"The Spanish digitization project and related topics". Enrique Macías Virgós University of Santiago de Compostela CMDE Aveiro, August 15-18, 2006 August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 0 Summary News from Spain Spanish Mathematics journals DML-E Digitization project August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 1 News ICM 2006 Madrid, August 22-30 International Congress of Mathematicians August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 2 http://www.icm2006.org/ August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 3 News IMU General Assembly Santiago de Compostela, August 19-20 August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 4 http://www.usc.es/imu2006/ August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 5 Spain 1980: 0.5% of world scientific production in Mathematics 2006: 4.5% Rank 9 300 research groups receive (mean) 25.000 euro every four years August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 6 CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 A new program from the Ministery of Education and Science Mathematics: a supplement of 7,5 million euro / 5 years August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 7 MATHEMATICA August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 8 A. Research programs Researchers (Spain and abroad) Post-docs Workshops August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 9 B. Doctorate programs Excellence Coordination between universities Students Fellowships August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 10 C. Maths and science Interface with technology Public awareness New research areas August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 11 D. Industry Transfer of technology August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 12 programs MATHEMATICA FUTURE MATHEMATICA CONSULTING MATHEMATICA COMPUTING MATHEMATICA RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE SCHOOL MATHEMATICA EDU MATHEMATICA WEB August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 13 platform MATHEMATICA WEB To increase as much as possible the accessibility of the results of the mathematical research in Mathematics August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 14 The Virtual House of MATHEMATICA The window of MATHEMATICA to the outside. Presentation of the activities of MATHEMATICA. The front door to the services that MATHEMATICA will offer to their researchers. This web will include the corresponding links to MATHEMATICA Programs August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 15 Access to tools of general interest as data bases, software libraries, digitized publications, preprint servers, MathNet webpages, research journals that are published in Spain, … August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 16 This is the future What we have now: August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 17 2004-06 National Plan for Mathematics Research projects CNM (National Research Center); Access to databases; Digitization; August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 18 Spanish IMU Committee Comité Español de Matemáticas CeMAT August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 19 http://www.ce-mat.org/ August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 20 CeMAT Seven societies RSME, SCM, SEMA, SEIO FESPM, SEHCYT, SEIEM MEC Ministery of Education and Science Participation in ICSU August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 21 CeMAT Web page Bulletin (2 issues per year) August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 22 CeMAT Subcommittees Education History Development and Cooperation Electronic Information and Communication August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 23 EIC subcommittee Jaume Amorós (UP Catalunya) Manuel González Villa (UC Madrid) Rafael de la Llave (Austin, Texas) Juan Luis Varona (La Rioja) Enrique Macías (chair, Santiago) August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 24 activities CervanTeX Spanish TeX users group August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 25 http://filemon.mecanica.upm.es/CervanTeX/ August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 26 Links August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 27 Documents August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 28 activities: october 2006 Workshop on documentation and scientific communication Open access/public awareness Google/SPARC representatives August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 29 Digitization Participation in DML-EU proposals. European funds do not cover digitization fees, only coordination tasks and definiton of standards, long-term archiving National funds: physical process of digitization, metadata capture, access, links to databases. August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 30 DML-E MEC “Special Action” 2005-2007 Digitize all Spanish mathematical journals 13 journals from 1980 (sometimes 1940) About 100.000 pages August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 31 DML-E CeMAT CINDOC Center for Information and Scientific Documentation (CSIC) Journals Editors August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 32 CINDOC Centro de Información y Documentación Científica CSIC Personnel 100 Librarians Technicians August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 33 http://www.cindoc.csic.es/ August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 34 August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 35 other institutions CBUC IEC Catalunya Consortium of University Libraries Institut d.estudis catalas Generalitat de Catalunya Autonomous government of Catalunya August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 36 COLLECTANEA MATHEMATICA Universitat de Barcelona UB http://www.mat.ub.es/CM Old series 1948-2000, Vols. 1-51 New series 2001- Vols. 52 August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 37 REVISTA MATEMÁTICA IBEROAMERICANA CSIC-RSME http://www.uam.es/departamentos/ciencias /matematicas/ibero/irevista.htm Old series 1944-1984 New series Vols. 1-19, 1985 August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 38 TEST Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación de Operaciones SEIO http://www.seio.es/test/ “Trabajos de estadística” 1950-1991 New series 1992- August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 39 PUBLICACIONS MATEMATIQUES Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona UAB http://mat.uab.es/pubmat/ Old series 1976-1987 New series 1988- August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 40 REVISTA MATEMÁTICA COMPLUTENSE Universidad Complutense de Madrid http://www.mat.ucm.es/serv/revis ta/ “Revista Matemática de la UCM” New series Vols. 1-16, 1988 August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 41 EXTRACTA MATHEMATICAE Universidad de Extremadura http://www.unex.es/extracta/extr acta.html Old series Vols. 1-9, 1986-1994 Serie nueva Vols. 10-, 1995- . August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 42 MATHWARE & SOFT COMPUTING Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya UPC http://docto-si.ugr.es/Mathware/ Vols. 1-, 1999- August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 43 SORT Statistics and Operations Research Transactions Institut d'Estadistica de Catalunya Questiió: Quaderns d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa Vols. 1-, 1977- . August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 44 Qualitative theory of dynamical systems Universitat de Lleida http://www.udl.es/dept/matematica/ssd /qtds/ Vols 1- , 2000- August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 45 TOP Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación de Operaciones SEIO http://www.seio.es/top/ “Trabajos Investigación Operativa” 19501992 New series 1993- August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 46 RACSAM REVISTA DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS, FÍSICAS Y NATURALES Serie A: Matemáticas http://racefyn.insde.es/publicaciones /racsam/ August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 47 BUTLLETÍ DE LA SCM Societat Catalana de Matematiques http://www.iec.es/scm/ Catalá Old series: 1978-1985, vols 1-18 New series: 1985- , vols 1- August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 48 LA GACETA Real Sociedad Matemática Española Spanish http://www.rsme.es/gaceta/lagaceta.htm Old series 1919-1984 New series Vols. 1-6, 1998-2003. August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 49 languages English 79.2% Spanish 12.9% French 5.9% Italian 1.4% German 0.4% Catalan 0.1 % August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 55 journals Most are published by Universities, Mathematics Departments, Societies Copyright : moving wall, public domain Revicien August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 56 DML-E Research journals with a recognized scientific quality From 1980 50.000 pages/year 6 months:standards, coordination, contracts 12-24 months scan + pdf files + metadata 6 months: web portal August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 57 DML-E Tiff, bitonal, lossless compression Journal_year_vol_num_art_page.tiff 600 ppi, bitonal Software correction .pdf August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 58 Title (original), title (English), title(Spanish) Author, Journal,… Keywords (English, Spanish) UNESCO classification August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 59 Platforms August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 61 Tecnociencia Tecnociencia A portal about Science and Technology in Spain News, research projects, journals Depends on CINDOC-CSIC August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 62 http://www.tecnociencia.es August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 63 ReviCien An on-line platform for promotion and difussion of spanish scientific journals August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 64 http://www.revicien.net/ August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 65 ReviCien Links to 35 spanish scientific journals Abstracts in the server Editors access to the server August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 66 Scientific journals in Spain 26 Spanish journals included in ISI Science Citation Index 4 Mathematics August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 67 ReviCien Agricultural Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences Chemistry, Engineering & Technology, Materials Science Computer Science , Mathematics Medicine, Neuroscience, Pharmacology and Toxicology Physics and Astronomy August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 68 access to journals Basic Information Publisher, Editor, ISSN, scope, current issue, back issues Full texts remain in the website of each journal August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 69 access to journals Issue Article Cover, Table of contents Abstract, Author/Title/Keywords Database MySQL Quick/Advanced search August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 70 ReviCien August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 71 ReviCien E-alerts Suscribers: Tables of contents,, Announcements Restricted area for Journal Editors Press Room August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 72 FECYT Fundación Española para la ciencia y la tecnología Digitization project Journal editorial unit August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 75 http://www.fecyt.es August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 76 Thank you for your attention Enrique Macias-Virgós University of Santiago de Compostela xtquique@usc.es http://web.usc.es/~xtquique August 16, 2006 E. Macías (USC) 77