Chapter 4 Worksheet 1 Write the definition of the medical words

Chapter 4
Worksheet 1
Write the definition of the medical words.
1. cephalic ____________________________________________________
2. cilia _______________________________________________________
3. deep _______________________________________________________
4. biology _____________________________________________________
5. bilateral ____________________________________________________
6. apex _______________________________________________________
7. posterior ____________________________________________________
8. adipose _____________________________________________________
9. protoplasm __________________________________________________
10. perfusion __________________________________________________
11. homeostasis ________________________________________________
12. human genome _____________________________________________
13. karyogenesis _______________________________________________
14. ectomorph _________________________________________________
15. somatotropic _______________________________________________
In your own words, explain the difference between anatomy, histology, biology, and cytology.
List five medical uses for drugs and summarize each.
What is the difference between generic name and trade or brand name?
Your text teaches, “A drug interaction may occur when one drug potentiates or diminishes the
action of another drug.” What does this mean?
Write out short definitions for the following abbreviations.
1. RUQ _____________________________________________________________
2. LAT ______________________________________________________________
3. A&P ______________________________________________________________
4. DNA _____________________________________________________________
5. abd _______________________________________________________________
6. OTC ______________________________________________________________
7. ER _______________________________________________________________
Abbreviation Match-up
Match the abbreviation to the definition. Select an answer from the column on the right
and write the correct letter next to the term.
1. abdomen
2. ear, nose, throat
3. blood pressure
4. anatomy and physiology
LAT, lat
5. gastrointestinal
6. lateral
7. over-the-counter
8. carbon dioxide
9. left lower quadrant
10. right upper quadrant
Spelling Challenge
Spell each term correctly in the space provided.
Incorrect Spelling
Correct Spelling
1. byology
2. antirior
3. difusion
4. distol
5. silia
6. geene
7. meedial
8. pathollogy
9. fenotype
10. viscerol
11. soperficial
12. mezomorph
13. hystology
14. kaudal
15. anatamy
Singular and Plural Challenge
Identify each term as either singular or plural. Write an “S” for singular or a “P” for
plural next to each term.
1. gene
2. molecules
3. karyogenesis
4. homeostasis
5. cells
6. cilia
7. nucleus
8. ribosomes
9. flagellum
10. tissue
11. stem cells
12. gums
13. cavities
14. physiology
15. apex
Phonetic Spelling Challenge
These words are spelled phonetically. Spell the term correctly in the space provided.
1. krō-mō-sōm
2. pŏs-tēʹ rĭ-ōr
3. so˝ mA-to-trOp´ Ik ________________
4. mĕsʹ ō-morf
5. krā-nē-ăl
6. hĭs-tŏlʹ ō-jē
7. jēn
8. ĭngʹ gwĭ-năl
9. hōʺ mē-ō-stāʹ sĭs
10. ănʹ droyd
11. āʹ pĕks
12. kŏdʹ ăl
13. bī-lătʹ ĕr-ăl
14. sĕnʹ tĕr
15. sĭlʹ ē-ă
16. dē-hīʹ drāt
17. kărʺ i-ō-jĕnʹ ĕ-sĭs ________________
18. or-gănʹ ĭk
19. prŏkʹ sĭm-ăl
20. tŏpʹ ĭ-kăl
Word Search
Fill in the blank with the best answer, then find the answers in the word search below.
1. The term _______________ means “the top or highest point.”
2. The term _______________ means “nearest the center or point of origin.”
3. ________________ is a state of equilibrium that is maintained within the body’s internal
4. A/An ________________ is the smallest, most basic chemical unit of matter.
5. The term _______________ means “in front of” or “before.”
6. The word _______________ means “to the side.”
7. The term _______________ plane means “dividing the body at right angles to the
midsagittal plane.”
8. The combining form bucc/o means “ _____________ .”
9. The word part ______________ means “hip.”
10. The term _______________ is a process in which parts of a substance move from areas of
high concentration to areas of lower concentration.
11. The term ______________ is the physical appearance or type of makeup of an individual.
12. The essential matter of a living cell is ___________ .
13. _____________ means “pertaining to one side.” ____ .