A NEW ERA IN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: CHARTING THE COURSE 2010 ACMHA SUMMIT I N T R O D U C T I ON A N D O V E R V I E W What will change in the next 5 years? National health reform legislation; Serving more people MH/SU parity legislation; Medicare copayment parity Integrated healthcare delivery; Medical/Health Homes Changes in reimbursement approaches/incentives Health information technology; Electronic health records Changing consumer & workforce demographics Greater emphasis on recovery & reduction of disparities Enhanced focus on quality improvement & use of evidence based practices New patterns of leadership & collaboration I know what I need to about these topics. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Ne utr al Dis agr Str ee on gly Dis agr ee ree Ag on gly A gre e 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Str 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I have a clear plan to respond to these changes. Ne utr al Dis agr Str ee on gly Dis agr ee ree Ag on gly A gre e Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Str 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Meeting Objectives—Each of us should: Develop a better understanding of the nature of the major changes that will impact behavioral health care in America over the next 5 years Increase our awareness of how the major changes might impact us—both risks and opportunities—in our communities, states, and Nationally Begin to develop strategies for how we might position ourselves & our organizations (including ACMHA) to improve quality & cost effectiveness over this time of dramatic change Summit Planning Process Objectives Capitalize on ACMHA’s greatest strength—Members Reduce presentations; Increase discussion Provide detailed background reading materials Build on some principles from strategic planning Use plenary facilitators and breakout group moderators who know ACMHA and our members Communicate breakout knowledge, but avoid report out sessions Make time in the day for interest groups & activities The Structure of the Summit Day 1: National Policy Changes Chuck Ingoglia; Tom McLellan; Pam Hyde Question: What will behavioral health care look like in the future? Day 2: Looking under the hood at what the changes mean Dale Jarvis (Financing); Kathy Reynolds (Models of Care) Ron Finch (Business Perspective) ;Ed Jones (Managed Care) Wilma Townsend (Consumer Recovery & Disparities) Question: What are the critical issues & strategies to address them? Day 3 Question: What actions should we take in our communities, organizations, states, and Nationally? Thanks to Facilitators & Moderators Plenary Facilitators: Jeannette Harrison & Dick Dougherty Colette Croze & John Morris Gail Hutchings & Allen Daniels Breakout Group Moderators: Andy Sekel & Vijay Ganju Ron Manderscheid & Kana Enomoto Gail Robinson & Stephanie Oprendek Bill Hudock & Deborah Fickling Vivian Jackson & Harvey Rosenthal David Shern & Christopher Wilkins Background Materials at ACMHA.org LISTEN, SHARE, LEARN AND ENJOY! CULTIVATE LEADERS, FOSTER INNOVATION