Español 1

Español 1
Use a story, part of the word, a letter of the word or any association you
can come up with to help remember the following words.
Make a PowerPoint with your strategy for the word (see gold sheet sample
“el pie / me duele el pie”
For each slide make a connection for the infinitive & yo form (both can be
on 1 slide):
(page 140 your text)
1.Tener- to have
Tengo – I have
2.Venir – to come
Vengo – I come
3.Hacer – to do, to make
Hago – I do, I make
4.Poner – to put, to place
Pongo – I put, I place
5.Traer – to bring
Traigo- I bring
6.Saber- to know
Sé – I know
7.Ver- to see; watch
Veo- I see, I watch
8.Salir- to go out /to leave
Salgo- I go out, I leave
The following are “Tener Idioms” (page 126) phrases using tener. For the
ones that state + *Infinitive you can use a verb of your choice. For
example: Tengo que hacer la tarea. I have to do homework.
9.Tener que + infinitive
To have to do something
10.Tener ganas de + infinitive
To feel like doing something
11.Tener prisa
To be in a hurry
12.Tener hambre
To be hungry
13.Tener sed
To be thirsty
*Infinitive: Unchanged form of the verb. Examples: cantar, ver, escribir,
leer, correr, patinar, dibujar.
Typed accents and punctuation:
¿ - alt 168
¡ - alt 0161
á- alt 160
í - alt 161
é – alt 130
ó- alt 162
ú- alt 163
ñ- alt 164
É- alt 0201
Once you are done, save your presentation to:
C drive
Mrs. Buelow’s folder
Save in this format: last name, first initial: SmithJ