Go Ahead, Make My Day Easier: Consultation Strategies for Effective Teaming, Leadership & Collaboration Maureen Melonis, M.N.S., CCC/SLP Conference & Training Coordinator Assistive Technology Partners www.uchsc.edu/atp 303-315-1280 1-800-255-3477 What is a consultant? The story of the shepherd… Consultant - What Is It? -What do you think of when you hear the word consultant? -Are you or have you ever been a consultant? -What are some of the skills a consultant should have? -Are there any tricks to consulting? Today's Agenda Definition of Consultant Roles of the Consultant 8 Phases of Consulting Difficulties with Consulting Consultant - What Is It? - A person in a position to have some influence over an individual, group, or an organization, but who has no direct power to make changes or implement programs, (Block, 1981, p.1) -A two-way interaction, a process of seeking, giving, and receiving help Skill Practice - Consultation Consultation - What’s My Role? Expert Pair-of-hands Collaborator Expert Role Expert goes in and gives the information Decisions on what to do are made by the expert Two-way communication is limited. Expert Role –Strengths & Challenges STRENGTHS: effective when purely technical problems PROBLEM: relies on the consultants skills and the decisions being accepted The pair-of-hands consultant Pair of hands consultant is there to “help” Control rests with the teacher/contract holder Collaboration is not necessary Two-way communication is limited Pair-of-Hands Role–Strengths & Challenges STRENGTHS: effective when all parties agree on methods/details PROBLEM:depends on teachers diagnosis of the problem, if it doesn’t work, consultant is blamed Collaborative Role Meet goals by joining expert knowledge with the organization knowledge joint undertaking help the teacher solve the problem Collaborative Role - Strengths & Challenges STRENGTHS: effective when clear expectations & communication PROBLEM: interpreted as foot dragging or insubordination depending upon the history Phases of Consulting Referral/Entry Expectations/Negotiation of contract Problem Diagnosis Agenda/Goal setting Implementation Review/Evaluation End It/Termination Do It Again/Possible renegotiations The Cycle of Consultation 8. Do it Again 1.Referral 7. End it 2. Expectations REPAIRED 3.Problem Diagnosis 6. Review 5. Implementation 4.Agenda/Goals Phase One – Referral/Entry Into System Planned Opportunistic Uninvited Invited Phase Two – Expectations Negotiation of Contract Formal or informal Might include/discuss: – – – – – – Preamble Scope of services Compensation Accountability Renegotiations Marketing Phase Three – Problem Diagnosis Initial collection of data Development of methodology Preliminary diagnosis Phase Four- Agenda & Goal Setting Mutual respect is the key Need awareness of politics Identify key power figures Understand decision making process Phase Five – Implement It Develop communication network (both within and without the system) Confront resistive forces Develop alternate strategies Provide staff training Phase Six – Review & Evaluation Ongoing feedback Provides data to clarify goals, refine or revise intervention strategies, and develop future plans Different methods – Informal and formal Phase Seven – End It/Termination Early termination Late termination Phase Eight – Do It Again/Possible Renegotiations Reason for new contract – – – New problems identified Changes in the system Changes in the activity Difficulties With Consulting Communication breakdowns Influencing without authority Low control high risk Difficulties With Consulting Proving yourself constantly Dealing with resistance Exercising restraint in making clients decision for them Ambiguity – (Jamieson & Wyman, 1987) What to Think About When Consulting What’s my role? What phase are we in? Is communication open? What should happen before, during, and after Summary Definition of Consultant Roles of the Consultant 8 Phases of Consulting Difficulties with Consulting