As you read

Welcome to Your 5th
Grade Reading
The “C” stands for “Cornell”, as in Cornell University,
where this note taking system was developed…
Created by T. Mynyk, 2005
Let’s begin our
Reading Strategies
In this first 6-weeks, we will discuss, understand, and
apply the following reading strategies:
Reader Response
Stop & Jot
Summing It Up
But first...
Name _______________
1. The
The Reading Process helps you think
critically about a subject by
separating the reading assignment into
three different areas; things you do
before you read, things you do during
your reading, and things you do after
you read.
List everything
you know about
a book or
begin to read.
Briefly note the
new information
you are learning
as you read.
Write a brief
summary of all
the things you
have learned
once you have
finished reading.
Explain how the BDA strategy can help you understand
the newspaper article?
Great stories have a
Character Conflict
A struggle
between two or
more characters
Character vs. Character
vs. Nature
vs. Society
vs. Self
#11: Conflict Analysis Chart
Type of
Man vs. Man
Side 1
Mark Chelmsley
Side 2
Mr. Maxwell
The boy didn’t pay
attention, didn’t even
pretend to. This one had
a bad attitude.
When Mrs. Stearns told
Mr. Maxwell the news, his
attitude toward this new
boy changed instantly. But
it didn’t change for the
better. (P.25)
Name _______________
2. Stop and Jot
When you stop during or after reading,
take a few minutes to write your ideas as
they relate to what you have just read.
The following
prompts may help you get started.
Choose one to write about:
I was surprised…
I think…
I hope…
I wonder…
I would…
I didn’t realize…
This reminds me of…
I think it is important to remember…
I can see…
I’m not sure about…
In the next part, I predict…
Choose one prompt to expand your thoughts about the
newspaper article…
Name _______________
3. Reader
As you read, you will write your personal response
in your reading log. State your feelings, thoughts,
reactions, and questions about situations, ideas,
actions, characters, settings, symbols, plots,
themes, and any other elements in the story. You
can't be wrong in your responses, so take risks and
be honest. Write about what you like and dislike,
what seems confusing or unusual to you. Tell what
you think something means. Make predictions about
what might happen later. Relate your personal
experiences which connect with the plot,
characters, or setting. Don't just summarize the
Additional Prompts for a reader Response Journal:
What you liked or disliked and why
What you wish had happened
What you wish the author had included
Your opinion of the characters
Your opinion of the illustrations, table and figures
What you felt as you read
What you noticed when you read
Questions you have after reading
Choose two Reader Response prompts to expand your
thoughts about the newspaper article…
Name _______________
It Up
Summing It Up is done after you read, but you must
complete a few BDA activities to make it work.
Summing It Up can help you capture and remember
what you have learned.
Before: Select a purpose for reading by asking what
“big questions” will be answered in the text.
During: As you read the text, ask yourself
questions. These questions help you set a purpose
for reading (to find answers to your questions).
After reading: Fill in the chart below.
#5: An Idea Web is a graphic
organizer that helps you develop
thoughts about a particular
We are going to start our own
Idea Web to help expand our idea
of culture…
good food
I am
#6: Anticipation Guides are used before and
after you read a story…
Anticipation guides help you determine whether or not your
opinions or predictions change after you have read a story.
The Children of the River
Before Reading
Statements about the topic
After Reading
America has a duty to keep its
doors open to the world.
The only reason people immigrate
to America is to earn more
money for their family.
It is fair for parents of immigrant
children to make their sons
or daughters keep their own
national customs, culture and
language rather than attempt
to follow American customs,
culture and language.
Continued economic growth in
America depends upon a
liberal immigration policy.
Immigrants broaden and enrich
our sense of what it means to
be an American.
It is easier for children to adapt to
a new culture than it is for
It is our responsibility to be aware
of the cultural differences
found in the diverse
American population.
#7: Get the Picture
“There’s this one scraggly tree behind
the little freak’s house, right? Like a
stick in the ground with a few whimpedout branches. And there he is, hardly
any bigger now than he was in day care,
and he’s standing there waving his crutch
up at the tree.”
Excerpt from Freak the Mighty.
Name _______________
Get the
Strategy = Get the Picture
When to use = During and After reading
The Get the Picture strategy helps the reader visualize
what he or she is reading.
Visualization means to create a mental image or to
picture something in your head as you read. The
ability to create pictures in your mind will help lead you
to a better understanding (comprehension) of a novel.
Word Wall
Strategy = Word Wall
When to use = Before, During and After reading
The Word Wall strategy helps the reader understand
unfamiliar vocabulary words as they are encountered
within a novel.
By understanding the various vocabulary words
encountered within a novel, comprehension of the
novel as a whole will increase.
9. T-Chart
Strategy = The T-Chart
When to use = Before, During, or After reading
The T-Chart strategy helps the reader organize
original thoughts about what he or she is reading.
To create a T-Chart, you simply draw a big T on a
sheet of paper. Your “big idea” should go at the
top of the page.
Big idea
Your thoughts
about the big idea
Wearing uniforms in school
Literary elements
Conflict is the fight or struggle that takes place
during a novel. It creates plot. The conflicts we
encounter can usually be identified as one of four
Man versus Man
Conflict that pits one person against another.
Man versus Nature
A run-in with the forces of nature.
Man versus Society
The values and customs by which everyone else lives are
being challenged.
Man versus Self
Internal conflict. Not all conflict involves other people.
Sometimes people are their own worst enemies.
Often, more than one kind of conflict is taking place at
the same time. In every case, however, the existence of
conflict enhances the reader’s understanding of a
character and creates the suspense and interest that
make you want to continue reading.
#11: Conflict Analysis Chart
“Called me Kicker for a time – this was day
care, the year Gram and Grim took me over
– and I had a thing about booting anyone
who dared to touch me. Because they were
always trying to throw a hug on me, like it
was a medicine I needed.”
Excerpt from Freak the Mighty.
Literary elements
12. Plot
All fiction is based on conflict and this conflict is presented in a
structured format called PLOT.
The introductory material which gives the setting, creates the tone,
presents the characters, and presents other facts necessary to
understanding the story.
The use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in the
Inciting Force
The event or character that triggers the conflict.
The essence of fiction. It creates plot. The conflicts we encounter can
usually be identified as one of four kinds. (Man versus…Man, Nature,
Society, or Self)
Rising Action
A series of events that builds from the conflict. It begins with the
inciting force and ends with the climax.
The conflict reaches a turning point. At this point the opposing forces
in the story meet and the conflict becomes most intense. The crisis
occurs before or at the same time as the climax.
The climax is the result of the crisis. It is the high point of the story
for the reader. Frequently, it is the moment of the highest interest
and greatest emotion. The point at which the outcome of the conflict
can be predicted.
Falling Action
The events after the climax which close the story.
Resolution (Denouement)
Rounds out and concludes the action.
#13: This is the Witch’s Hat plot diagram…
(because it looks like a witch's hat, that’s why…)
Rising Action
Falling Action
•Beginning is where everything in the story starts (on a dark
stormy night).
•Rising Action is when things start to get interesting (the car
runs out of gas on the side of the road).
•The Climax is the most interesting part of the story (everyone in
the car has to run for their life from an evil scarecrow).
•Falling Action is when the story starts to wind down and we all
know who-did-what-to-whoever (everyone escapes and ends-up on
a bus ride home).
•Conclusion is when everything is wrapped-up and we know it was
old man Johnson in the scarecrow mask all along…
C – Notes
14. Plot
A Plot Relationship Chart looks like this:
The plot relationship chart
helps you figure out the
story’s plot.
The plot relationship chart
helps you keep track of
important characters and
Create a Plot Relationship Chart to help analyze the
relationship between Max and the daycare “critters”
from the early chapters of Freak the Mighty…
Day care
To hug
Because of
history, he
contact with
others. He
called the
hugs “phony”
or not real…
began to
hit and
kick all the
and all the
workers at
Maxwell becomes
even more of an
outcast. He earns
the name “Kicker”
because of the
way he acts
around other
people who are
trying to be nice
to him.
Literary elements
15. Similarities
and Differnces
Similarities are traits or characteristics we
share with someone else.
Differences are traits or characteristics
that we do not share with someone else:
Consider some of the following character
traits and compare and contrast amongst
your classmates:
•Hair color
•Sense of humor
•Likes and dislikes
In an upcoming exercise, we will begin to
compare and contrast our character traits
with those of our Novel’s main and
supporting characters.
We will also compare our individual
descriptions of setting against setting as it
is described in the novel.
Literary elements
Setting is when and where a story takes place.
•If the time or place setting of the story changes,
we should consider how those changes alter the
outcome of the story.
Setting can influence the entire novel and the
readers' response to that novel . If the author
describes the setting brilliantly , we can picture it
without ever having been there . Magic occurs. Once
we are in the midst of the setting , we are in the
midst of the story.
The setting may suggest:
- The atmosphere or mood of the novel
- Internal and external conflicts
- Potential contrasts between characters or ideas
Literary elements
Theme is the writer’s main idea or message that he
or she is trying to convey to the reader.
When you understand the story’s theme, you
understand the underlying idea or message in the
Finding the Theme
Here are some ways to uncover the theme in a story:
Check out the title. Sometimes it tells you a lot about
the theme.
Notice repeating patterns and symbols. Sometimes these
lead you to the theme.
What allusions are made throughout the story?
What are the details and particulars in the story? What
greater meaning may they have?
Remember that theme, plot, and structure are
inseparable, all helping to inform and reflect back on
each other. Also, be aware that a theme we determine
from a story never completely explains the story. It is
simply one of the elements that make up the whole.
In Freak the mighty, we are looking for examples
Courage, Acceptance, and Individualism, all of which are
themes within the novel.
Children of the River by Linda Crew
Ravy and Jonathan are similar because
they are both boys and they both like
Ravy was born in
Jonathan was
born in America
Ravy is related
to Sundara
Jonathan knows
Sundara from
Fort Worth, TX
(remember that setting includes both
when and where a story takes place)
Literary elements
Cause and Effect
An event which happens first (known as the cause)
produces a result (effect).
Basically, we are talking about what happens and why.
Michael, Phillip, Tina, Juan, Cynthia, and James all
decided to squeeze into the rollercoaster seat designed
to fit just three people. “what was the big deal?” though
Juan. A few more friends would just make the ride that
much more fun, right? The six friends cheered as the
rollercoaster roared down the first large hill and into
the sharp right-hand turn.
Excitement quickly turned to terror as the rollercoaster
began to sway and groan under the heavy burden of its
thrill-seeking passengers. As the ride screamed through
the turn, Cynthia found herself being crushed against
the door. How much more could she take?
The noise from the runaway coaster grew and grew until
the sounds of splintering wood and twisting metal filled
the air. Then, silence. For an instant, Cynthia and her
five friends hung weightless in mid air. Perhaps they
thought of their families. Maybe they thought of their
friends. Or maybe, just maybe, they thought of the sign
that read “3 Passengers Per Car”.
Whichever thought went through their minds, it was
their last.
Literary elements
Once we have studied conflict, character traits,
and plot development, we are ready to analyze the
changes that take place within our main and
supporting characters.
A character that undergoes some kind of
important change is called a dynamic character.
In Children of the River, Sundara Sovann is a
dynamic character.
Old character
13 year old Sundara is
a happy child living
with her family in
Cambodia. She has a
boyfriend and loves to
spend time playing by
the river and listening
to music on the radio.
New character
17 year old Sundara
now lives in America.
Her family has been
torn apart by war and
she worries about their
safety. She works
constantly to save
money for her family.
Literary elements
On the page below, we will analyze the changes that take
place within Jonathan McKinnon’s Character from Children of
the River:
Old character
New character
Literary elements
Characterization is the act of creating and
developing a character.
•A writer uses "direct characterization"
when stating or describing a character's
•A writer uses "indirect characterization"
when showing a character's personality
through his or her actions, thoughts,
feelings, words, and appearance, or through
another character's observations and
Example A:
The man in the doorway was about 7 feet
tall with broad shoulders and dark, curly
hair. There was a tattoo of a dagger on
his left forearm. I decided to walk the
other way.
Example B:
As the cars pulled up to a stoplight,
Charlie watched the woman frantically
digging through her purse. She began
throwing various items in the backseat of
her car without so much as hesitating in
her search. He could tell she was yelling
and cursing the invisible passenger sitting
next to her.
Now, describe each character…
Literary elements
Inference: The act of combining information
you already know with new information you
have read.
(Drawing Conclusions)
Once you have combined this information
you develop an educated guess that will help
you answer a question correctly.
Can you infer what the author of this
cartoon is trying to tell us?
Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences
After reading the following cartoon, can you infer what
opinions the artist is attempting to express. Remember to
include your reasoning (proof).
Comic 1
Comic 2
Comic 3
Comic 4
Literary elements
Symbol. Something that on the surface is its literal
self but which also has another meaning or even
several meanings.
For example, a sword may be a sword and also
symbolize justice.
A symbol may be said to embody an idea. There are
two general types of symbols: universal symbols that
embody universally recognizable meanings wherever
used, such as light to symbolize knowledge, a skull to
symbolize death, etc., and constructed symbols that
are given symbolic meaning by the way an author uses
them in a literary work, as the white whale becomes a
symbol of evil in Moby Dick.
Read the following excerpt from Chapter 19 and determine what
symbolism is taking place.
•What does the author use as a symbol?
•What does it symbolize?
With each shirt she folded, with each sweater, with every pair of
jeans, she found herself saying goodbye. Over and over, the
silent goodbyes echoed in her heart, a goodbye to each and every
thing, because she had never gotten the chance to say it on that
fateful morning in July.
(Swallowing Stones, Pg. 193)
Please respond in complete sentences:
“In chapter 19, the author uses _____________ to symbolize
__________ etc…”
Name _______________
1. The
The Writing Process helps you create
interesting, well thought, and
convincing papers. The process
includes the following steps:
How do I get ideas in the first place?
•conduct an interview based on your topic
•media - radio, tv, internet
•film - movies and documentaries
•visual art - observing or creating
•discussion and brainstorming
•responding to literature
•role playing
•personal interest inventories
•class interest inventory
What ways can I prewrite?
•free writing
•image streaming (transplant yourself
to another place or time and describe
from a first person point of view)
•brainstorming - individually or as a group
•graphic organizers
•topic or word chart
Whatever you call it, it is still the same
thing. Get a working copy of your paragraph
or paper so that you have something to work
Be selective in the ideas
that you include. You don't have to include
everything that was in your prewriting! Pick
your best ideas.
Make sure they relate to each other and
your topic.
Don't stop once you start writing. Revising
and editing
come later. Just let the ideas flow.
Don't count words, ask your teacher how
long it should be or when
it is done. When YOU feel that you have
completed your ideas,
you are then ready to go to the next stage.
HOLD IT! Before going to the next stage,
make sure you have
enough content to work with. If you feel
that you are lacking content,
go back to your prewriting for more ideas
and details.