Psychology: Abnormal Psychology

Psychology: Abnormal Psychology
Stage 1—Desired Results
Established Goals:
VT Standards:
6.12 Human Rights
6.13 Concepts of Culture
6.14 Forces of Unity and Disunity
3.2 Learning Strategies
3.5 Healthy Choices
What is considered abnormal behavior? What are the biological, psychological and social
approaches used when diagnosing and treating mental illness?
Essential Questions:
Students will understand that…
How do psychologists define abnormality?
Abnormal behavior is a relative term that is based What is the process researchers use to learn
on statistical frequency and cultural norms
more about psychological issues?
How do psychologists diagnose and treat patients
There are both biological, psychological and
with mental illness?
social basis for mental disorders
Treatments, and success of treatments, vary with What are the primary symptoms and treatment for
each individual.
anxiety disorders?
Psychological disorders are investigated using
What are the primary symptoms and treatment for
the scientific method.
mood disorders?
What are the common characteristics of
schizophrenia and how is it treated?
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
Informational Pamphlet on a Mental Disorder
School-Based Clinician discussions about
treatment of psychological disor ders
Each student will put together an information
In-class notes on the different disorders and class
pamphlet about a mental disorder of their choice.
They need to explain the origins of the disorder, how it Students will watch A Beautiful Mind and then write
is diagnosed, how it is treated, and a bibliography.
a one-page paper defining the type of schizophrenia
Biological, psychological and social approaches need John Nash has by citing behavioral examples as
to be included. These pamphlets will be placed in the illustrated in the movie.
library for other students to read.
Unit Test
Stage 3—Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
W: Students will be provided with a unit schedule, complete with focusing questions, activities planned, and
homework. Class discussions at the beginning of the day after the journal writes will show me where the
students are coming from.
H: Psychology is relevant to students’ lives. Students want to know why they are the way they are—that’s
the hook!
E: By participating in class discussions, watching A Beautiful Mind, and completing homework and in-class
activities the students will be able to think and explore the main ideas of the unit.
R: Everyday the students will come in and write in their knowledge journal. This will allow for them to
record their thoughts about the topic that will be discussed that day. By the end of the class their thoughts and
opinions will either remain the same or change, depending on their understandings of the material.
E: By completing growth logs students will be able to reflect on their ideas and incorporate theories and
knowledge from class. At the end of each unit they will be asked to reflect on what they learned and evaluate
how much their ideas have changed or remained the same.
T: Each day I will vary the activities so that some days we are reading, some days interpreting maps, some
days participating in debate. Also the major research piece at the end can be adapted to suit “high flyers” and
students with learning disabilities.
O: I provide students with the unit schedule, complete with focusing questions, homework expectations on
the first day.