A Diversity of Chemical Strategies to Implement Homogeneous Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenations Y. Jiang, R. Kunjanpillai, S. Chakraborty, F. Zhou O. Blacque, T. Fox and H. Berke E2C 2013, Budapest Strategies for Homogeneous Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenations ‘Non-noble Metals for Noble Tasks’ - Search for molecular middle transition element catalysts Cheap catalysts and processes Processes running at ambient or near ambient conditions Oxygenates (CnHmOo) as products Use of molecular hydrogen from ’renewable’, ‘waste’ or CO2-free sources As for methanol as the simplest oxygenate product Homogen.cat CO2 + 3H2 CH3OH + H2O - MeOH available since the 1920s by heterogenous CO hydrogenation Pros Cons - Potential energy carrier - Small scale and de-centralized production seems possible - Facile convertion to other oxygenates ( for instance DME) or hydrocarbons - Toxic - Low boiling point Middle Transition Elements in Homogeneous Hydrogenation Catalysis - Middle transition elements particularly rhenium is bordering precious metals may have retained some of the „noble“ properties, like high affinity to hydrogen and to unsaturated organic molecules - Isoelectronic replacements in precious metal complexes may generate active catalysts; for instance the Ru-L unit (L= 2e- donor) replaced by the Re-NO unit - Middle transition element seek stable 18e- configurations; disadvantage for catalysis, which needs permanently or temporarily vacant coordination sites - Tuning of the ligand sphere is required to stabilize vacant sites via ligand effects, such as of ligands with variable electron counts, large-bite-angle-effects of bidentates, large cone angles of monodentates, cis labilization effect and the trans influence/effect and others Electrochemical Volcano Plot for Hydrogen Kinetics 1 Hydrogen evolution reaction log(i0) (A/cm-2) Pd Which metals are preferred in hydrogen catalysis? 5 10 M-H bond strength (kJ/mol) 125 200 275 350 Thermodynamics S. Trasatti, J. Electroanal. Chem. 39 (1977) 163 S. Trasatti, Electrochim. Acta 39 (1994) 1739 Stages of CO2 Reduction by H2 Carbon oxidation state from +IV to -II Carbonic acid, Formic acid or formate stage CO2 or (thermodynamically carbonate stage unstable, but kinetically too stable Methanol stage, Hydroxy carbene or potential to be formaldehyde stage (joint catalytic processes to converted into other make ‘formoses’ (CnH2nOn) oxygenates seem possible) Formation of esters via the reaction of carbonic and formic acid and derivatives with alcohols including the product methanol (catalyzed by protons) may help to overcome the reactivity deficit of formic acid and derivatives. Esters are more easily reduced than acids or their anions Hydrogenation of CO2 to Formic Acid and Formates hydridic H C O O H pKa = 3.8 protonic As a polar molecule HCOOH would be prone for reactions with heterolysis of H2! Thermodynamics of the hydrogenation CO2 to formic acid: CO2(g) + H2(g) → HCOOH(l) ∆Go = 32.9 kJ/mol; ∆Ho = -31.2 kJ/mol; ∆So = -215 J/(mol K) CO2(g) + H2(g) + NH3 (aq) → HCOO- (aq) + NH4+(aq) ∆Go = -9.5 kJ/mol; ∆Ho = -84.3 kJ/mol; ∆So = -250 J/(mol K) CO2(aq) + H2(aq) + NH3 (aq) → H(CO)O- (aq) + NH4+(aq) ∆Go = -35.4 kJ/mol; ∆Ho = -59.8 kJ/mol; ∆So = -81 J/(mol K) Additional driving force by salt formation! Despite their thermodynamic instability, formic acid or formate salts are kinetically (too) stable! Olefin Hydrogenations with Mo and W Nitrosyl Hydride Catalysts cat: M = Mo,W S. Chakraborty, T. Fox, O. Blacque, 2013 submitted Cat/ (mol%) Substrate Co-catalyst BCF = B(C6F5)3 Temp (°C) H2 (bar) Time (h) TOF (h-1) Conv (%) Mo/0.05 1-hexene - 140 60 0.5 912 21 Mo/0.03 1-hexene Et3SiH/BCF 140 60 2 5253 75 W/0.020 1-hexene Et3SiH/BCF 140 60 0.5 8200 80 Mo/0.08 1-octene Et3SiH/BCF 140 60 <2 3500 75 W/0.049 1-octene Et3SiH/BCF 140 60 0.5 3615 88 Mo/0.01 Styrene Et3SiH/BCF 140 60 2 2079 84 W/0.037 Styrene Et3SiH/BCF 140 60 0.5 2064 39 Mo/0.03 1,7-octadiene Et3SiH/BCF 140 60 2 1056 65 Mo/0.07 Cyclohexene Et3SiH/BCF 140 60 <10 200 100 Mo/0.07 Cyclooctene Et3SiH/BCF 140 60 3 1355 55 Mo/0.07 α-methyl styrene Et3SiH/BCF 140 60 16 205 60 Mo/0.09 1,5 cyclooctadiene Et3SiH/BCF 140 60 14 200 74 Hydrogenation of CO2 to Formic Acid Using a Tungsten Complex Base = DBU Exploitation of Ligand Effects to Make the Hydrogenation of CO2 with a Tungsten Hydride Catalytic Large cone-angle „on - off“ chelate phosphine! Tungsten has great affinity to H2! Carbynes like nitrosyls (3e donors!) are trans influence and trans effect ligands and activate trans positions. Catalytic CO2 Hydrogenation to Formate cat Products [HCOO][DBUH] and HCOOH•DBU precipitate from toluene solution Low energy ‘Organo-catalytic’ transition state Rhenium Based Catalytic CO2 Hydrogenation to Formate and Methanol FLP Type Activation of CO2 with Rhenium Complexes and a Lewis Acid FLP Type Activation of CO2 with a Rhenium Hydride and B(C6F5)3 as Lewis Acid – Stoichiometric Reactions Frustrated Lewis pair (FLP) where the hydride plays the role of a Lewis base! Fully characterized by NMR in solution Crystal structure Jiang, Y.; Blacque, O.; Fox, T.; Berke, H., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 7751-7760 A Stable Formate Dihydrogen Complex and Subsequent Stoichiometric Reaction with Et3SiH Isolated and fully characterized Jiang, Y.; Blacque, O.; Fox, T.; Berke, H., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 7751-7760 Catalytic Reduction of CO2 with Et3SiH Hydrogenation Hydrosilylation H2 CH2O HOMe H2O Hydrogenation of CO2 with a Rhenium Hydride/Lewis Acid System in Presence of TMP Structure of [TMPH][HCOO] Proposed Mechanism for the Rhenium Catalyzed CO2 Hydrogenation In Presence of B(C6F5)3 and TMP Hydrogenations with Rhenium Nitrosyl Complexes Bearing Large Bite-Angle Xantphos Diphosphines Reactive site interconversion Trans NO reactive site Kinetic ‘isomer’? Xantphos framework may ‘bite’ bi- or tridentate Ammonia complex (NO/Br disorder) Cis NO reactive site Thermodynamic isomer? Rhenium Based Catalytic CO2 Hydrosilylation and Combined Hydrogenation/Hydrosilylation to Methanol and Derivatives Hydrogenation/hydrosilylation with TONs up to 330: Hydrosilylation with TONs up to 410: 1 2 Rhenium Based Catalytic CO2 Combined Hydrogenation/Hydrosilylation to Formate Derivatives Rhenium Based Ester, Aldehyde, Ketone and Bicarbonate Hydrogenation to Alcohols Substrate 140 °C, 60 bar H2 Benzaldehyde Acetophenone Catalyst Co- Solvent Product TON Yield (%) (mol%) catalyst 0.02 n-Bu4NBr THF PhCH2OH 500 100 0.02 - Toluene PhCH2OH 4807 96 0.05 - Toluene PhCH(OH) Me 2000 > 99 0.5 - CH3OH 112 0.5 n-Bu4NBr EtOH CH3OH 161 81 0.2 - MeOH HCOONa 28 5.6 0.2 - D2O/THF HCOONa 68 13.6 EtOH CH3OH 20 10 H(CO)ONa 24 12 0.5 n-Bu4NBr THF 56 Rhenium Based and Halide Co-catalytic CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol Optimum loading of co-cat.bromide Improved performance by EtOH add. No improvement by acid add. H2 pressure matters Co-catalyst 1 /Equiv. Co-catalyst 2 /Equiv./acid CO2/H2 (bar) TON - - 10/30 07 n-Bu4NBr /5 - 10/30 28 n-Bu4NBr /5 - 10/30 26c - - 10/30 13 n-Bu4NI /100 - 10/30 11 NaI/100 - 10/30 05 n-Bu4NBr /2 - 10/30 20 n-Bu4NBr /50 - 10/30 30 n-Bu4NBr /100 - 10/30 30 Et4NBr /100 - 10/30 1.6 n-Bu4NBr /5 - 10/30 0.9 - EtOH/250 10/30 06 n-Bu4NBr /100 EtOH/250 10/30 33 n-Bu4NBr /5 EtOH/100/p-TsOH 10/30 29g n-Bu4NBr /5 - 20/60 88 Is formate ester formation crucial to catalysis? What is the influence of the produced water on ester formation? Rhenium Based Hydrogenation of Methyl Formate to Methanol Methyl formate cycle Formaldehyde cycle Remaining Questions on the CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol catalysts optimizations - Relevance of formic ester formation - Can ester formation be enhanced by protic additives? - Role of the water product for the ester formation. Removal of water required? - Change type of the hydrogenation course and develop two-step hydrogenation processes? CO2 Formic acid formic acid ester methanol CO2 carbonic acid carbonic acid diester methanol Acknowledgements Preparative work Y. Jiang, R. Kunjanpillai, S. Chakraborty, F. Zhou X-ray structures and DFT O. Blacque NMR T. Fox Financial Support Funds of the University of Zurich Swiss National Science Foundation Lanxess AG, Leverkusen, Germany Utilization of Metal-Ligand Activation of CO2 Stoichiometric CO2 Hydrogenation to Formate Catalytic CO2 Hydrogenation to Formate Cat Base Time (h) Yield (%) Mo Na[N(SiMe3)2] 15 4 W Na[N(SiMe3)2] 15 2 Poor catalysis due to a too stable CO2 complex! Rhenium Based Catalytic CO2 Hydrogenation/Hydrosilylation to Methanol and Silyl Derivatives Reaction Center Mediated Splitting Pathways of Dihydrogen Mononuclear and dinuclear dihydrogen complexes prepare the H2 molecule for the splitting reaction by polarization Principles of Hydrogen Reactions Activation of H2 = H2 splitting and H-transfers • • Single-step processes combined splitting and H-transfers (rare) Multi-step processes separate splitting and H-tranfers Principles of H2 reactivity H2 Homolytic, heterolytic splitting? Splitting Homolytic splitting H2 2 H Wilkinson/Osborntype hydrogenation catalyses with oxidative addition of H2 Heterolytic splitting H2 H- + H+ Ionic hydrogenations (protonic-hydridic reactivity, bifunctional activation). Usually achieved by deprotonation of H2 complexes with a base H Substrate XY Sequence of Transfers? H H-transfers: homopolar, heteropolar? HXYH H-Transfers Simultaneous (concerted) polar transfers of polarized H atoms (H(+) protic and H(-) hydridic) Stepwise transfers: homopolar H atom transfer via insertion into the M-H bond and reductive elimination Heteropolar stepwise transfers H. Berke, ChemPhysChem, (2010), 11, 1837 Interconversion of ‘Isomeric’ Xantphos Nitrosyl Rhenium Complexes via Anionic Trihalo Intermediates – Basis for the Catalytic Halide Effect I(trans) more reactive than I(cis)! Structure of 3a Cis PiPr3 ligands: P(1)-Re(1)-P(2), 103.78(2)