Introduction to Government


Introduction to


What is a State?

Central Message:

What is a government ?

• Government is the institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policy .

• Public policy is all of the goals a government sets and the various courses of action it pursues as it attempts to realize these goals.

• Our institutions are Congress, the president, the courts, and federal agencies

• AKA “the Bureaucracy”

Central Message:

• Legislative Power: the power to make laws

Three types of power

• Executive Power: the power to enforce laws

• Judicial Power: the power to interpret laws

Central Message:


• A state is a body of people living in a defined territory who

of a State

have a government with the power to make and enforce law without the consent of any higher authority.

Central Message:

Origins of the


• Force Theory

• Evolutionary Theory

• Divine Right Theory

• Social Contract Theory

• Thomas Hobbes

• John Locke


of the State

The Force Theory The Force Theory

• The force theory states that one person or a small group took control of an area and forced all within it to submit to that person’s or group’s rule.

The Evolutionary Theory

• The evolutionary theory argues that the state evolved naturally out of the early family.

The Divine Right Theory

• The theory of divine right holds that God created the state and that God gives those of royal birth a “divine right” to rule.

The Social Contract Theory

• The social contract theory argues that the state arose out of a voluntary act of free people.

Central Message:

Purpose of


Preamble to the


• Form a more perfect union.

• Establish justice.

• Insure domestic tranquility.

• Provide for the common defense.

• Promote the general welfare.

• Secure the blessings of liberty.


5 Functions of a National Government


Maintain a National Defense

 Govt. protects its national sovereignty, usually by maintaining armed services

 Nuclear age has sophisticated weapons

 U.S. spends over $300 billion/year on defense


2. Provide public services

 Aka public goods (goods that everyone shares)

 Schools, libraries, highways, public parks, clean air and water

 Provided for those not able to access privately owned services (i.e. private schools)


3. Preserve Order

 Govt. may resort to extreme measures to restore order when people protest in large numbers

 1970: Kent State

 1992: LA Riots


4. Socialize the Young

 Most modern govts. pay for education and use it to instill values among the young

5. Collect Taxes

– Used to pay for the public goods and services

– Approx. 1 out of every

3 dollars earned by

American citizen is used to pay for national, state, and local taxes


• Govt. functions = weighty decisions by political leaders

 How much should we spend on national defense as opposed to education?

 How high should taxes for Medicare and SS be?

 The way we answer those questions is through politics

Classification by Geographic

Distribution of Power

Unitary Government

• A unitary government has all powers held by a single, central agency.

Confederate Government

• A confederation is an alliance of independent states.

Federal Government

• A federal government is one in which the powers of government are divided between a central government and several local governments.

• An authority superior to both the central and local governments makes this division of power on a geographic basis.


Government Types

1. Autocracy

 Absolute Monarchy, Constitutional Monarchy,


 Unitary System

 Queen, King, Dictator, King or Queen w/leg.body

 AM : Saudi Arabia, Qutar, Bhutan, Swaziland

 CM : England, Netherlands, Denmark, Nepal,


 Dict : Cuba, North Korea


Constitutional Monarch:

• Shares govt. powers with elected legislatures or serve as ceremonial leaders

Queen Elizabeth II

(Great Britain)

Absolute Monarch:

• Has complete and unlimited power to rule

King Fahd

(Saudi Arabia)



 Govt. not responsible to the people and people lack the power to limit their rulers

Fidel Castro


Kim Jong



Government Types



 Unitary

 Small group rules

 Membership based on wealth, lineage, military power, religion

 China


Government Types

3. Democracy

 Federal

 Direct Democracy – people rule directly

 Citizens come together to discuss and pass laws, and select rulers (most turn to mob rule)

 Indirect Democracy (Representative) – people rule through elected representatives

• Aka republic

 DD: Switzerland has mixture of DD and ID

 ID: U.S., Canada, Australia, Italy

What is the difference between

Presidential and Parliamentary




• Word comes from two Greek words – Demos (people) and Kratos (authority of the people)

 Supreme political authority rests with the people

 Government is only conducted w/ people’s consent


Basic Concepts of Democracy

(What is necessary for the establishment and maintenance of a Democracy?)


Individual Liberty (Effective Participation)

 Citizens must be as free as possible to develop and express their preferences through the decisionmaking process


2. Majority Rule with

Minority Rights

• Govt. decisions must be based on the will of the majority (over half the voters)

• Will of minority always heard and protected

• Interest groups protect minority rights and promote minority opinion

3. Free Elections

• People have chance to choose their leaders and voice opinions on issues

• Every vote carries same weight

• Citizens free to support issue or help candidates get elected

• Racial, ethnic, religious tests cannot restrict voting

• Citizens vote by secret ballot w/out fear of punishment for their vote


4. Competing Political


• Voters must have access to competing ideas

• Democrats and

Republicans (2 major U.S. parties)

5. Education

• Voting makes little sense unless a large number of voters can read and write to express their interests and opinions


6. Equal Distribution of Wealth

• Relatively prosperous nation with equitable distribution of wealth

• Extreme amount of wealth or poverty lessens possibility of healthy democracy


7. Inclusion

• Citizenship open to all if Democratic

The American concept of democracy rests on these basic notions:

(1) A recognition of the fundamental worth and dignity of every person;

(2) A respect for the equality of all persons;

(3) A faith in majority rule and an insistence upon minority rights;

(4) An acceptance of the necessity of compromise; and

(5) An insistence upon the widest possible degree of individual freedom.

Democracy and the Free

Enterprise System

• Free enterprise system is an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods; investments that are determined by private decision rather than by state control; and determined in a free market.

• Decisions in a free enterprise system are determined by the law of supply and demand.

• An economy in which private enterprise exists in combination with a considerable amount of government regulation and promotion is called a mixed economy.
