Asia Fun Facts

Asia Fun Facts
Which country in Asia has the most people?
How many people do they have?
Which country in Asia has the second most people?
How many people do they have?
What percentage of the world population lives in these two Asian countries?
What mountain range separates India from China?
What are the three highest peaks in this mountain range?
What are the two major religions of Asia?
What country use to control India until it became independent in the 1940’s?
How did India gain its independence?
What new countries were created with the “partition” of India in 1947?
What part of Asia was taken over by China in the 1950’s?
What happened to that countries leader?
Name three ancient Chinese inventions:
How did the opium trade impact China?
What ancient nomadic people conquered China?
Who was their leader?
In what year did China become communist?
Who lead the communist revolution in China?
Explain the following aspects of Japanese feudalism:
Role of the Emperor:
Role of the Shogun:
Role of the Samurai:
When was Japan opened up to the West?
Why did Japan invade parts of Asia in the 1930’s?
Why did Japan attack our naval bases at Pearl Harbor?
How did the war between the United States and Japan come to an end?
How or why did America become involved in the Koran War? How long did the war last?
How or why did America become involved in the Vietnam War? How long did the war last?
Which Asia country became a world economic leader in the late 1970’s and early 80’s?
Which Asia country, or countries, are becoming world economic leaders today?
America is the number one economy in the world, what countries round out the top ten?
How many of the top 10 economies are in Asia?
Explain how the growth of China and India as world powers will impact the U.S.