SAMPLE ASSESSMENT TASKS DANCE GENERAL YEAR 11 Copyright © School Curriculum and Standards Authority, 2014 This document – apart from any third party copyright material contained in it – may be freely copied, or communicated on an intranet, for non-commercial purposes in educational institutions, provided that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority is acknowledged as the copyright owner, and that the Authority’s moral rights are not infringed. Copying or communication for any other purpose can be done only within the terms of the Copyright Act 1968 or with prior written permission of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. Copying or communication of any third party copyright material can be done only within the terms of the Copyright Act 1968 or with permission of the copyright owners. Any content in this document that has been derived from the Australian Curriculum may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Australia licence Disclaimer Any resources such as texts, websites and so on that may be referred to in this document are provided as examples of resources that teachers can use to support their learning programs. Their inclusion does not imply that they are mandatory or that they are the only resources relevant to the course. 2014/12383v3 1 Sample assessment task Dance – General Year 11 Task 4 – Unit 2 Assessment type: Performance/production Conditions Period allowed for completion of the task: 5 weeks Presentation of choreographed dance scene week 10 Term 3 Task weighting 15% of the school mark for this pair of units __________________________________________________________________________________ Choreographed dance scene (29 marks) (15%) In groups of at least four, choose a scene from a movie and plan, choreograph and present a dance which advances the plot, develops character, creates a mood or atmosphere or embodies dramatic themes. Task description Working in groups of 4–8 you will take a scene from a movie and turn it into a piece of musical theatre. You will plan, choreograph and present a dance scene of between 2–4 minutes. The dance can be in any style of your choice. It is not necessary for you to sing. Firstly, in creating ideas for your performance, you will: Watch examples of dances in the style of musical theatre. Examples include Sweet Charity, Singing in the Rain and News Boys. What is the dance’s function? Is it to advance the plot; develop character; create a mood or atmosphere; or does it embody dramatic themes? Choose a scene from any movie of your choice. Try to choose a movie that is not already a musical or has dance scenes. For example, Braveheart, Pirates of the Caribbean, Titanic, Avatar, War Horse, The Hunger Games. This will allow your work to be original. Identify the function of this scene in the movie. Is it to advance the plot; develop character; create a mood or atmosphere; or does it embody dramatic themes? Will this be the function of your dance scene? Plan a beginning, middle and end of your dance in your journal. Listen to music options. Select your music. Divide music into sections and plot dance. Participate in a number of improvisation and choreographic workshops solving movement tasks and exploring dance ideas. In your groups warm up using safe exercising. Play one fast song (warm up using low intensity movements, mobilise joints, increase heart rate, coordination) then one slow song (stretch major muscle groups). Each group member takes turns at being leader throughout warm up. Use movement acquired from contemporary and jazz class to explore choreographic devices – canon, unison, motif and contrast. Manipulate these to include in your dance. Sample assessment tasks | Dance | General Year 11 2 Secondly, explore and develop design ideas for your performance which will enhance your story telling. Document these in your journal. Costume design: How can you create these costumes using everyday clothes and costumes already in the costume cupboard? Decide choice of colour(s) to create mood. Discuss what sound effects/visual images/props could be used to enhance dance scene. How can these be created? Plan to organise this. Plan music editing if required. Optional: Use computer programs to add sound effects and edit music. Fill out basic lighting sheets. Thirdly, prepare and perform your dance. Each group member to take turns as rehearsal director – correct mistakes, ensure correct use of space, encourage facial expressions. Perform the dance scene to class, using teacher and peer feedback to improve your performance. Prepare for your performance, including consideration of performance space – entry and exit points, theatre etiquette (on stage and backstage) and allocation of cleaning up roles after the performance. Enjoy performing your dance to an audience. Throughout this process, you will need to use your journal to reflect, using the following focus questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. How effectively is your group working so far on the choreography task? What will your group have to do to ensure success in this task? Give your ideas for potential music choices and justify why they would be suitable. Describe your contribution so far to this task. After watching and analysing a scene from High School Musical, what did you learn that will help you in your own choreographic task? Describe/draw your costume ideas and explain your choices. Describe your growth in choreography in the following three areas: Social (getting to know and working with others, feeling comfortable in the class, your contribution to a positive class atmosphere) Physical (technique, strength, flexibility, fitness and coordination) Knowledge (understanding of information, use of dance terminology). What have you enjoyed about this choreography task? How has this been different from creating other dances in the past? Are you happy with your final product? Why or why not? How could you adapt your dance scene to suit a non-traditional performance space e.g. performance in the round, outdoor performance? Reflect on and evaluate your performance according to the performance criteria sheet. What needs to be submitted for assessment □ Presentation of choreographed dance scenes to an audience □ Dance journal, including choreographic planner Sample assessment tasks | Dance | General Year 11 Due dates 3 Marking key for sample assessment task 4 – Unit 2 Dance composition Choreographic skills in dance Consistently demonstrates a strong use of BEST with varied and controlled body shape, levels, pathways, time and movement qualities in relation to chosen dance genre Demonstrates an effective use of BEST with minor inconsistencies of varied and controlled body shape, levels, pathways, time and movement qualities in relation to chosen dance genre Demonstrates a simple and predictable use of BEST with inconsistencies of varied and controlled body shape, levels, pathways, time and movement qualities in relation to chosen dance genre Demonstrates limited use of BEST with minimal varied and controlled body shape, levels, pathways, time and movement qualities in relation to chosen dance 4 3 2 1 Communication of ideas in dance Consistently and clearly demonstrates the essential ideas of the dance. Successfully creates a musical theatre dance scene that achieves one of the following: advances the plot, develops character, creates a mood or atmosphere, or embodies dramatic themes Dance scene communicates some ideas but there are inconsistencies in the clarity of the communication; attempts to achieve one of the following: advances the plot, develops character, creates a mood or atmosphere, or embodies dramatic themes Dance scene has difficulty in developing character and creating mood; doesn’t effectively convey a theme Dance scene doesn’t feature any characteristics of the musical theatre genre 7–8 5–6 3–4 1–2 Rehearsal skills and contribution to teamwork Consistent evidence of well-planned, dedicated team effort e.g. attending rehearsals, effective contribution as rehearsal manager, choreographic input and effective group work and problem solving Evidence of collaborative teamwork and positive contribution throughout the process Some evidence of teamwork or contribution to the dance e.g. attended most rehearsals, some choreographic input, some attempt at being rehearsal manager Limited to no evidence of teamwork or contribution to the dance e.g. poor attendance at rehearsals, does not know choreography without following others, poor attempt at being rehearsal manager 4 3 2 1 Performance skills Presents dance scene with sustained performance quality where there is a clear sense of commitment to the movement relevant to the musical theatre genre. Strong performance demonstrated Presents dance scene where the performance quality is mostly sustained, with some inconsistencies in interpretation of the musical theatre genre Presents dance scene with some awareness of performance qualities but intermittently sustains role in the dance e.g. hot and cold, looks down, makes mistakes, touches costume Presents dance scene with little or no awareness of performance qualities e.g. student marks movement or the movement looks pedestrian Dance composition score 7–8 5–6 3–4 1–2 /24 Sample assessment tasks | Dance | General Year 11 4 Choreographic planner: documents choreographic process, ideas, observations, sketches, brainstorming etc. and feedback plus reflections and evaluations about the rehearsals/process. Documentation of dance process in choreographic planner Makes detailed and regular entries in the choreographic planner that comprehensively 3 document the process 2 Makes regular entries in the choreographic planner that clearly document the process 1 Makes occasional entries in the choreographic planner to document the process Critical reflections about group collaboration processes Reflects on strengths and limitations of group collaboration, makes relevant suggestions to 4 improve the dance and listens to others’ point of view Identifies some strengths and limitations of group collaboration and offers some relevant 3 ways they can shape the dance during rehearsals Entries occasionally identify ways to improve group collaboration. Comments may address 2 strengths and/or limitations and/or ways to improve the dance but in simple and not always relevant ways Has difficulty identifying strengths and/or limitations of group collaboration and/or a way to 1 improve the dance Provides an evaluation of the final performance 3 Gives a clear, thoughtful evaluation of final performance 2 Provides an adequate evaluation of final performance Makes a limited attempt at evaluating final performance. Comments are unsupported or 1 mostly irrelevant Sample assessment tasks | Dance | General Year 11 Score /10 Convert /5 Total task marks /29 Task weighting: 15% of overall unit mark /15 5 Sample assessment task Dance – General Year 11 Task 6 – Unit 2 Assessment type: Response Conditions Period allowed for completion of the task: 1 period Scheduled for Week 3 Term 4 Task weighting 10% of the school mark for this pair of units __________________________________________________________________________________ In-class critical review (21 marks) (10%) After a series of lessons addressing critical review writing for dance, you are to write a review of the dance scene ‘Stick with the Status Quo’ from High School Musical. Your planning notes will also be assessed. Task description Before viewing the dance scene Discuss what a critical review is. Look at different examples of a critical review and make word banks of dance vocabulary in journal. Watch the entire movie so you understand the story line, characters and themes (this must be done in your own time). Whilst viewing the dance scene Watch the first time. Second time through, complete the note making framework provided by the teacher in your journal. After the dance scene, discuss What was the function of the dance? (To advance the plot, develop character, create a mood or atmosphere, or embody dramatic themes.) How was the dance built into the scene? What props/set parts from the scene did the dance use? What styles of dance did you see being used? How did the dance entertain you? What did the dance tell you about the other characters? What choreographic elements could you see in the dance? How well were they used? Plan and draft your review Use your understanding of musical theatre to describe, analyse, interpret and evaluate the dance scene, including the design elements, and how they contributed to the dance performance and the evaluation of the dance performance. Use examples to support your statements. Refine and organise your class notes and ideas to create a skeleton structure prior to writing the in-class review, allowing for clarity and coherence. You are allowed to bring into class 50 key words to assist you in writing the review. What needs to be submitted for assessment □ Planning notes and note-making framework □ In-class review Due dates Sample assessment tasks | Dance | General Year 11 6 Marking key for sample assessment task 6 – Unit 2 Planning notes Makes relevant and detailed reflections about the expectations of the performance relevant to the genre, venue, functions of the dance Detailed notes about first impressions and thoughts following the performance, including drawings and diagrams, evaluations, audience responses; utilises correct dance terminology Makes brief notes about the expectations of the performance relevant to the genre, venue, functions of the dance Brief notes on first impressions and thoughts following the performance, may include some diagrams, drawings, audience response, evaluation and some use of dance terminology Limited attempt at completing the question sheet prior to the performance Limited attempt at reflecting on expectations of the performance and thoughts and impressions after viewing the performance 3 2 1 Journal reflections score /3 Critical review Discussion of concept or idea choreographer explored in the work Offers a detailed, logical, descriptive interpretation of the overall concept of the dance 7–8 scene and of the ideas which are explored by the choreographer Gives a detailed description of the overall concept of the dance scene and of the ideas 5–6 which are explored by the choreographer Provides an outline of the overall concept of the dance scene 3–4 Describes some of the ideas which are explored by the choreographer in the dance scene Offers a limited interpretation of the concept of the dance scene 1–2 Offers a limited description of some ideas explored by the choreographer Critically analyses the components of the dance: Staging/design concepts, music, movement choices, choreographic elements and devices as they relate to the intent of the dance scene Provides a clear analysis, justifying opinions and ideas using a range of relevant examples of how all the components give meaning to the intent of the dance scene; gives detailed evidence from the dance scene supporting this point of view Describes all the components of dance and supports opinions and ideas through some relevant examples from the dance scene; gives appropriate evidence from the dance scene supporting this point of view Recounts the most obvious features of the components of dance, with inconsistencies in how these components have given meaning to the dance scene. Uses some simple examples to attempt to support this view Retells details about the dance scene based on the note-making framework provided by the teacher, with little understanding of the purpose or intention 7–8 5–6 3–4 1–2 Dance terminology Relevant use of a range of dance terminology Some use of dance terminology 2 1 Critical review score /18 Total task marks /21 Task weighting: Convert to 10% of overall unit mark /10 Sample assessment tasks | Dance | General Year 11