Notebook Entries Powerpoint

Essential Question:
Notebook Entries
• You must bring your English notebook daily to
• Number and label each entry to get full credit.
• Complete the required number of lines.
• When absent, be sure to make up entries missed
(posted on Web page one week in advance of due
• Notebooks will be collected and graded after 8-10
assignments (16-20 points).
• If a notebook is too sloppy to grade, it will be
returned without credit.
Notebook Entries
Entry 1: Ideal Teacher (8 to 10 lines)
Describe your ideal teacher. In your opinion,
what qualities does a good teacher possess?
What turns you off to a teacher? Think of past
teachers and describe a positive and a
negative experience. Don’t name names!!!
Entry 2: Greatest Fear (10 lines)
– Start each paragraph with a strong topic
sentence and include descriptive details.
– If you know, tell how long you’ve had this fear
and how it began.
– Describe how you feel and react when
confronted with this fear.
– Describe some situations you have to avoid
because of this fear.
Entry 3: Fame (10 lines)
• Would you like to be famous? Why or why
• If the answer is yes, what would you like to be
famous for? Describe what fame would be
like using details and examples.
• If the answer is no, explain why fame is not
desirable to you. Describe aspects of fame
that are unappealing.
Entry 4: Animal (10 lines)
• If you could choose to be any animal
for 48 hours (2 days), what would you
be and why? Describe your life as
this animal in detail. What would you
look like? What would you be able to
do? Demonstrate your ability to use
descriptive detail!
Entry 5: Dream (5-7 lines)
Describe the worst dream you ever
had. Use imagery to create a vivid
picture for your reader.
Entry 6: Eye for an Eye(5 lines)
Do you believe in an “Eye for an eye”
(revenge/justice) or “Turn the other
cheek” (forgiveness)?
Entry 7: Wish (10 lines)
If you could have any wish, what
would you wish for and why? And you
can’t wish for more wishes!!!
Entry 8: Life Code (10 lines/100 words)
What is your life’s code?
-These lines can be written in paragraph,
structured, or free verse form.
-Think about what is important to you. What do
you value? What do you stand for? How do
others view you as a person?
Notebook Entries
Entry 1: Subordinate Conjunctions
as if
as long as
as though
even if
even though
if only
in order to
now that
rather than
so that
Entry 2: Tone Poem (10 lines/100 words)
Write a ten line poem (structured or free verse)
with a particular tone. We will share and identify
tone in your poems. Some possible tones include
angry, excited, sad, frightened, sarcastic, loving,
proud or patriotic. Be prepared to share so that
others can identify the tone.
Some Possible Ideas:
•Angry (maybe about punishment you thought
was unfair)
•Sarcastic (maybe about how much you love
English class!)
Entry 3: Speaker (10 lines/100 words
Put yourself in someone else’s
Write ten lines (structured or free verse)
from the point of view of one of your
role models i.e., parent, sibling,
celebrity, teacher, coach, etc. We will
share poems and discuss the speaker of
your poem and what we can tell about
him or her.
Entry 4: Mood (10 lines/100 words)
Write ten lines to describe one of the
following scenarios:
being home alone when the lights go out
a small child lost in a crowded train station
food fight in the cafeteria
the last day of school
Be prepared to share and discuss the
mood of your poem!
Notebook Entry 5: Theme (10 lines/100 words)
Write a ten line poem (structured or free verse)
that explores any of the following topics for
themes: death, peace, friendship, jealousy,
loneliness, love, courage, prejudice, truth.
-Write the theme statement before you write the
poem (NOT ONE WORD!)
Notebook Entry 6: Do-over (5 to 7 lines)
If you could go back and relive one day of your life,
which day would it be and why?
Notebook Entry 7: Resource Officers (7 to 10
Do you think police have a role to play in school?
Why or why not?
Notebook Entry 8: Boy or Girl (7 to 10 lines)
Is it easier being a girl or boy?
Support your opinion with good
Notebook Entry 9: Immortality (7- 10 lines)
Do you think it would be a blessing or a curse to
have immortality (to live forever)? Why or why
Notebook Entry 10: Neighbor (7 – 10 lines)
Who would be the ideal celebrity neighbor?
Notebook Entries
Entry 1: First Day
Write for 15 minutes in the assigned text structure and
underline the transitions
The first day of school is always an interesting day…
Row A: descriptive
Row B: sequential
Row C: compare and contrast
Row D: cause/effect
Row E: Problem solution
Row F: Choice
Be prepared to share!!!
Entry 2: Beach
Write in the assigned text structure (20 minutes) and underline the
That was some day at the beach…
You have complete freedom. Was there a shark attack? Did you meet
your true love? Was it a tsunami? Was it World War II and the troops
were storming the beach of Normandy? Was this beach on another
Row A: Choice
Row B: Descriptive
Row C: Sequential
Row D: Compare/contrast
Row E: Cause/effect
Row F: Problem/solution
Entry 3: Expectation
Write 10-15 lines in the assigned text structure and underline the
When you least expect it…
Row A: Cause/effect
Row B: Problem/solution
Row C: Choice
Row D: Descriptive
Row E: Sequential
Row F:Compare/contrast
Entry 4: Never
Write 10-15 lines in the assigned text structure and underline
the transitions
I am never going there again…
Row A: Problem/Solution
Row B: Choice
Row C: Descriptive
Row D: Sequential
Row E: Compare/contrast
Row F:Cause/effect
Entry 5: Ride
Write 10-15 lines in the assigned text structure and underline
the transitions
It was quite a ride…
Row A: Compare/contrast
Row B: Cause/effect
Row C: Problem/solution
Row D: Choice
Row E: Descriptive
Row F:Sequential