Modules 29, 30 and 31 Practice Quizzes

Being destructive to oneself or others is considered:
a. disturbing.
b. unjustifiable.
c. maladaptive.
d. atypical.
Agnes is highly allergic to cats. If she is exposed to a cat for any length of time she will have trouble breathing to the point where she
might need hospitalization. Her children brought home a kitten and cannot bear to part with it. Agnes decides to keep the kitten to please
her children even though it will be destructive to her. Which of the following would best describe Agnes’s decision?
a. disturbing
b. unjustifiable
c. maladaptive
d. atypical
Behavior without a rational basis is considered:
a. disturbing.
b. maladaptive.
c. atypical.
d. unjustifiable.
Every time Chante opens a can of pop she taps the top eight times before opening the can. If asked, Chante will tell you she has no logical
reason for her behavior. Her behavior doesn’t hurt her or anyone else in any way. Which of the following would best describe Chante’s
a. disturbing
b. unjustifiable
c. maladaptive
d. atypical
Every night before Dwayne, a college freshman, goes to bed, he gargles with mouthwash for two minutes straight. In the beginning of the
year Dwayne’s roommate, Travis, thought nothing of it but by the end of the semester Travis was extremely annoyed by the behavior.
Which of the following would best describe Dwayne’s behavior?
a. disturbing
b. unjustifiable
c. maladaptive
d. atypical
A person’s behavior that is in violation of that person’s cultural norm is considered:
a. disturbing.
b. unjustifiable.
c. maladaptive.
d. atypical.
Many cultures in the past believed mental illness to be caused by:
a. biomedical causes.
b. improper diets.
c. demons.
d. genetics.
Philippe Pinel is known for:
a. promoting human treatment of those with mental disorders.
b. writing the first DSM.
c. performing the first lobotomy.
d. being the first patient labeled using the DSM.
The belief that “mental” illnesses can be diagnosed on the basis of their symptoms and cured through therapy is:
a. the DSM model.
b. the behavioral model.
c. the medical model.
d. the atypical model.
10. DSM stands for:
a. Diagnostics and Systems Manual.
b. Determination and Supporting Manual.
c. Dynamics Support Manual.
d. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Which of the following is false with regards to the DSM-IV-TR?
a. Many U.S. insurance companies use the DSM to help determine which disorders are covered by insurance.
b. The DSM lists the causes of the disorders.
c. The DSM is subject to change and revision.
d. The DSM divides mental disorders into 17 major categories.
12. The primary purpose of the DSM-IV-TR is to:
a. list which medications are used with each disorder.
b. explain the causes of the various psychological disorders.
c. list possible treatments for psychological disorders.
d. classify psychological disorders.
13. Which of the following would be a clinical syndrome present on Axis I of the DSM-IV-TR?
a. mood disorders
b. schizophrenia
c. anxiety disorders
d. all of the above
14. If a person’s functioning is considered superior, their Global Assessment would be:
a. 100.
b. 10.
c. 1000.
d. 5.
15. One of the negative effects of labeling a person with a mental illness is:
a. because of the media’s influence, most people think those with a mental illness are extremely passive and peaceful.
b. labels help mental health professionals communicate with each other.
c. labels influence expectations and perceptions of how a person will behave.
d. labels help people understand how and why a mental illness develops.
Jolyn is constantly apprehensive and tense. She cannot explain the feelings even though she has been dealing with them for the last year
and a half. Jolyn is most likely suffering from:
a. a phobia.
b. a panic disorder.
c. a generalized anxiety disorder.
d. posttraumatic stress disorder.
A disorder marked by sudden bouts of intense unexplained panic is:
a. generalized anxiety disorder.
b. a phobia.
c. posttraumatic stress disorder.
d. panic disorder.
Beulah is terrified of giving a speech in class. Anytime she is asked to speak in front of the class she becomes overwhelmed with fear to
the point where she cannot function. Beulah is most likely suffering from:
a. social phobia.
b. generalized anxiety disorder.
c. a panic disorder.
d. agoraphobia.
Whenever Tom goes outside of his house he is overwhelmed with fear and concern for his safety. The longer he remains away from his
home, the greater the fear becomes. Tom is most likely suffering from:
a. agoraphobia.
b. a compulsion.
c. a posttraumatic stress disorder.
d. generalized anxiety disorder.
Mark is constantly preoccupied with checking everything around his house before he goes to bed at night. On some days he has to check
the stove, doors, windows, and lights up to 20 times before he feels comfortable enough to go to sleep. If he doesn’t go through his
checking ritual he will become so anxious he cannot sleep. Mark is most likely suffering from:
a. generalized anxiety disorder.
b. panic disorder.
c. dysthymic disorder.
d. obsessive-compulsive disorder.
An obsession relates to _____, while a compulsion involves _____.
a. causes; symptoms
b. actions; thoughts
c. symptoms; causes
d. thoughts; actions
Which of the following would be most likely the result of combat, a rape, abuse, or natural disaster?
a. obsessive-compulsive disorder
b. posttraumatic stress disorder
c. a panic disorder
d. generalized anxiety disorder
When Callie was 10 years old her house was devastated by a tornado. Ever since the event Callie has had nightmares, constant fear, and
flashbacks of being trapped in a basement. Callie is most likely suffering from:
a. generalized anxiety disorder.
b. a panic disorder.
c. posttraumatic stress disorder.
d. obsessive-compulsive disorder.
The inherited likelihood of getting a mental disorder is called:
a. a predisposition.
b. a reinforcement.
c. a genetic override.
d. an attribution.
10. Which of the following could be considered a learned cause of anxiety disorders?
a. heredity
b. brain function
c. evolution
d. reinforcement
Over the last month, Negassi has lost a significant amount of weight and has had trouble sleeping. His friends say that he has been
irritable and doesn’t want to do anything with them anymore. His parents worry that he is always sad, dejected, and has little energy.
Negassi is most likely suffering from:
a. generalized anxiety disorder.
b. a panic disorder.
c. posttraumatic stress disorder.
d. a mood disorder.
12. Ruth at times is wild and busting with creative energy. At other times she has no energy and feels worthless. Ruth is probably suffering
a. bipolar disorder.
b. major depression.
c. dysthymic disorder.
d. obsessive-compulsive disorder.
13. Bipolar disorder was previously known as:
a. obsessive-compulsive.
b. manic-depressive disorder.
c. agoraphobia.
d. learned helplessness.
14. Which two neurotransmitters are associated with depression?
a. dopamine and acetylcholine
b. GABA and dopamine
c. serotonin and GABA
d. serotonin and norephinephrine
15. April feels that no matter how hard she tries at a task, she will fail. She believes she has little or no control over her life and gives up
quickly. April’s condition would most likely be referred to as:
a. obsessive behavior.
b. learned helplessness.
c. bipolar disorder.
d. generalized anxiety disorder.
Disorders in which the sense of self has become separated from previous memories, thoughts, or feelings is the definition of:
a. personality disorders.
b. dissociative disorders.
c. schizophrenia.
d. anxiety disorders.
Tina Marie was involved in a tragic automobile accident and now cannot remember the experience or events leading up to the accident. Tina
Marie is most likely suffering from:
a. dissociative amnesia.
b. dissociative identity disorder.
c. dissociative fugue.
d. schizophrenia.
A dissociative disorder characterized by loss of identity and travel to a new location is:
a. dissociative amnesia.
b. dissociative identity disorder.
c. dissociative fugue.
d. multiple personality disorder.
The Three Faces of Eve and Sybil both portray characters who exhibit a number of distinct and alternative personalities. Eve and Sybil
would most likely be diagnosed with:
a. dissociative amnesia.
b. dissociative identity disorder.
c. dissociative fugue.
d. schizophrenia.
A group of disorders involving disorganized and delusional thoughts, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions is called:
a. dissociative amnesia.
b. dissociative identity disorder.
c. dissociative fugue.
d. schizophrenia.
Hallucinations are to delusions as ______ are (is) to ________.
a. precipitating; predisposing
b. psychotic; neurotic
c. perceptions; beliefs
d. dissociative; schizophrenia
Janette is convinced that the difficulties she is having with her job are due to a conspiracy organized by her secretary, one of the
custodians, and two people in the next office. Assuming the conspiracy does not really exist, Janette’s behavior could be described as:
a. delusional.
b. a hallucination.
c. antisocial.
d. precipitating.
Believing that you are George Washington reincarnated would be considered a delusion of:
a. grandeur.
b. persecution.
c. sin or guilt.
d. influence.
Believing that people are out to get you or following you would be considered a delusion of:
a. grandeur.
b. persecution.
c. sin or guilt.
d. influence.
10. Believing that you are being controlled by the devil and unable to make your own decisions would be considered a delusion of:
a. grandeur.
b. persecution.
c. sin or guilt.
d. influence.
Russell’s speech is totally incomprehensible. It is difficult to make sense of what he is saying. Russell would be said to be suffering from:
a. tactile delusions.
b. delusions of grandeur.
c. flat emotions.
d. word salad.
12. George is convinced his parents gave him his name because he is in reality the reincarnation of George Washington. George explains that at
birth George Washington’s spirit was placed inside of him. He believes someday the truth will be revealed and he will become president of
the United States. George is most likely suffering from:
a. paranoid schizophrenia.
b. catatonic schizophrenia.
c. disorganized schizophrenia.
d. undifferentiated schizophrenia.
13. One theory of biological causes for schizophrenia involves the neurotransmitter:
a. serotonin.
b. GABA.
c. dopamine.
d. acetylcholine.
14. Ciara has always been detached from other people. She prefers the life of a loner and has never had a close friendship. Ciara is most likely
suffering from a(n):
a. antisocial personality disorder.
b. schizoid personality disorder.
c. avoidant personality disorder.
d. dependent personality disorder.
15. Jon’s friends are concerned over his recent behavior. It appears that Jon has no concern for the rights or feelings of others. He shows no
sense of guilt or remorse for his bad behavior, giving his friends the impression he doesn’t have a conscience. Jon is most likely suffering
a. antisocial personality disorder.
b. schizoid personality disorder.
c. avoidant personality disorder.
d. paranoid personality disorder.