Chp 1-2 Study Guide Chp 1-2 Study Guide You will have multiple choice and short answer questions You will have multiple choice and short answer questions Know the functions of all the organelles we have discussed. Know the functions of all the organelles we have discussed. Know which organelles are in plants, animals or both. Know which organelles are in plants, animals or both. Know 3 differences between plant and animal CELLS? 1) Know 3 differences between plant and animal CELLS? 1) 2) 2) 3) 3) Know 3 similarities between plant and animal CELLS? 1) Know 3 similarities between plant and animal CELLS? 1) 2) 2) 3) 3) Draw a picture of a plant or animal cell and include 6 organelles. Label all organelles. Draw a picture of a plant or animal cell and include 6 organelles. Label all organelles. Put these in order from smallest to largest: Cell, organelle, atom, molecule, macromolecule Put these in order from smallest to largest: Cell, organelle, atom, molecule, macromolecule