STANDARDS AND PUPILS COMMITTEE Guidance is shown in italics. Membership Perhaps 3-7 Governors including the Headteacher. Chair The Chair of the Committee may be appointed by the full Governing Body, or elected by the Committee, as determined by the Governing Body. Quorum The quorum must (by Law) be 3 Governors. The LA recommends that the quorum should normally specify that at least one of the Governors present should not be employed at the school. Clerk The Governing Body must appoint a Clerk to the Committee, or delegate this responsibility to the Committee. Meetings may be clerked by any person appointed by the full Governing Body/Committee, except for the Headteacher, who is prevented by legislation from holding this appointment. At most schools, a member of the Committee acts as Clerk. Overall Purpose of the Committee The overall purpose of the Committee is to: monitor standards achieved by pupils and help them achieve more; monitor the school’s success in promoting Inclusion; ensure that the school development plan is focused on appropriate priorities for raising standards at the school; ensure that school policies are reviewed on a regular basis to promote improved standards and contain appropriate targets/success criteria. In carrying out all its responsibilities the Committee must act: in partnership with the Headteacher; in accordance with statutory requirements; in accordance with any general principles set by the full Governing Body; after consulting (as appropriate) staff, parents, pupils, the LA, the Diocese (at voluntary schools) and relevant organisation/agencies. TERMS OF REFERENCE: STANDARDS AND PUPILS COMMITTEE A. STANDARDS AND PRIORITIES 1. To monitor pupil standards and help them achieve more. 2. To include in the monitoring of standards, the achievement of pupils in particular groups, including boys/girls, disadvantaged children, children with learning difficulties and disabilities, more able children, children from minority ethnic groups and children looked after by the local authority, to ensure that there is a ‘closing of the gap’ in educational achievement. 3. To take into account all relevant advice from the School Improvement Adviser, the local authority, Ofsted and other external bodies. 4. To ensure that the school development plan addresses the priorities for raising standards, including appropriate targets/success criteria. 5. To monitor the effectiveness of the relevant sections of the school development plan each term. 6. To monitor the schools processes and procedures in place to ensure that pupils are well behaved and safe. 7. To monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning. 8. To monitor and evaluate the quality of leadership and management within school (including that of the Governing Body). 9. To monitor the use of Pupil Premium funding to ensure that it is targeting the pupils it is intended for, along with their learning priorities. 10. To monitor the use of Sports Premium funding to ensure that it is improving the quality of the PE and sport activities offered to pupils. B. POLICY RESPONSIBILITIES 11. To ensure that school policies (including those specified below) are reviewed on a regular basis to promote improved standards and contain appropriate targets/success criteria. Governing Body’s statutory responsibilities for the overall curriculum 12. To review the Governing Body’s curriculum policy annually and to present any draft amendments to the full Governing Body for consideration and approval. Governing Body’s policy on sex education 13. To review the Governing Body’s sex education policy once every two years and to present any draft amendments to the full Governing Body for consideration and approval. Governing Body’s policy on the identification, assessment and provision for pupils with special educational needs 14. To ensure that the school meets the statutory requirements of the SEND Regulations 2014. 15. To review the Governing Body’s policy on the identification, assessment and provision for pupils with special educational needs (in line with the statutory requirements of the SEND regulations 2014, the needs of the school and in partnership with parents, carers, families and children and young people), its implementation and its impact at least once every two years and to present any draft amendments to the full Governing Body for consideration and approval. Statement of general principles to which the Headteacher must have regard when determining measures to promote good behaviour and discipline (Section 61 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998) 16. To review the statement agreed by the full Governing Body, its implementation and its impact at least once every two years and to present any draft amendments to the full Governing Body for consideration and approval. Parents will be consulted as part of any major review. Child Protection 17. To review child protection arrangements at least annually to ensure that the school: designates a member of staff to be responsible for co-ordinating child protection within the school and for liaising with other agencies, including the Wakefield District Safeguarding Children Board (WDSCB) and to receive appropriate training: has an up-to-date policy on child protection in accordance with statutory requirements, DfE and LA advice and the requirements of the procedures of WDSCB; communicates the policy to staff and parents; monitors the policy regularly; and evaluates the policy regularly. C. CONTRIBUTION TO SCHOOL SELF-REVIEW 18. To ensure that the Self Evaluation Summary (SES) reflects the Committee’s conclusions on standards in the school and the following related issues: Pupil Achievement; Quality of Teaching; Behaviour and Safety; Leadership and Management; Early Years Provision (where applicable); and Priorities for Future Development.