July 2012

Next Meeting
Wednesday August 1st
Business Meeting - Kamo Fire Station
Korero Knews
Kia ora te whanau – Greetings to our Lions’ family
Welcome to another year of Lionism. With our newer members getting more involved, this
year is promising to be a year of new ideas. It’s from these ideas that our club will continue
to serve our community into the future. This will also inspire our
members and invigorate the club. Henry Ford once said, “If we
always do what we always did, we will always get what we always
What I’m sure, he was getting at was that we need to challenge the
attitude, of “We have always done it that way‟, or “We tried that year’s
ago.‟ We as a club and an association need to embrace change. We need
new ideas and ways in which we can serve our community and those less
fortunate than ourselves.
June has been a relatively quiet month for us although, this was not
entirely surprising as traditionally, this month is a time of winding up for the year and setting targets
for the new Lions’ year. Our change of officer's evening at the Sun Wah Restaurant was well
attended and went off very well. The club officers for the 2012 – 2013 Lions’ year are largely
unchanged. This should allow the club to continue down the change path to developing a new culture.
From what I have been hearing the stocktaking project at Mitre 10 was a lot of fun, who could get
excited counting hinges and screws? Not only was the project fun it also raised many hundreds of
dollars for our administration account. Whilst Judy and I were sunning it up in the Cook Islands,
thank you to those who did turn up gave up your time so willingly. Thank you also to those that
assisted with the marshalling at the car rally stop-over in Laurie Hall car park, another worthwhile
Although the numbers that attended the combined club's District Governor’s visit at the Hikurangi
Golf Club was disappointing, the evening was very enjoyable with DG Robyn outlining her goals for the
coming year. Hosts, Hikurangi Lions always put on a good evening and in particular, their catering. The
bonus for Kamo Lions was Fran coming away with one of the raffle prizes, well done Fran. Poor Andy
was itching to get going but was held back so watch out at our next dinner meeting in August, he’ll be
looking for ideas to get hold of your loose change.
Keep smiling and go out and make a positive difference to someone.
From our Club Meetings
Social Meeting
Unfortunately I was unable to attend this meeting out at Hikurangi with our fellow club but I am told it was
a great meeting and I know from past experience how hospitable the club out there can be. Our new
Governor Robyn would have given us her message for the year “Caring for One Another” along with the
message she brought back from the International Training and Convention in Busan Korea. International
President Wayne Madden will have passed on his message for Robyn to bring to us and the rest of the
clubs in the District
Business meeting
Membership report
Member Activities – Nil reported.
Rally – Colin thanked those who assisted with the Rally and reported on the success of the event
throughout the Northland roads.
Projects Report
Special Education Resource Centre –A firm date was set to complete this project on Sunday 29th July.
Colin to inform centre managers.
Tree Planting – There is to be a further tree planting at Urititi on Saturday 4th August.
Community Project Youth Report
No report.
Financial Report
In Graeme’s absence all that could be reported was the balances in the accounts.
General Business
Project Promise- Colin reported on the current and future plans for Project Promise and the next two
events. He especially asked for assistance for the first of these projects the Race meeting on the 21st. He
will circulate an email requesting assistance with specific tasks on the day.
Our members at Work
Our Page 3
Our Bella getting alongside the “Rockstars” of rallying from the left Ken Block (USA), Emma Gilmour
(NZ) and Petter Solberg (Finland).
Vice president Alan Williams presenting the cheques to Jenny Newhouse and Andres Langford
representing the Special Olympics committee’s of the Bay of Islands and Whangarei branches.
Coming Dates to Remember
Saturday July 21st
Saturday 4th August
Friday 12th October
Project Promise – Race meeting
Tree Planting – Urititi
Project Promise – Sports Dinner
Quotable Quotes
I awoke and saw that life was but service – I
served and understood that service was joy
“People become great by doing what they don’t
want to do when they don’t want to do it.”
Editors Comments
Sorry I did not get a bulletin out before our meeting with District Governor Robyn. However, there was not
a lot of time between meetings in July. Huck was away so I left him alone for his contribution besides which
I wasn’t feeling 100%. A lot of excuses but better late than never.
A big thank you to those who assisted with the Rally Service Park. I hope it wasn’t too onerous, I know our
Bella enjoyed herself especially getting alongside all the “Rock Stars” especially Emma Gilmour. Believe me
I was pestered by her to ensure she got to meet Emma so I had to make sure that happened and I took a
photo for Bella.
It was a busy time for me during the rally which, along with getting over my illness, took it out of me.
However I believe I am back up and running full steam now. At the end of this month we will be completing
our project for the Special Education Resource Library people in Kamo Rd. Whilst Alan Williams will be
doing most of the work he will need assistance from a good many of us to do the dogsbody jobs like
clearing and tidying the area etc. When we have had another look at what is to be done we will contact
everyone asking for assistance and I am sure members will come along to do their bit to help.
I have included apiece from our new LCIF Chairman Wu –Kun Tam, our Immediate Past International
President. This will give especially our newer members some indication of what uses our annual donation
to LCIF is put.
What good does it do to make the world a better Place?
What is LCIF – Lions Clubs International Foundation – Your Foundation contributed to by the Lions of the
world to do undertake projects an individual club or district would not be able to achieve.
A message from the Chairman of LCIF for the beginning of this Lions Year.
Dear Lion,
I am so excited to now address you as the Chairperson of our Foundation. I know
what great things this Foundation has done in the past and what it can do in the future
through the support of Lions. And, because of this, I believe in our Foundation.
This year, I am looking forward to all the important projects we will complete and all
the people we will help through our Foundation. After all, we have already saved the
sight of 30 million people through Sight First positively impacted 12 million young
people through Lions Quest, given over US$88 million for disaster relief since the
Foundation began and met countless humanitarian needs through partnerships and
Lions are leaders in service. Let this new Lions year be an opportunity to set new
goals for your club and for your district. One program that I encourage you to support
is the One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative. Together, we can make the lives of millions of children worldwide
better through needed measles vaccinations. I believe in the power of Lions and our Foundation to help eliminate
I am not the only one who believes this. Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization, spoke
at our International Convention in Busan, Korea. She spoke of how measles is a leading cause of childhood blindness
in the developing world and can be prevented through an inexpensive vaccine. She also spoke of the respect Lions
have earned through service, and our power to make a difference by supporting measles vaccinations.
We are halfway to our goal of raising US$10 million dollars, but still must meet the challenge grant from the Gates
Foundation. Thank you to those who have donated. Now, I encourage all Lions to help reach that goal and immunize
157 million children this year alongside our partners. You can make a donation online. Just US$1 can make a
difference in the life of a child.
Wing-Kun Tam
Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation
Have a Giggle
My mother taught
me about STAMINA.
"You'll sit there until
all that spinach is
My mother taught
"Because I said so,
that's why."
Sardar and his BMW
Achar Singh buys the new Automatic BMW X8 sport. He drives the car perfectly well during the day, but
at night the car just won’t move at all.
He tries driving the car at night for a week but still no luck.
He then furiously calls the BMW dealers and they send out a technician to him.
The technician asks “Sir, are you sure you are using the right gears?”
Full of anger Achar replies “You fool, idiot man, how you could ask such a question, I'm not stupid! I use
D for the Day and N for the Night...”
Understanding Engineers One
To the optimist, the glass is half-full.
To the pessimist, the glass is half-empty.
To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Understanding Engineers Two
Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
My mother taught me
"You better pray that
will come out of the
My mother taught me
"Stop acting like your
International President
Wayne A. Madden
District Governor 202K
Robyn Walker
Caring for Each Other
-To Nurture, Encourage, Develop and strengthen