Ch 17 questions - Pleasantville High School

Name ____________________________
Mr. Welsh
March 2013
Equal Rights Under the Law
Natural Rights
Affirmative Action
Women’s Suffrage
Equal Protection Clause
Due Process Clause
White Primary
Racial Gerrymandering
Poll Tax
Literacy Test
Majority-Minority District
Jim Crow Laws
De Jure Segregation
De Facto Segregation
Commerce Clause
Class Action Suit
Racial or Religious Restrictive Covenants
#1. Explain the difference between civil liberties and civil rights.
#2. List and define the different types of “equality” listed in the chapter.
#3. What was the basic conclusion of the Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders?
#4. Describe the path of women’s suffrage beginning with the Seneca Falls Convention.
#5. Why has it been a struggle for Asian Americans to gain equal rights?
#6. The equal protection clause of the 14th amendment only applies to the actions of government.
Explain how this might limit true “equal rights.”
#7. What are the 3 constitutional classifications/tests the Supreme Court uses to determine is a law
complies with the equal protection clause? Explain each.
#8. What did the decision in Washington v Davis (1976) rule?
#9. How were African-Americans deprived their right to vote? How did the Voting Rights Act of 1965
attempt to fix the problem?
#10. Explain how Brown v Board of Education of Topeka reversed the ruling in Plessy v Ferguson.
#11. How are de jure segregation and de facto segregation different?
#12. Explain the position of reverse discrimination with regards to affirmative action.
#13. How did the ruling in University of California Regents v Bakke decide the fate of affirmative action?
Why has there been so much uncertainty since the ruling?