Deltatechfund - Dr. Sha Li: Educational Technology Course

Reinventing Pedagogy
A Standards-Based Professional
Development Model That Works
Shannon Parks, Ph.D, AlaPT3 Director/ Alabama Dept. of Education
Stevie Ash, AlaPT3 Assoc. Director
Jennifer Fritschi, AlaPT3 Trainer/ MarcoPolo State Administrator
Tracee Synco, AlaPT3 Trainer/ Best Practices Coordinator
The mission of AlaPT3 is to transform education
through research, development, and dissemination
of standards, policies and training resources for the
successful integration of technology into P-20 classrooms.
5 other universities participated
•Implement new technology certification standards for all twenty-nine
(29) teacher preparation programs
•Pinpoint effective technology use practices in P-20 schools
•Construct an infrastructure to disseminate those practices.
•Train higher education faculty
What is Intel®Teach to the Future?
A worldwide initiative to improve student learning by providing teachers with
the skills to integrate computer technology effectively into existing
In Alabama Intel has partnered with:
State Dept. of Education (PreK-12)
AlaPT3 (higher education)
What is MarcoPolo?
An Internet portal that provides no-cost, standards-based Internet content for the
K-12 teacher and classroom, developed by the nation's content experts. Online
resources include high quality, commercial free, professionally developed lesson
plans, panel-reviewed links to top sites in many disciplines, classroom activities,
and materials to help with daily classroom planning.
In Alabama MarcoPolo has partnered with:
State Dept. of Education (PreK-12)
AlaPT3 (higher education)
Why is Intel® Involved?
To improve student learning
To help teachers and students take advantage of new technologies to support a
learning environment
To improve education in support of workforce development
To promote improved math/science skills and support
long-term engineering needs
Why is MarcoPolo Involved?
To create premier, standards-based Internet Content for the Classroom and
provide the requisite Professional Development to every teacher in the United
States - all free of charge
To maintain a scalable program that will enrich teaching and dramatically affect
student achievement for generations to come
Why is Alabama involved?
High-quality, award winning resource
Free for participants
More than just a “How to create a PPT”
Changes the way teachers think about the
delivery of instruction
Sustainable and flexible
Lessons from MarcoPolo aligned to state
Training Overview
Day 1 MarcoPolo
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Curriculum Overview
Utilizing essential questions and big ideas to direct
instructional design decisions
Introducing technology tools and strategies for
enhancing learning through research, communication,
productivity and assessment
Encouraging student teachers to work in teams,
problem-solve, and participate in peer review of their
Addressing state and national academic and technology
Locating high quality internet resources
Simple and practical tips for embedding Internet
resources into the curriculum
Discovering various types of internet content and when
to use
Learning strategies for teaching with Internet content
Software Used
Microsoft* Office 2000 Professional
Microsoft* Word 2000 (support documents)
Microsoft* PowerPoint* 2000 (multimedia)
Microsoft* Publisher 2000 (publication & Web site)
Microsoft* Encarta* Encyclopedia 2001
Intel® Teach to the Future CD
Microsoft* Internet Explorer 5.0
Plug-ins Needed (MarcoPolo)
 Quicktime
 RealPlayer
 Shockwave
 Acrobat Reader
from Intel® Teach to the Future PPT
*Other brands and trademarks are property of their respective owners
Faculty Incentives
Follow-up support between and after trainings
Free handheld training by a certified Palm Education
Training Coordinator
Receive two resource binders and materials to use to integrate
technology into their course content.
Free Intel® textbooks for pre-service
Training objectives correlated to NCATE, ISTE NETS∙T, and
Alabama Teacher Technology Standards
Receive high-quality training that is pertinent to each faculty
member’s interest in learning to use and assist students to use
technology to enhance teaching and learning
SMART Board donation for host university
20+ participants = SMART Board (provided by Intel®)
15+ participants = SMART Board (provided by AlaPT3 for partner universities)
Faculty Requirements
Complete online application outlining how curriculum will be used in existing or
new pre-service teacher education courses.
Attend and fully participate in five non-consecutive days of training.
(scheduled at your convenience) prior to 5/31/01
Guarantee at least 15 participants.
Ensure the convenient accessibility of Microsoft* Windows-based PC
computers with Microsoft* Office 2000 for faculty training/curriculum review.
Use the Pre-Service Intel® Teach to the Future curriculum with at least 40 preservice teachers for each participating faculty member. Prior to 12/31/03
Submit reports to Intel® each semester (number of pre-service teachers
Adapted from INTEL® Teach to the Future PPT
Pilot training at UAB
Recruitment efforts
Signed contract with Intel®
Started discussions with Intel®
Recruitment Efforts
AlaPT3 partners
Regional Video Conference
Deans & reps from 29 institutions
Technology contacts
Training Status (Alabama data)
Universities involved
10 universities hosted training
 5 other universities participated
15 universities participating
Pre-service Faculty involved
135 trained to date
Currently Participating
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Stillman College
Birmingham Southern
Athens State University
Jacksonville State University
Auburn University Montgomery
University of Alabama
Troy State University - Dothan
Troy State University
Troy State University - Montgomery
University of North Alabama
University of Alabama at Huntsville
University of Mobile
Miles College
Alabama A&M University
State-wide Training Calendar
Regional Trainings
Intel®/MarcoPolo Pre-Service
Participants from UAB training say..
Faculty in video: (in order of appearance)
Dr. Mona Eason - University of Alabama at Birmingham
Dr. Jerry Aldridge - University of Alabama at Birmingham
Dr. Phylis Williams – Birmingham Southern University
Dr. Anarella Cellitti - University of Alabama at Birmingham
Mr. Jeff Anderson - University of Alabama at Birmingham
Current results indicate (U.S. data)
Referring to the Intel® modules
99% of teacher educators agree or strongly agree curriculum is
appropriate/relevant to courses they teach
97% of teacher educators agree or strongly agree curriculum will help their
students understand how to integrate technology effectively into their
future teaching
98% of teacher educators agree or strongly agree curriculum aligns well
with NCATE standards
Adapted from Intel®Teach to the Future PPT
MarcoPolo Participants say….
Alabama data
Survey conducted DURING the training
Please evaluate the effectiveness of the trainer.
Mean: 4.67
How useful is the training in providing ideas for
you to integrate the Internet into your teaching?
Mean: 4.46
Alabama data
Survey conducted 10 weeks after the training
How often do you use the MarcoPolo Web Sites
to find lesson plans and student activities?
Percentage of teachers who encourage others
to use MarcoPolo after receiving training
Source: MarcoPolo Training Attendee Follow-up Survey as of: 9/25/2002 (380 respondents)
Training Results
Intel & MarcoPolo
Survey Comments: (Alabama data)
Many helpful things that have been available to us all along have not been used
because we were unaware of the full potential of the computer. UA
This is an outstanding program that will benefit all. Thank you for the opportunity.
Excellent, I’ve never learned so much technology.. UA
I enjoyed the way the Intel resource material and the instructor integrated
technology and good teaching practices. I learned many new teaching methods
as well as technology. TSUD
I liked the materials and resources that we can take away to refer to as we
continue working on technology integration. TSUD
The CD Rom resource is wonderful because it has so much information to access.
It also gives us a picture of how to integrated technology in instruction and how to
teach the students to work on projects that are related to the content area.
….I was able to bond with the others as we helped each other. A&M
Training Results
Intel & MarcoPolo
Survey Comments: (continued)
It was wonderful to have such high caliber materials and a knowledgeable
instructor to give us teachers a refresher on being an active learner again. I’m
really excited and eager to get my students involved with this program. A&M
I liked being able to develop materials immediately for use in the classroom.
it helps me in my classes and help my pre-service teachers integrate quality
technology. ASU - MP
MarcoPolo is an excellent resource for materials and methods courses. A&M –
The hands-on application opportunities have been extremely helpful. A&M
I liked the opportunity to gain new information and new ways to formulate the
learning process for students while having a blast! Like the hands-on training.
How do you intend to use this curriculum in your classroom?
I intend to change all of my classes to become more student centered,
cognitive problem solving utilizing technology more fully. A&M
I plan to share technology interactions with pre-service teachers as well as
integrating technology more into my own teaching at the university level as
well as the elementary level. TSUD
Evaluation Instrument
Used to assess effectiveness of the
implementation of the technology standards
Analysis and Results
Conducted pilot survey at A&M University
Survey evaluated:
- Modeling
- Preparation of teacher candidates
- Infrastructure
Intel® Teach to the Future
MarcoPolo Internet Content
for the Classroom