From Risk & Return Models to Hurdle Rates: Estimation Challenges Inputs required to use the CAPM Expected Return = Riskfree Rate+ Beta * (Expected Return on the Market Portfolio - Riskfree Rate) To use the model we need three inputs: a. The current risk-free rate b. The expected market risk premium (the premium expected for investing in risky assets (market portfolio) over the riskless asset) c. The beta of the asset being analyzed. Riskfree Rates The Riskfree Rate • For an investment to be riskfree two conditions have to be met – – There has to be no default risk, which generally implies that the bond has to be issued by the government. – There can be no uncertainty about reinvestment rates, which implies that it is a zero coupon bond with the same maturity as the cash flow being analyzed. Vocabulary • Default Risk – The chances that the issuer of the bond will not repay the bond in full when it matures. Riskfree Rates • Using a government bond rate (even on a coupon bond) as the riskfree rate on all of the cash flows in a long term analysis will give a very close estimate of the true value. • The riskfree rate that you use in an analysis should be in the same currency that your cashflows are estimated in. – If your cash flows are in Euros, your riskfree rate should be a Euro riskfree rate. Check 10 year bond rates • What is the Euro riskfree rate? An exercise in 2009 The Euro rates: A 2012 update What about risky government bonds? • If the government is perceived to have default risk, the government bond rate will have a default spread component in it and not be riskfree. There are three choices we have, when this is the case. – Adjust the local currency government borrowing rate for default risk to get a riskless local currency rate. • In May 2009, the Indian government rupee bond rate was 7%. the local currency rating from Moody’s was Ba2 and the default spread for a Ba2 rated country bond was 3%. Riskfree rate in Rupees = 7% - 3% = 4% • In May 2009, the Brazilian government $R bond rate was 11% and the local currency rating was Ba1, with a default spread of 2.5%. Riskfree rate in $R = 11% - 2.5% = 8.5% What about risky government bonds? – Do the analysis in an alternate currency, where getting the riskfree rate is easier. With Aracruz in 2009, we could chose to do the analysis in US dollars (rather than estimate a riskfree rate in R$). The riskfree rate is then the US treasury bond rate. – Do your analysis in real terms, in which case the riskfree rate has to be a real riskfree rate. The inflation-indexed treasury rate is a measure of a real riskfree rate. • • ury_inflation_indexed_security_rate Questions • How should we calculate the riskfree rate if we are expecting cashflows for 5 years in Euros? • How should we calculate the riskfree rate if we are expecting cashflows in Chinese RMB? Equity Risk Premiums Measurement of the risk premium • The risk premium is the premium that investors demand for investing in an average risk investment, relative to the riskfree rate. • As a general proposition, this premium should be – greater than zero – increase with the risk aversion of the investors in that market – increase with the riskiness of the What is your risk premium? Assume that stocks are the only risky assets and that you are offered two investment options: a riskless investment (say a Government Security), on which you can make 5% a mutual fund of all stocks, on which the returns are uncertain How much of an expected return would you demand to shift your money from the riskless asset to the mutual fund? a. Less than 5% b. Between 5 - 7% c. Between 7 - 9% d. Between 9 - 11% e. Between 11- 13% f. More than 13% Risk Aversion and Risk Premiums • If this were the entire market, the risk premium would be a weighted average of the risk premiums demanded by each and every investor. • The weights will be determined by the wealth that each investor brings to the market. Thus, Warren Buffett’s risk aversion counts more towards determining the “equilibrium” premium than yours’ and mine. • As investors become more risk averse, you would expect the “equilibrium” premium to increase. Risk Premiums do change.. • Go back to the previous example. Assume now that you are making the same choice but that you are making it in the aftermath of a stock market crash (it has dropped 25% in the last month). Would you change your answer? a. I would demand a larger premium b. I would demand a smaller premium c. I would demand the same premium Estimating Risk Premiums in Practice • Survey investors on their desired risk premiums and use the average premium from these surveys. • Assume that the actual premium delivered over long time periods is equal to the expected premium - i.e., use historical data • Estimate the implied premium in today’s asset prices. The Survey Approach • Surveying all investors in a market place is impractical. • However, you can survey a few individuals and use these results. In practice, this translates into surveys of the following: • The limitations of this approach are: – There are no constraints on reasonability – The survey results are more reflective of the past than the future. – They tend to be short term; even the longest surveys do not go beyond one year. Survey The Historical Premium Approach • This is the default approach used by most to arrive at the premium to use in the model • In most cases, this approach does the following – Defines a time period for the estimation (1928-Present, 1962-Present....) – Calculates average returns on a stock index during the period – Calculates average returns on a riskless security over the period – Calculates the difference between the two averages and uses it as a premium looking forward. The Historical Premium Approach • The limitations of this approach are: – it assumes that the risk aversion of investors has not changed in a systematic way across time. (The risk aversion may change from year to year, but it reverts back to historical averages) – it assumes that the riskiness of the “risky” portfolio (stock index) has not changed in a systematic way across time. B. The Historical Risk Premium Evidence from the United States 1928-2012 1962-2012 2002-2012 Arithmetic Average Geometric Average Stocks - T. Bills Stocks - T. Bonds Stocks - T. Bills Stocks - T. Bonds 7.65% 5.88% 5.74% 4.20% 2.20% 2.33% 5.93% 3.91% 4.60% 2.93% 2.38% 2.66% 7.06% 3.08% 5.38% 1.71% 5.82% 8.11% What is the right premium? • Go back as far as you can. Otherwise, the standard error in the estimate will be large. Annualized Std deviation in Stock prices ) Number of years of historical data riskfree rate. Std Error in estimate = • Be consistent in your use of a • Use arithmetic premiums for one-year estimates of costs of equity and geometric premiums for estimates of long term costs of equity. What about historical premiums for other markets? • Historical data for markets outside the United States is available for much shorter time periods. The problem is even greater in emerging markets. • The historical premiums that emerge from this data reflects this data problem and there is much greater error associated with the estimates of the premiums. One solution: Look at a country’s bond rating and default spreads as a start • Ratings agencies assign ratings to countries that reflect their assessment of the default risk of these countries. These ratings reflect the political and economic stability of these countries and thus provide a useful measure of country risk. – India has a rating of Ba2 from Moody’s.The typical default spread for Ba2 rated sovereign bonds is 3%. • Many analysts add this default spread to the US risk premium to come up with a risk premium of 6.88% for India, if we use 3.88% as the premium for the US (3.88% was the historical risk premium for the US from 19282008) Beyond the default spread • While default risk spreads and equity risk premiums are highly correlated, one would expect equity spreads to be higher than debt spreads. • Risk Premium for Brazil in 2009 – Standard Deviation in Bovespa (Equity) = 34% – Standard Deviation in Brazil $ denominated Bond = 21.5% – Default spread on $ denominated Bond = 2.5% – Country Risk Premium (CRP) for Brazil = 2.5% (34%/21.5%) = 3.95% – Total Risk Premium for Brazil = US risk premium (in ‘09) + CRP for Brazil = 3.88% + 3.95% = 7.83% Question- Calculate the Risk Premium • Risk Premium for India in May 2009 – Standard Deviation in Sensex (Equity) = 32% – Standard Deviation in Indian government bond = 21.3% – Default spread based upon rating= 3% – Country Risk Premium for India = Default Spread * (SDE/SDB) = ? – Total Risk Premium for India = US risk premium in 09 (3.88%) + CRP for India =? An alternate view of ERP: Looking forward Between 2001 and 2007 dividends and stock buybacks averaged 4.02% of the index each year. Analysts expect earnings to grow 5% a year for the next 5 years. We will assume that dividends & buybacks will keep pace.. Last year’s cashflow (59.03) growing at 5% a year 61.98 January 1, 2008 S&P 500 is at 1468.36 4.02% of 1468.36 = 59.03 65.08 68.33 71.75 After year 5, we will assume that earnings on the index will grow at 4.02%, the same rate as the entire economy (= riskfree rate). 75.34 Solving for the implied premium… • If we know what investors paid for equities at the beginning of 2007 and we can estimate the expected cash flows from equities, we can solve for the rate of return that they expect to make (IRR): 1468.36 = 61.98 65.08 68.33 71.75 75.34 75.35(1.0402) + + + + + (1+ r) (1+ r) 2 (1+ r) 3 (1+ r) 4 (1+ r) 5 (r - .0402)(1+ r) 5 • Expected Return on Stocks = 8.39% • Implied Equity Risk Premium = Expected Return on Stocks - T.Bond Rate =8.39% 4.02% = 4.37% A year that made a difference.. The implied premium in January 2009 Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Normalized Market value of index 1148.09 879.82 1111.91 1211.92 1248.29 1418.30 1468.36 903.25 903.25 Dividends 15.74 15.96 17.88 19.01 22.34 25.04 28.14 28.47 28.47 Buybacks 14.34 13.87 13.70 21.59 38.82 48.12 67.22 40.25 24.11 Cash to equity Dividend yield Buyback yield 30.08 1.37% 1.25% 29.83 1.81% 1.58% 31.58 1.61% 1.23% 40.60 1.57% 1.78% 61.17 1.79% 3.11% 73.16 1.77% 3.39% 95.36 1.92% 4.58% 68.72 3.15% 4.61% 52.584 3.15% 2.67% Total yield 2.62% 3.39% 2.84% 3.35% 4.90% 5.16% 6.49% 7.77% 5.82% Implied ERP from September 12, 2008 to January 1, 2009 Equity Risk Premiums in early 2009 • Mature Markets: In May 2009, the number that we chose to use as the equity risk premium for all mature markets was 6%. While lower than the implied premium at the start of the year 6.43%, it is still much higher than the historical risk premium of 3.88%. It reflected our beliefs then that while the crisis was abating, it would leave a longer term impact on risk premiums. Equity Risk Premiums in early 2009 • For emerging markets, we will use the melded default spread approach (where default spreads are scaled up to reflect additional equity risk) to come up with the additional risk premium. – ERP for Brazil = Mature market premium + CRP for Brazil = 6% + 3.95% = 9.95% – ERP for India = Mature market premium + CRP for India = 6% + 4.51% = 10.51% An Updated Equity Risk Premium: • On January 1, 2013, the S&P 500 was at 1426.19, essentially unchanged for the year. And it was a year of macro shocks – political upheaval in the Middle East and sovereign debt problems in Europe. The treasury bond rate dropped below 2% and buybacks/dividends surged. An Updated Equity Risk Premium: Implied Premiums in the US: 1960-2012 A Composite way of estimating ERP for countries • Step 1: Estimate an equity risk premium for a mature market. If your preference is for a forward looking, updated number, you can estimate an implied equity risk premium for the US. In January 2013, an estimate for the implied premium in the US was 5.8%. That will also be an estimate for a mature market ERP. • Step 2: Come up with a generic and measurable definition of a mature market. – An estimate: Any AAA rated country is mature. A Composite way of estimating ERP for countries • Step 3: Estimate the additional risk premium that you will charge for markets that are not mature. You have two choices: – The default spread for the country, estimated based either on sovereign ratings or the CDS market. – A scaled up default spread, where you adjust the default spread upwards for the additional risk in equity markets. Country January Belgium Germany Portugal Italy Risk Premiums Luxembourg Austria 2013 Denmark France Finland Canada USA N. America Argentina Belize Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela Latin America 0.00% 5.80% Greece 0.00% 5.80% Iceland 0.00% 5.80% Ireland Netherlands Norway Slovenia 9.00% 14.80% Spain 15.00% 20.80% Sweden 4.88% 10.68% Switzerland 2.63% 8.43% Turkey 1.05% 6.85% UK 3.00% 8.80% W.Europe 3.00% 8.80% 10.50% 16.30% Angola 4.88% 10.68% Botswana 3.60% 9.40% Egypt 7.50% 13.30% Kenya 2.25% 8.05% Mauritius 9.00% 14.80% Morocco 2.63% 8.43% Namibia 6.00% 11.80% Nigeria 2.63% 8.43% Senegal 3.00% 8.80% South Africa 6.00% 11.80% Tunisia 3.38% 9.18% Zambia Africa 1.05% 0.00% 4.88% 2.63% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.38% 6.85% 5.80% 10.68% 8.43% 5.80% 5.80% 5.80% 6.18% 0.00% 5.80% 10.50% 3.00% 16.30% 8.80% 3.60% 9.40% 0.00% 0.00% 2.63% 3.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.60% 0.00% 1.05% 5.80% 5.80% 8.43% 8.80% 5.80% 5.80% 9.40% 5.80% 6.85% 4.88% 1.50% 7.50% 6.00% 2.25% 3.60% 3.00% 4.88% 6.00% 2.25% 3.00% 6.00% 4.29% 10.68% 7.30% 13.30% 11.80% 8.05% 9.40% 8.80% 10.68% 11.80% 8.05% 8.80% 11.80% 10.09% Albania 6.00% Armenia 4.13% Azerbaijan 3.00% Belarus 9.00% Bosnia & Herzego vina 9.00% Bulgaria 2.63% Croatia 3.00% Czech Republic 1.28% Estonia 1.28% Georgia 4.88% Hungary 3.60% Kazakhstan 2.63% Latvia 3.00% Lithuania 2.25% Moldova 9.00% Montenegro 4.88% Poland 1.50% Romania 3.00% Russia 2.25% Slovakia 1.50% Ukraine 9.00% E. Europe & Russ ia 2.68% Bahrain Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Middle East 11.80% 9.93% Bangladesh 8.80% Cambodia China 14.80% 4.88% 7.50% 1.05% Fiji Islands 6.00% Hong Kong 0.38% 14.80% India 3.00% 8.43% Indonesia 3.00% 8.80% Japan 1.05% 7.08% Korea 1.05% 7.08% Macao 1.05% 1.73% 10.68% Malaysia Mongolia 6.00% 9.40% 10.50% 8.43% Pakistan Papua New Guinea 6.00% 8.80% 3.60% 8.05% Philippines Singapore 0.00% 14.80% Sri Lanka 6.00% 10.68% Taiwan 1.05% 7.30% Thailand 2.25% 8.80% Vietnam 7.50% 8.05% Asia 1.55% 10.68% 13.30% 6.85% 11.80% 6.18% 8.80% 8.80% 6.85% 6.85% 6.85% 7.53% 11.80% 16.30% 11.80% 9.40% 5.80% 11.80% 6.85% 8.05% 13.30% 7.35% 7.30% 14.80% 8.48% 2.25% 8.05% 1.28% 7.08% 4.13% 9.93% 0.75% 6.55% 6.00% 11.80% 1.28% 7.08% 0.75% 6.55% 1.05% 6.85% 0.75% 6.55% 1.16% 6.96% Australia 0.00% 5.80% New Zealand 0.00% 5.80% Australia & NZ 0.00% 5.80% Black #: Total ERP Red #: Country risk premium AVG: GDP weighted averag Estimating ERP for a Company: countries of operation • Incorporation: The conventional practice on equity risk premiums is to estimate an ERP based upon where a company is incorporated. • Operation: The more sensible practice on equity risk premium is to estimate an ERP based upon where a company operates. For a company like Coca Cola, for instance, using its revenue breakdown in 2011 geographically, this would lead to: Estimating ERP for a Company: countries of operation Questions • What does equity risk premium mean? • Do you prefer the implied or historical approcah to estimating equity risk premiums? • How do we estimate the equity risk premium for global companies, e.g McDonalds? Homework: Estimating a Market Risk Premium • For your company, get the geographical breakdown of revenues in the most recent year. Based upon this revenue breakdown and the most recent country risk premiums, estimate the equity risk premium that you would use for your company. • This computation was based entirely on revenues. With your company, what concerns would you have about your estimate being too high or too low?