.0 0.0 Office of the Vice Chancellor 4.5 0.0 6.0 212.8 46.0 59.0 Customer Service Total *Snapshot from April 2012. 3 ** Campus Services Departments: Campus Center, Parking and Transportation, Mailroom, Quinn Graphics, Marine Operations, Recycling and Sustainability. Also, operated independently, Bookstore and Dining Services; staff are not UMass Boston employees and are therefore not represented above. Administration & Finance – Departmental General Operating Budgets (FY12 & FY13) Department % Division Budget FY13 Base Budget % Division Budget Budget and Financial Planning $0.9 4% $0.9 4% Bursar $1.1 4% $1.1 4% Campus Services $4.2 17% $4.3 18% Contracts & Compliance $1.9 8% $1.9 8% Controller $1.7 7% $1.4 6% Customer Service $0.6 2% $0.6 2% Facilities $9.5 38% $9.5 38% Human Resources $2.5 10% $2.5 10% Master Planning $0.6 2% $0.6 2% Emergency Preparedness $0.3 1% $0.3 1% Vice Chancellor $1.7 7% $1.7 7% $25.0 100% $24.8 100% Subtotal 4 FY12 Budget • • • Includes all unrestricted funds with the exception of ESS & RTF. Excludes grants & contracts, state funded fringe benefits, tuition discounts, and other accruals. Data in millions. Administration & Finance - Central General Operating Budgets (FY12 & FY13) Department $1.0 $1.0 Cleaning $3.0 $3.0 $16.0 $16.0 Operating Reserve $2.5 $0.0 Shuttle Bus $2.5 $2.7 Summer Jobs $0.1 $0.1 Pension & Insurance (fringe) $2.6 $2.6 Utilities $7.4 $7.4 $35.1 $32.8 Subtotal 5 FY13 Base Budget Bayside Debt Service • • • FY12 Budget Includes all unrestricted funds with the exception of ESS & RTF. Excludes grants & contracts, state funded fringe benefits, tuition discounts, and other accruals. Data in millions. Administration & Finance FY13 5% Savings Target ($2,880,000) Summary Area Amount Department $1.3 Central $1.6 Total 6 $2.9 Administration & Finance FY13 5% Savings Target ($1,240,000) Summary - Departmental Reductions FTEs Cancel vacant positions .5 $18,000 Eliminate filled positions 3.0 $158,000 Reduce part-time, student, seasonal employees and overtime Sub-total: Personnel Reductions $201,000 3.5 $377,000 Non-personnel expenses $585,000 Projects funded by Facilities $173,000 Maintenance service contracts $105,000 Sub-total: Non-Personnel Reductions $863,000 TOTAL : Departmental Reductions * Rounded to nearest thousand 7 Amount* . 3.5 $1,240,000 Administration & Finance FY13 5% Savings Target - Departmental Details Department Description (reductions unless otherwise stated) Reduction Amount VCAF Operating/administrative expenses Consulting expenses Institutional Memberships Support for conferences Sponsorship of events $85,000 Budget & Financial Planning Operating /administrative expenses $46,076 Equipment Travel Reduce staffing by equivalent of .10 FTE Bursar non-benefitted seasonal employees $58,378 Downgrade vacant professional staff position Student employees Operating/administrative expenses Master Planning Emergency Preparedness Campus Services Consultants for advancement of Master Plan. Travel and business expenses Administrative expenses Student interns Chartering, exhibits and displays Equipment Institutional memberships Operating/administrative expenses Consultants Pest control vigilance Sailing program 8 Repairs to boats/docks $34,669 $15,000 $208,235 Administration & Finance FY13 5% Savings Target – Departmental Details Department Contracts & Compliance Description (reductions unless otherwise stated) Eliminate position Reduction Amount $93,165 Operating/administrative expenses Membership dues Non-benefitted staff Reduce lab services (EHS) Reduce gas costs (EHS) Controller Eliminate position $66,426 Customer Service Part-time non-benefitted employees $28,966 Travel Campus event signage Human Resources Non-benefitted seasonal personnel $127,201 Student interns Eliminate position Training Travel Business Expenses Facilities Building and land improvements $476,884 Non-benefitted seasonal personnel Facility equipment – defer equipment replacement purchase Investigators/Inspectors/Reviewers/Engineers/Project Managers Operational/administrative supplies Equipment maintenance Electrical services contract 9 Sub-Total – Departmental $1,240,000 Administration & Finance FY13 5% Savings Target Summary - Central Available for savings/reduction with impacts: Impact Bayside Lower temperature in building, implications increase risk of freeze Cleaning Reduce level of cleaning $150,000 Shuttle Bus Reduce shuttle service levels $135,000 Summer Jobs Reduce number of jobs Sub-Total - Can be Considered * Rounded to nearest thousand 10 Amount* . $50,000 $5,000 $340,000 Administration & Finance FY13 5% Savings Target Summary - Central NOT Available for savings/reduction: Amount* Debt Service Would severely impact the campus’ ability to move forward with the Strategic and Master Plans. $800,000 Pension and Insurance (fringe) Required to pay on salaries. In order to implement significant staff reductions would be necessary. $130,000 Utilities ISC electricity on-line in March $365,000 Sub-Total - Not Available $1,295,000 *Additional service cuts would be required in order to accomplish a 5% savings in the areas above. * Rounded to nearest thousand 11 . Administration & Finance - FY13 New Strategic Funding Requests Departmental Goal 3: Improve the Learning, Teaching and Working Environment Description FTE Request $ Campus Center Scheduling and Event Management support - part-time staff $19,075 Customer Service operations support - part-time staff $22,672 Environmental Health and Safety - receiving and general technicians 2 $148,988 Space planning and space utilization efforts - staff and consultants 1 $231,435 Comprehensive review of dining services – consultant services Human Resources - administrative support $54,500 1 $68,598 Human Resources - staff re-organization $30,274 Expand employee training programs to campus employees $68,071 Parking and Transportation - shift long time part-time staff to benefitted positions 6 $89,234 Contracts and Compliance - new position, Deputy Director (risk management) 1 $148,194 Purchase of new equipment (computers/copies) Procurement and Marine Operations $5,995 Increased needs for services to support Academic/laboratory needs Support establishment of Business Service Centers $100,000 1 Master Plan - consultants and expenses related to moving the Master Plan forward Requests in Support of Goal 3 of the Strategic Plan: 12 $163,500 $250,000 12 $1,400,536 Administration & Finance - FY13 New Strategic Funding Requests Departmental . Goal 4: Establish a Financial Resources Model Consistent with the University’s Vision Statement Description Alight Financial Forecasting tool Controller - New professional staff for budget projections to support financial statements Support to CSU/PSU as per negotiated contracts Contracts and Compliance - Administrative support for management of University Pro-card Consultant for comprehensive capital inventory as required by the BOT Requests in Support of Goal 4 of the Strategic Plan: 13 FTE 1 1 2 Request $ $54,500 $96,604 $137,612 $74,494 $81,750 $444,960 Administration & Finance - FY13 New Strategic Funding Requests Departmental . Goal 5: Develop an Infrastructure Supportive of the Preceding Goals Description Alarm and camera for Bursar's office security system Electronic directory signage for several existing buildings Consultant for campus-wide environmental permitting Staff to support the operations of the ISC (1/2 year positions in FY13). Facilities - Construction Manager to support increased projects Facilities - Addition of ISC electrical load from temporary construction service, March 13 Spaces moves and furniture needs to accommodate increased growth on campus Deferred maintenance projects Marine Ops regulatory requirements, TWIC, Maint. Tracking, Ballast Waste Water Treatment Emergency Preparedness – expansion of emergency preparedness efforts Implementation of One Card/Access Control System Requests in Support of Goal 5 of the Strategic Plan: 14 FTE Request $ 4 1 2 7 $2,500 $27,250 $109,000 $157,708 $56,980 $114,450 $272,500 $545,000 $15,380 $109,000 $381,500 $1,791,268 Administration & Finance - FY13 New Strategic Funding Requests Central . Description Debt Service – Increase to support moving forward with the Master Plan Increase to bus to support increased enrollment and Bayside service Requests in Support of Goal 3 of the Strategic Plan: Establish new Operating Reserve Requests in Support of Goal 4 of the Strategic Plan: 15 Request $ $2,000,000 $321,005 $2,321,005 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 Administration & Finance - FY13 New Strategic Funding Requests Summary Area Departments FTE’s 21 Central Total 16 Amount $3,636,764 $4,821,005 21 $8,457,769 Administration & Finance - FY13 New Strategic Funding Requests Departmental - Top Priorities Staffing needs to Support Strategic Plan Goal 3 Improve the Learning, Teaching and Working Environment (12 FTE’s) $650,000 Space Planning/Space Utilization (1 FTE) $500,000 CSU/PSU Support for Negotiated Contracts $140,000 Environmental Health and Safety, Permitting $210,000 and Regulatory Requirements 17 Administration & Finance - FY13 New Strategic Funding Requests Central - Top Priorities 18 Debt Service $2,000,000 ISC Infrastructure $ 330,000 Operating Reserve $2,500,000 Administration & Finance General Operating Budgets (FY12 & FY13) Final Summary Area 19 FY13 Base Budget FY13 New Strategic Requests FY13 Proposed 5% Savings Target Departmental $24.8 $3.6 $1.3 Central $32.8 $4.8 $1.6 Total $57.6 $8.4 $2.9 THANK YOU APPENDIX FY12 OPERATING BUDGET REVIEW Administration & Finance - FY12 General Operating Budget (represents 8% of total campus budget) Departments Department % Budget FTEs Budget and Financial Planning $0.9 4% 7.0 Bursar $1.1 4% 16.0 Campus Master Planning $0.6 2% 4.0 Campus Services $4.2 17% 39.0 Contracts & Compliance $1.9 8% 20.0 Controller $1.7 7% 14.0 Customer Service $0.6 2% 8.9 Facilities $9.5 38% 76.1 Human Resources $2.5 10% 21.3 Emergency Preparedness $0.3 1% 2.0 Vice Chancellor $1.7 7% 4.5 $25.0 100% 212.8 A&F Departments Total 22 Budget Administration & Finance FY12 General Operating Budget (represents 10% of total campus budget) University-wide Category Bayside / Pump House $1.0 Cleaning $3.0 Debt Service $16.0 Operating Reserve $2.5 Shuttle Bus $2.5 Summer Jobs $0.1 University-wide, Pension & Insurance $2.6 Utilities $7.4 University-wide Total 23 Budget $35.1 Administration and Finance - FY12 Permanent Budget Reductions (Implemented) FY11 Reduction FTEs FY12 Amount Cancel Vacant Positions 2.5 $107,723 Eliminate Filled Positions 1.0 $38,470 Reduce Part-Time Positions 3.0 Amount $138,855 $8,769 Non-personnel Expenses Total FTEs $281,764 3.5 $436,726 $89,555 3.0 $228,410 Examples of non-personnel reductions: business and meeting expenses, travel, administrative expenses, consultants, institutional memberships) 24 Administration and Finance - FY12 New Strategic Funding Requests (Funded) Item Department Amount Signage to ensure safety and access during construction and for Bayside Campus Master Planning $50,000 Review of cash collections and development negotiation of the campus’ new F&A Rate Controller's Office $280,000 Enhanced professional development programs for staff (campus-wide) Human Resources $100,000 Bayside operational costs Facilities $400,000 Total 25 $830,000 Administration & Finance FY12 Goals Financial Performance Plan for, develop strategy and achieve a 2% operating margin for FY12. Allocate and identify a reserve of 1% of the total value of capital assets for deferred maintenance. Achieve success for the quasi endowment budgetary target by setting a reserve of 10% of FY12 year-end cash balance. Planning 26 Provide support to the Chancellor in the development of a common public policy agenda for the system. Determine whether to enter into agreement with private developer for existing structures as resident halls or construct new. Support implementation of the new Strategic Plan. Develop a staffing plan, establish business service centers and an organizational structure to support the Strategic Plan. Continue to provide a leadership role in Phase I of the Master Plan with the planning and re-creation of the campus. Develop financing options for the new buildings. Continue collaborative working relationships with DCAM, UMBA to advance planning of Master Plan/Capital Projects. Plan, implement, manage and provide oversight for the FY12-16 budgets. Continue with the development and implementation of the 10 Year Capital Plan. Implement an annual data driven planning process to review programs and allocate resources to university priorities. Provide support to the Chancellor for the planning process for the future development of the UMB Bayside property. Roll-out a new and improved SPACE planning process. Administration & Finance FY12 Goals Reporting & Systems ▸ ▸ ▸ Develop and produce high level financial reports. Provide faculty and staff easier access to financial information. Report monthly progress on Administration and Finance goals. Emergency Preparedness and Continuity Planning ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ Implement a revised Emergency Operations Plan. Hold tabletop exercises and training for Safety Planning Committee. Provide training, outreach, and materials to support the mission of a safe, prepared campus. Improve Emergency Notification System for the campus, including installation of public announcement siren system. Continue cross-campus collaborative work on coordinated safety efforts focused on K-12 summer programs. Conduct further planning on the crisis management and the continuity of operations plans. Communications and Customer Service ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ 27 Foster consistent openness and inclusion in the master planning process with internal and external constituencies. Develop a signage plan to respond to construction activities on campus to insure safety and access. Continue efforts on building, maintaining and strengthening working relations across. Improve efforts of creating a campus-wide welcoming environment. Improve and update A&F websites to insure consistency and ease of access to important information. Implement a comprehensive Master Plan and construction communication strategy. Administration & Finance FY12 Goals Diversity and Inclusion ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ Improve reporting on matters of staff diversity and utilize trend analysis to inform Human Resource practices. Utilize the findings from Next Street analysis to strengthen MWBE and small business participation. Host vendor fairs to enhance procurement strategies to improve MWBE & small business participation. Identify and target opportunities to improve affirmative action/equal employment opportunity efforts to support diversity in hiring, promotion and procurement. Enhance diversity and create an appreciation for it. Focus on hiring in areas that have been historically underrepresented, including persons with disabilities. Employee Engagement and Professional Staff Development ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ 28 Assess classification and compensation equity impacting staff morale and organizational trust. Redesign performance appraisal system to emphasize constructive feedback, professional growth, staff advancement, collaboration and individual accountability. Provide accessibility to learning opportunities at all levels of staff and faculty; revisit Supervisory training to place a new emphasis upon mentoring. Engage faculty and staff in non-traditional ways on matters of benefits administration and ensure all employees are informed and can access suitable opportunities. Review Human Resource staffing model to sharpen focus on employee engagement and professional development. Initiate a 3 year effort to develop professional development plans for all employees. Administration & Finance FY12 Goals Enhance/Improve Business Processes ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ Implement changes that are designed to improve operating efficiencies by processing transactions electronically, reducing paper processing, and providing better management information both centrally and at the department level. Develop stronger policies and procedures to insure full compliance and best practices while at the same time looking at opportunities for better efficiencies. Examples include policies such as: cell phones and other electronic devices, business expenses, purchase of goods, contracts for services, pro-card, and inventory of fixed assets. Conduct a review to look at implementing a one card system to cover everything from security/key access, procurement, food, parking and library access. In conjunction with other University administrators, improve grant and contract compliance by reviewing policies and procedures and providing increased training focused on effort reporting, cost transfers, recharge operations, and grant and contract reporting requirements. Conduct an assessment of cash collections programs for the major billing systems on campus, specifically reviewing programs where gross accounts receivable exceed $1 million and exceed 10% of annual revenues. Continue to streamline and reorganize conference and space rental operations campus-wide. Prepare for the development and negotiations of the new Facilities & Administrative rate. Review Ecommerce options for miscellaneous operating revenues. Day to Day Operations ▸ ▸ ▸ 29 Continue to provide high quality, efficient, and effective services to support the academic, research, and service activities of the campus. Continue work on developing preventative maintenance schedules by systems (roofs, air handling units, motors, etc) and by building. Establish tasks and frequencies for identified items. Conduct a comprehensive review of Dining Services in anticipation of contract bidding.