Feudalism & Manorial System

Feudalism & Manorial
I. Invaders Attack W. Euro.
800-1000: invasions helped destroy
Carolingian Emp.
– Muslims
– Magyar
– Vikings
A. The Vikings
From Scandinavia
 “Northman” or the “Norse” (Germanic)
 Farmers, fishermen, hunters, traders, &
 “a-Viking” we will go! (summer months)
 800s = food shortage in Scan.
Viking ships
 Sailed across Atlantic to Iceland,
Greenland, & N. Amer. (Leif Ericson)
 Also, England, Ireland, & Fr.
– Normandy
Traded w/strong, pillaged weak
 Enjoyed battle (large axes, swords, &
wooden shields)
Followed pagan beliefs
 1000: Vikings faded
– Gradually accepted Christianity
– Euro. climate warmed…ag. improved
B. Magyars & Muslims Attack
Magyars: nomads from east (late 800s)
– Tactics similar to Huns
– Become the “Hungarians”
– Overran Italy, reached Rhineland & Burgundy
– Did not settle conquered land, only took slaves
– Settled in what is now Hungary
Muslims: attacked from south (Italy & Spain)
– Terrorized Med. coast—took Sicily, Sardinia, &
Invasions = disorder & suffering
– Euros. were in constant danger
– Turned to local rulers for security
II. Feudalism
Govt. disappeared after Char’s. death 814
 Continent of small, independent local govts.
 Feudalism: kings granted land to other
nobles in return for loyalty & military
– Kings = gave grants of land (fief) to nobles
 Lord = person who granted land
 Vassal = person who received land
– Fief = grant of land, contract betw. lord & vassal
A. Feudal Pyramid
Hierarchical Pyramid
– King
– Vassals (nobles & bishops)
– Knights (defended lord’s land)
– Peasants (landless)
B. Social Classes
Three groups:
– 1. those who fought
– 2. those who prayed
– 3. those who worked
 Vast majority of pop.
 Serfs (bound to place of birth)
Majority of pop. = peasants (serfs)
– Could not leave the land w/out the lord’s permission
Church = part of the feudal system
– 900s: owned vast amounts of land
 granted some as fiefs to nobles for military protection
C. Feudal Relationships
Three facts:
– 1. it was an honorable relationship betw. equals
– 2. same man could be both vassal & lord
– 3. the relationship was a personal one
D. Obligations of Feudalism
Vassals had more obligations than the lord
– Provide lord w/cavalry & infantry
– Had to cover extraordinary expenses
– Served on the lord’s court
E. Feudal Justice
Court trials were decided:
– 1. trial by battle (duel)
– 2. compurgation (oath taking)
– 3. trial by ordeal
F. Warfare
Fights betw. feudal lords or betw. lords &
 Knights:
– Iron helmet, shirt of chain mail, sword, shield,
 Later, metal plates replaced chain mail (Why?)
*For nobles, war = opps. for glory & wealth!
III. The Manorial System
Feudalism = govt. & military system
 Manorial System = economic structure
– Large estate
Manor = lord’s estate
 Lord gave serfs housing, farmland, &
 Serfs tended land, animals, & performed
 Peasant women shared farmwork
 No central authority or trade existed
– Manors were self-sufficient
Lord & peasants shared land
– Lord = 1/3 of land (demesne)
– Peasants = 2/3 of land
Usually located on a stream for its mill
 Covered a few square miles
 Had lord’s house, church, & workshops
 Cultivated land was divided into 3 large fields
– 2 of 3 planted each year (1 lied fallow)
A. Peasant Life
peasants = serfs
 Some free people rented land
– Skilled workers (millers, blacksmiths, carpenters)
 Life on manor = very hard
– Meager diet
– Rarely ate meat
Life expectancy = 30 years (disease,
starvation, war)
B. The Life of Nobility
Nobles did not lead luxurious lives
 Castle
– Fortified home of lord
– Served as base from which to protect the surrounding
– Early castles = relatively simple built of wood & earth
– Later = stone
– Located in hills or easily defendable areas (had moats)