Introduction to Psychology – Final Exam Study Guide Personality

Introduction to Psychology – Final Exam Study Guide
1. Who do we associate with psychoanalysis?
2. What are the 3 Levels of Consciousness?
3. What are the characteristics of the ID and what is its function?
4. What are the characteristics of the Ego and what is its function?
5. What are the characteristics of the Superego and what is its function?
6. What are the functions of the ego defense mechanisms?
7. What are Freud’s Psychosexual stages of development?
8. What is the libido?
9. What is an erogenous zone?
10. What is the Oedipus complex?
11. What is Free Association?
12. What is a Projective Test?
13. What is a Thematic Apperception Test?
14. What is the Rorschach Inkblot Test?
15. Who are 3 neo-Freudians?
16. What is a trait?
17. Who do we associate with humanistic theory?
18. What is self actualization?
19. What is Unconditional Positive Regard?
20. What is Self-Concept?
21. What is Self-Esteem?
22. What is the difference between Individualism & Collectivism?
23. What is Reciprocal Determinism?
24. Who was a pioneer into the Social-Cognitive Perspective?
25. What is Personal Control?
26. What is Internal and External Locus of Control?
27. What is Learned Helplessness & how can it develop?
Psychological Disorders
28. What were some of the early perceived causes of psychological disorders?
29. What is the DSM-IV?
30. How does the psychodynamic perspective explain the development of abnormal
31. How does the behavioral/learning perspective explain the development of abnormal
32. How does the humanistic perspective explain the development of abnormal behavior?
33. How does the cognitive perspective explain the development of abnormal behavior?
34. How does the biological perspective explain the development of abnormal behavior?
35. What are the common characteristics of anxiety disorders?
36. What is free-floating anxiety?
37. What is a phobia?
38. Be aware of GAD, OCD, SAD, & panic disorder.
39. What is a panic attack?
40. What are the somatoform disorders?
41. What are the dissociative disorders?
42. What are the mood disorders?
43. What are the types of schizophrenia?
44. What types of delusions might a person experience?
45. What are hallucinations?
46. What is the difference between positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia?
47. How is schizophrenia different from Dissociative Identity Disorder?
48. What are the characteristics of a person diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder?
49. What are the characteristics of a person diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder?
50. What is Psychotherapy?
51. What is meant by the Eclectic Approach?
52. What is the therapeutic goal of Psychoanalysis?
53. What is free association?
54. In psychoanalysis, what is Resistance?
55. What is the therapeutic goal of Humanistic Therapy?
56. What are the techniques of Roger’s Person-Centered Therapy?
57. What is the therapeutic goal of Gestalt Therapy?
58. What is the therapeutic goal of Behavioral Therapy?
59. What is Counterconditioning?
60. What is Systematic Desensitization?
61. What is Aversion therapy/conditioning?
62. What is the Token Economy? How is it similar to a chore chart?
63. What is the therapeutic goal of Cognitive Therapy?
64. What is Cognitive-Behavior Therapy?
65. What do the A,B,C,D,& E stand for in Rational Emotive Therapy?
66. Be able to identify the ABC’s in a scenario such as: After Bruce lost his job he describes
himself as a failure and has been depressed for 4 months.
67. What is electroconvulsive shock therapy?