Some Of What's Going On Around Here click here to return to the

Some Of What's Going On
Around Here
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------January 2nd 2016
Had a good New Year day dinner with all of the kids here at Ma and Pas house… It
Has been pretty darn cold here lately, -4 the other night… Looking forward to
December 26th 2015
Christmas 2015 went off like a hitch, no problems other than I spilled everything I
tried to cook… In the end it turned out real good… Best I could tell, everyone had a
nice Christmas… The babies will be over today and we will enjoy leftovers … I
Love turkey sandwiches!!!
December 19th 2015
Had a great 24 hours with the babies… Jenna and Samuel spent the night last
night… They decorated the tree, made cookies, had a good time… Since their mom
is going to be working they will be spending a lot more time at PA’S house… I’m
sure they are going to hate that... “Yea Right” Christmas is less than a week away,
all is good, Merry Christmas to everyone !!!
November 29th 2015
Heard some disturbing news last night… All I can say is “I Love Our Grand Babies
Very Much” As I write this blog update I am trying to hold back tears…
November 19th 2015
Had a MAJOR wind storm roll thru Tuesday night… almost 200.000 people without
power… Will be almost a week before everyone gets power back… I am so thankful
that we have a generator… Jason and his family are staying with us until they get
their power back… Temps are suppose to plummet this next week… 1 week from
today is Thanksgiving… Remember to give thanks before you PIGOUT…
November 17th 2015
We got our official 1st measurable amount of snow... Just enough to cover the lawn
not much more than that... Thanksgiving is a little over a week away... Give Thanks
November 13th 2008
Another blustery day in Deer Park… Fall is definitely in the air… It hasn’t snowed
as of yet, that’s a good thing since Bonnie has to drive to Spokane every day… All
is good the bills are getting paid…
November 2nd 2016
31 years ago today we gave birth to our 1st child “Jason Daniel Schill”… Happy
Birthday Son!!! We hope it’s a good one !!!
October 29th 2015
Today is Bonnie Lee Schill’s Birthday !!! Happy Birthday Babe, I Love You Very
Much !!!
October 28th 2015
Wow it's been a long time... Just got the site up and running again... Summer has
come and gone, fall is here and winter is just around the corner... Samantha started
school last month, Josh has a full time job as a mechanic, The babies are back in
school, Bonnie is working in town 5 days a week and I am still a house husband...
January 30th 2015
Super Bowl Sunday is the day after tomorrow!!! Not really a fan but its kinda cool
the Seahawks going to the Super bowl 2 years in a row… Starry is still looking for
Rocky, hasn’t been the same with him gone… “Teary Eyed”… The weather has
been mild, the snow is melting, we are all ready for spring… The kids are either at
work or school or both, Bonnie is slaving away and I am trying to be a good house
January 14th 2015
Its been a bad week… Yesterday at 3:00pm we put Rocky our 12 year old chocolate
lab down… Deer Park Vet Clinic came to our home and took care of the task right
in our living room with all of our family present… Rocky buddy we are going to
miss you BIG TIME !!! Love You Rocky !!!
January 9th 2015
The Holidays have come and gone, Winter is in full effect... Everyone is back to
work and or school... We have had almost no snow this season, Glad about that...
Josh graduates from SCC this June and Samantha starts at SFCC in the fall...
Received an email from my Best Friend " Mike Elder's" Sister, " Looking forward to
catching up... All is going good and the bills are getting paid...
November 11th 2014
Hello world... It's cold today suppose to be 9 degrees tonight... Halloween is over,
Thanksgiving is almost here... I LOVE all of the good food and treats during the
holidays... Kida are all at school or working, Bonnie is slaving away and I am kept
busy as the CEO "yea right" of The Schill Family... Happy Holidays to everyone!!!
October 10th 2014
Its official, fall is here… Was a nice summer, winter is coming… Josh turned 23 a
couple of days ago, Jenna and Samuel are both enjoying school… Greg and I poured
7 ¾ yards of cement for his foundation yesterday… The garden has been harvested,
pool has been winterized, we are almost ready for winter…Tomorrow night the
babies are spending the night with Gma and Gpa… Love those little guys!!! All is
going good in our world…
September 3rd 2014
Hello world… A lot has happened this summer, now it seems like summer is
coming to an end and fall is just around the corner… Jenna started kindergarten
yesterday and Samuel starts preschool next week… The corn has been harvested and
the greenhouse will be in a few weeks… My Cousin Randy and his son Riley came
for a visit, enjoyed it!!! Josh starts school in a week or two, last year for him…
Samantha is working hard at Mickey D’s, Bonnie is slaving away and I am trying to
be a good house husband…
August 4th 2014
Hey all!!! Enjoying the warm weather but not the T-Storms… At least not the high
winds that come with the T-Storms… Lots of trees down and lots of people still
without power… Samantha started her 1st job 2 weeks ago, McDonalds at
Wandermere… This will be the first time in 12 years that we don’t have to buy
school clothes and supplies for our children… Jenna starts Kindergarten the end of
this month, the 27th of August I believe… All is going good and the bills are getting
July 9th 2014
Hello world... Been a busy summer, got several projects finished... Last week we
built a platform and installed a 4 x 20 solar panel for the pool... Last night the temp
of the pool was 94!!! That's a little too warm, might have to turn it off for a few
days. Temps around eastern WA have been in the upper 80's to mid 90's... Jenna
celebrated her 5th birthday last Sunday!!! The babies are growing up fast... All is
going good & the bills are getting paid...
June 27th 2014
Samantha graduated from high school, Grandma Babcock and Aunt Cathy came for
a visit and now are back home, life will get back to normal for everyone... A good
time was had by all. The weather can't seem to make up its mind, rain one day, sun
the next... Josh completed his 1st year of college and is enjoying some time away
from school but still working at The General Store... The 4th of July is a week from
today!!! I Love fireworks!!!
June 3rd 2014
Lots of things going on around here... Samantha graduates from High School this
Saturday evening!!! Grandma Babcock is coming for a visit tomorrow!!! Aunt
Cathy is also coming to town for Samantha's graduation!!! We completed the
construction of a patio cover in our back yard... I Love shade...
April 7th 2014
Looks like it is going to be a nice sunny day here in the park!!! Happy that summer
is on its way... Spring break is over for Josh, back to school and work, Samantha
still has a week to go... Paden started cutting hair this last week at Weldon's Barber
Shop in 5 mile... All is going good, enjoying the Grandbabies and nice weather... No
rest for the wicked, Bonnie is at work in Spokane and I have painting and chores to
March 31st 2014
Hello... All is going OK, Josh is on spring break, Samantha has 3 days to go until
spring break... Been painting the inside of the house, oh what fun... The temps are
coming up spring might be in the air... Tomorrow is April Fool's Day!!! The bills are
getting paid and is good...
March 10th 2014
Jason, Paden and the babies got moved... I like having the babies closer!!! Samantha
got a new car a week ago last Friday, 2010 Impala... Nice car... Josh is suppose to
start working for O'reilles Auto Parts soon... The weather has improved highs in the
mid 50s... Bonnie has her review at work today... All is going good!!!
February 13th 2014
What a change in the weather from a week and a half ago... Highs in the 40s, let the
melt continue... 4 day weekend for some people this week coming up, Presidents
day... Looks like the babies are going to be moving closer to Gma and Gpa, I like
that!!! All is going good, the bills are getting paid, it's called survival...
February 5th 2014
Wow it’s cold!!! This morning at 5:00am the thermometer said -0 and a wind-chill
of -25… Feels like we are back in AK… I am very thankful that I don’t have to be
out in it… Suppose to warm up and snow starting on Saturday… Even the dogs and
cats don’t want to go outside…
February 3rd 2014
The Sea Hawks won the super bowl yesterday!!! First time... All is going good
here... It's Monday, Bonnie is at work in town, Josh is getting ready to go to work
and Samantha will be going to school... Me,,, doing my usual honey do's and
chores... It's suppose to get real cold in a couple of days, wind chills to -20... Glad I
am retired and don't have to be out in it...
January 9th 2014
Yea!!! A new year!!! The Holidays are over and the New Year is here... Finally got
a few inches of snow yesterday, haven't had much this season... Everyone is either
back to work or school or both... Looking forward to Spring!!! All is going good...
December 23rd 2013
Today Bonnie and I have been married for 37 years... Christmas is the day after
tomorrow, we are about as ready as one can be... Josh and Samantha are on winter
break until the 6th of January... Have only had 1 actual snow fall, only got a couple
of inches, looks like it's going to be a green Christmas... The days are now getting
November 5th 2013
Snowing lightly, little accumulation... Samantha is anchoring the news this morning
at DPHS... The program is called Deer Park Video Magazine... I will put a link on
our home page for viewers... Tomorrow Nov 6th at 930am I undergo" one more
time" shoulder surgery #9... Jenna and Samuel are growing like weeds...
Thanksgiving is less than a month away... All is going good...
October 2nd 2013
What happened to Summer??? It's been kinda cold and wet for a few weeks, Winter
isn't that far away... Day #2 of THE GOVERNMENT shutdown... Josh started
school last week... Had an MRI of my left shoulder last week, find out the results
next week... It's harvest season!!!
September 5th 2013
Samuel is now 2 yrs old... had his birthday Aug 24th... School started last week,
Samantha is a senior this year... Pa had a little shoulder surgery Aug 28th, he is
doing good... Feels kinda like spring only suppose to be 64 tomorrow... Picked lots
of corn from the garden, yum yum... All is going good!!!
August 5th 2013
August already!!! Wow... It has been a nice summer, veggies & flowers are all doing
real good... Should have fresh corn next week... The pool has been getting a lot of
use this summer... Samuel is having his Birthday at Gma & Gpa's house this year
Aug 24th... School starts again in about 3 weeks... Going in for a little shoulder
surgery on Aug 28th... All is going good!!!
July 15th 2013
It's been real hot, in the mid to upper 80's, suppose to be in the 90's for the next
week... Josh has taken the boat out a couple of times, Jason, Paden & the babies are
suppose to go camping at the river with the boat for 3 days... The pool has been real
warm, been using it a lot... Jenna & Samuel LOVE it!!! Going to get an MRI
tomorrow,,, Don't ask!!!
June 23rd 2013
Today is another rainy day in Deer Park... Suppose to be sunny and back in to the
80s by the weekend... Finally got the motor back in the bronco, it lives again...
Still haven't taken the boat to the lake this year, thinking about trading it in on a
motor home next spring... There was a real bad fatal car crash here in the park this
last Saturday, he was a good friend of a buddy of mine...
May 22nd 2013
Mother Nature can't decide if it's going to be Summer or not... Memorial Day is this
weekend... Going to do the BBQ thing and put the motor together for the bronco...
Don't see anyone getting in the pool, way too cold!!!
April 30th 2013
Wow it's the last day of April... Sunny today but only a high of 50... The liner in the
pool has been replaced... Josh got hired to work for Kmart in "loss prevention"
Jason, Paden and the babies moved to 5 mile in Spokane, SAD... I liked having them
close.. Got some starter plants growing!!!
April 8th 2013
Looks like we will be getting a new refrigerator next week... We have had the old
one since we moved in over 16 years ago... Spring really feels like it is here... Wes
went back into the hospital last week, suffered 2 strokes... Josh sold his Toyota. we
have a extra space on the driveway... The new liner for the pool has arrived!!!
April 1st 2013 "April Fool's Day"
Wes has been home for over a week and is on the mend... Josh has found a parttime
job to go with his fulltime job... Samantha is on "Spring Break"... GMA and PA are
doing the usual SOS... We will be replacing the liner in the pool,,, second time we
have replaced it in 16 years... Not bad!!! Suppose to be mid 60's today... Come
on Summer,,, hurry up...
March 13th 2013
Got some bad news late yesterday... A buddy of mine "Wes Wilson" suffered an
"aortic rupture" Monday evening... He is in ICU at Sacred heart in Spokane... Say a
prayer for him!!! The snow is continuing to melt and Spring is only a week away...
March 7th 2013
Feels like spring is in the air... Temps are suppose to be in the 50's next week...
Everyone is on a weight loss kick around here, Jason has lost the most... Had an
issue with the new Lennox furnace that was installed last Sept... It took a week to
resolve it... We set the clocks ahead this Wednesday!!! Everyone is doing good, the
bills are getting payed, it's called survival...
February 12th 2013
Had an issue with our site and have lost some of the blog info... A lot has happened
in the last 7 months... Josh's girl friend "Melissa" left and joined the Navy on Dec
6th... Josh flew to Chicago the end of Jan and proposed to her... Melissa said
"YES"!!! Congratulations to both of you... Samantha had knee surgery on
Jan 16th, she is on the mend and doing good... Jason, Paden and the babies moved
into a new home on Feb 10th... The snow is slowly melting, Spring isn't far away...
July 22nd 2012
WOW... It's been a long time... a lot of things have been happening... Samuel is
walking, Jenna is growing like a weed... We built a green house... It has been a HOT
July... Got a phone call from my Uncle Michael who I haven't seen in 30 years...
The bills are getting paid and no one is sick... "THANK YOU LORD!!!"
April 4th 2012
Hard to believe it is SNOWING!!! Got the foundation beams in the ground for the
greenhouse yesterday and it
is SNOWING today... I thought it was spring!!! Going to watch Jenna and Samuel
this afternoon... Cant wait!!! Its spring break for Samantha!!! Samantha got braces
on last week!!! Life goes on... SOS... Its called survival!!!
March 19th 2012
Today is the 1st day of Spring... We welcome it with open arms... Seems like it has
been a long Winter... The vehicles are all running no one is sick and the bills some
how are getting paid, can't ask for more than that... Jenna & Samuel are growing
like weeds, Samuel should be walking by June... Can't wait till we can take the boat
to the lake...
January 16th 2012
Looks like Winter is going to arrive tomorrow night... Forecast is for snow
accumulations of up to 1 foot
for the Spokane area... Could be interesting!!! All is going good here Samuel &
Jenna are doing good, both growing up quick...
December 28th 2011
Christmas has come and gone, no snow on the ground, it's 50 and raining...
Christmas was OK for what it was worth... Didn't seem like anyone was in a good
mood... Probably has something to do with the economy... Samuel is growing like a
weed... I don't know about anyone else but I am ready for a new year.
November 22nd 2011
Halloween has come and gone, Thanksgiving is the day after tomorrow and
Christmas is coming up... Samantha now has her drivers license... Samuel Dakota is
growing like a weed... We got our first snowfall a few days ago and now it's
raining... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!!!
October 9th 2011
Wow, its been awhile!!! Samantha is back in school, we have been working to get
everything ready for winter... Samantha will be able to go get her drivers license the
end of this month... Samuel is growing like a weed... Everyone is doing good,,, just
trying to survive in this economy... Josh broke his Mustang at the races... Its been in
the garage on jack stands for 3 weeks... Bonnie & I are at almost 100 miles of
August 25th 2011
Last night at 7:08pm Samuel Dakota Schill came into this world!!! Today we get to
go see him for the first time... Jenna is still sleeping in GMA's bed, its 6:14am... She
went to sleep about 8:45pm... She's a Cutie Pie!!! School starts next week for
August 4th 2011
Racked up 36.33 miles and 786.14 minutes of walking for the month of July.... Not
bad for "OLD PEOPLE" Cardiologist told me last Tuesday that I weighed 15 Lbs
less than when I saw him in February...
August 1st 2011
WOW,,, August is here already??? It's been a nice Summer, now that it's finally
here... Granma visited us for 12 days, Good time had by all... The garden is doing
real good... Peas, Tomatoes & squash are all looking good... Other things in the
garden are looking REAL GOOD!!! Less than a month until we will be blessed with
the birth of our first Grandson!!!!!
July 10th 2011
Been awhile since I've updated... Been busy... Bonnie & I have been walking at least
a mile every day, sometimes 2 miles... The weather has been nice sometimes too
warm... Have been to the lake a few times Jason & Paden purchased a couple of
wave runners... The garden and yard are looking good now that the weather has
improved... We will have another grand child in a little over a month... :o)
June 5th 2011
Second day in a row that the weather has been sunny & warm highs in the upper
70's!!! Josh Leigh & Jesse took the boat up to Loon Lake... Didn't catch anything
worth keeping... Am getting back into walking the dogs every day... We could use
the exercise!!! Only a little over 2 weeks until the longest day of the year...
May 17th 2011
Wondering if Summer will ever get here!!! The weather has been rainy and cold!!!
Last weekend Josh got his pick-up truck running again... Sounds real good...
Hopefully it will stay together, this is the 4th or 5th time!!! Samantha is limping
around after a mishap on the trampoline... No one is sick and the bill are getting
paid!!! AMEN!!!
May 3rd 2011
May is here but the temps have been way down with a mix of rain & snow...
Samantha has completed drivers education!!! She gets her license in October when
she turns 16... Josh is hoping to have his truck running sometime this weekend...
Bonnie is still waiting for the front tires for her camaro... They have been on back
order for about a month... Jenna will be 22 months old this Friday...
April 26th 2011
Hard to believe that today the 26th of April it's snowing!!! I'm depressed!!!
April 5th 2011
All is going good here... Samantha is doing real good at learning to drive, she is
driving me to Spokane today... Josh's work hours have increased, he has a new
position, "shipping & receiving". As for Momma & I, we are doing good and
wishing for warmer weather... Jenna is starting to put words together... She will be
speaking sentences by Summer...
March 7th 2011
Wow is it March already??? Last Saturday Samantha got her drivers permit!!! The
temps are suppose to be in the mid to upper 40's... Most of us have been fighting a
cold/flu thing, doesn't seem to want to go away... We set the clocks ahead this
weekend... Feels like Spring is in the air...
February 27th 2011
After a week of bone chilling temps and blowing wind the temps are finally coming
up... Hard to believe that March is the day after tomorrow... Some of us have been
fighting a cold and wanting it to go away... Samantha starts drivers education
tomorrow, she's excited... Come on Spring!!!
February 17th 2011
WTF is with the snow??? I thought Spring was here.. Saw some little birdie's in the
yard just the other day...
February 14th 2011 "Valentine's Day"
Lets see... The day before yesterday Josh traded his old Subaru for a 1996 Mustang
GT V-8 5 Speed... Samantha starts drivers education in 2 weeks... Feels like Spring
is in the air, temps in the 40s... The old folks at the house are going to Cathay Inn for
lunch... Everyone is doing good and the bills are getting paid, can't ask for more than
January 30th 2011
Hard to believe January has come and gone already... Everyone around here is
wishing it was Spring... Samantha starts drivers education this Spring, she will do
fine... Bonnie is working a lot of overtime, Josh is still working at The General Store
"he got a raise"... Jenna and GPA hang out Wednesday thru Sunday, "lots of fun"!!!
January 14th 2011
WOW, temps above freezing at night and in the 40s during the day, got to love it...
All is going OK here no one is sick and the bills are getting paid, can't ask for much
more than that... Gas is suppose to be around $4.00 a gallon by Spring? WTF?
January 3rd 2011
Well here it is, the new year... This is the first time in a long time when I have peace
& quiet on a Monday...Bonnie is at work, Josh is at work and Samantha is at school,
AHHH, Peace & Quiet... It has been real cold for almost a week, lows zero or lower
& highs in the single digits... Is it me or is it getting harder to survive in this
December 30th 2010
Christmas 2010 has come and gone... New Years Eve is tomorrow... Is everyone
ready to start a new year??? Yesterday it snowed all day, we got about 9"... Jenna is
starting to talk and she is developing an attitude... All is going OK here in DP...
December 16th 2010
It's hard to believe that Christmas is only a little over a week away... We are almost
finished with shopping, only a couple more stops... It has been warm the snow is
melting... Thought we might have a green Christmas but snow is in the forecast...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!!!
November 26th 2010
We had a good Thanksgiving, just the 4 of us... Ate way too much... In the last 3
days we have received
about 12 inches of snow... Feels like we are back in Alaska... Jenna is growing fast
and she is starting to talk... The bills are getting paid, everyone is well, can't ask for
more than that... Happy Holidays To Everyone...
November 18th 2010
Hard to believe that Thanksgiving is less than a week away... We got a breif
snowfall this morning... Josh should have his truck up and running this weekend...
All is going good, bills are getting paid, no one is sick, we are surviving... Can't ask
for much more than that...
November 13th 2010
It's official!!! We got our 1st snowfall this morning... Just enough to make the lawn
white... "Winter is here"
November 10th 2010
There was a chance for some snow last night but it didn't happen... Jenna is feeling
like her self again!!! Josh should have his truck running again within the next
week... Samantha is busy with school, Josh is still working at The General Store...
Bonnie is working her A$$ off, "overtime"... Me, I'm doing what I can to keep this
boat afloat... It's a real hard thing to do in this economy... Happy Holidays
October 28th 2010
Well let's see... Samantha is now 15!!! Tomorrow is Bonnie's Birthday and she will
be ??... Not going to say it.. It has been raining for several days and the mountains
have their first snowfall... Jenna has been sick for a couple of days... Dr. said she has
the flu... Halloween is a few days away... Yum, candy...
October 21st 2010
Hello world... The days are getting shorter "dark by 6:30pm" Not sure if we will
have snow for Halloween or not. Samantha is going to be 15 on Sunday October
24th... Bonnie will be ?? on the 29th... I have been trying to lose a few more pounds
before I go and see Dr. Stucky on the 30th of November... As of today I have not
had any beer in over 2 1/2 weeks... "Hey, that's pretty good for me"
October 11th 2010
Brrrrr!!!! It's getting cold at night.... All is going good in our world, Josh had his
hours cut back at TGS, Samantha is involved with school and school activities... I
am trying to get all of the outside stuff done before it snows... Jenna is growing so
fast... She is starting to talk, watch what you say around her, she repeats it... Before
we know it the Holidays will be here.... I LOVE THE HOLIDAY SEASON!!!! and
not just because of all of the goodies to eat... I enjoy the spirit of the Holiday
September 29th 2010
WOW... Where did September go? Samantha is back in school, Josh is still working
at The General Store, Bonnie is hard at work and I am doing my best trying to
accept retirement... Harvested some of the crop a few weeks ago, had a bowl with
my coffee this morning... Never knew breakfast could feel and taste sooo good...
It's going to be a fun Christmas!!! Jenna is 15 months old and getting into
everything... I LOVE having the opportunity to watch her, she is so much fun... Dr.
Stucky increased my "Amlodapine" about 3 weeks ago, I am feeling better...
August 3rd 2010
It's hard to believe it is already August... Where did June & July go??? Only 3 weeks
until Samantha starts high school, she is excited!!! Josh had a job interview
yesterday at the General Store, we are keeping our fingers crossed for him... Bonnie
returned to work today, she has been on vacation for 10 days.. That's about all that is
going on here in WA state...
July 2nd 2010
Happy 4th to everyone!!! Rained last night, sun is coming out, we need some
sunshine... We have been tubing at Loon Lake several times, the boat runs real
good... Samantha had her wisdom teeth pulled a little over a week ago,
she is on the mend... The tomato plants have flowers on them already... The other
plants are doing real well... For the first time in several years we are not buying any
fireworks this year... We will be spending some time at the lake "tubing"!!! Josh is
looking for a job, he graduated from high school about a month ago... Other than
that everything is going pretty good in our world... "Knock On Wood"
May 16th 2010
The weather has been beautiful, upper 70's... Josh entered his truck in the mud bog's
yesterday... Surprisingly he didn't break anything... Last weekend we went to the
west side of the state so I could get my MMJ card... We also went up to Camano
Island, " approx 50 miles North of Seattle" and visited with Aunt Cathy & Rich...
We might take the boat up to Loon LK,,, maybe not, the weather man is calling for a
few showers and thunder & lightning...
April 17th 2010
Well lets see, we took the boat out for the first time Thursday, only made a couple of
trips around Loon LK and put it back on the trailer... School is coming to an end for
the kids... I'm not adjusting very well to this retirement thing but I'm trying... The
Camaro is up and running, hasn't left the driveway yet but that should be soon...
March 24th 2010
Cardiologist said things look good he doesn't want to change anything and he will
see me in a year.... That's great news... Called Trudeaus a few weeks ago, only a
little over a week and we go pick up the boat... The kids start spring break next
week, they are happy about that... We are finally moving ahead on Bonnie's
Camaro project... Should be making some noise in about a week...
March 4th 2010
Called Trudeau's a few days ago. We will pickup the boat on April 3rd.... Social
Security sent me a letter saying they overpaid me $25,553.25............. What nerve,
asking for $$ back that I shouldn't have received to begin with. Samantha had her
first basketball game last Tuesday... They WON against Medical LK... Tonight she
has a game in Colville... I have been watching what I eat and drink for over a month,
as of today I have lost a little over 18 lbs... I have to go see the Cardiologist on the
17th of March to have a treadmill test...
February 22nd 2010
The weather has been real nice, no snow, the sun is shining, Spring is in the air!!!!
Last week I took the Bronco to Spokane and had a new 2 1/2" exhaust system
installed then to the glass shop and had the windshield replaced. Samantha started
basketball practice last week. We will be going to several games soon.... All is going
good, no one is sick, the bills are paid, can't ask for much more than that....
February 4th 2010
Sure has been a mild Winter.... Went to the 2010 Spokane Boat Show!!! I received a
call from Trudeaus Marine, We will be going to sign the papers on our "2010
Bayliner 185 F18 Flight Series Ski Boat" Tomorrow. It's going to be a Fun
Summer!!! The other day I received notice that "It's Official" my pension has been
figured, and is complete... WOW, I need a beer or a joint or something......
December 28th 2009
Christmas has come and gone. New Years is less than a week away. "Looking
forward to a new year". Last week I received a "fully favorable decision" from
Social Security regarding my disability pension. I don't know if I should be happy or
what. "I really miss my job" This is going to take some getting use to. The kids and
Bonnie still have a week of Winter vacation left, then back to school and work.
Jenna is getting big and it won't be long before she is crawling.
December 14th 2009
Thanksgiving was nice, ate way too much but is tasted soooo good. The kids are on
their final week of school before Winter break. Last Saturday the 12th of Dec I
received a letter in the mail from Social Security that said they approved my claim.
It's about time, it's been almost 2 years. I feel like I can relax a little and not worry
about that anymore. We are getting ready for Christmas, almost have all of the
shopping finished. Maybe just maybe 2010 will be a good year. We will see.
November 6th 2009
Halloween is over, candy is all gone. The weather is still warm, no snow on the
ground. We are excited about the Holiday Season. "my favorite time of the year"......
Kids are in school, wishing that is was still Summer... Not much excitement around
here. Jenna Elizabeth Schill is growing like a weed. She is so much fun!!!
October 14th 2009
Summer is gone, Fall is here. Only a couple of weeks till Halloween. The kids are
doing good in school, Jenna is growing like a weed. It is raining cats and dogs this
morning. Not much going on here, paying the bills and trying to survive.
September 7th 2009
It's been a good 3 day weekend, busy but good too. Josh replaced all of the bearings
and seals in the rear of his truck and he also replaced the ring and pinion gears since
he tore them up...."KIDS" Oh well, he paid for all of it himself.... The corn got
picked, blanched and put in the freezer, it tastes real good, YUM, YUM.....
Josh and Dad, Dad watched Josh did most of the dirty work, pulled the pan on the
transmission of the Bronco and replaced the filter and gasket, it was leaking on the
driveway.... I am tried and ready to call it a night..... It's been a good Labor Day
August 31st 2009
The kids are starting their first full week of school, "yea"..... Suppose to be another
hot day, rain later in the week. Picked some corn yesterday, had it for dinner, it was
real good.... Jenna is 8 weeks old today, she is growing like a weed.... Saw an article
on the internet saying Obama might give every household in this great country
$10,000 to help stimulate the economy..... I would appreciate getting ours now so I
can do my part stimulating the economy.....
August 18th 2009
WOW, it's been a while since I made an entry.... Sorry.... Let's see, on July 6th 2009
Jenna Elizabeth Schill was born, she is beautiful. Josh worked odd jobs and earned
the money to get his truck back together. Samantha went to Silverwood with her
best friend Molly. The corn is almost ready to pick. Pumpkins too. Only a little over
a week and the kids go back to school, "its the most wonderful time of the year"
June 15th 2009
On Tuesday, Jason will start his new position as a support manager in the lube and
tire dept at Walmart. "We are happy for him" He deserves it. He has worked very
hard and earned the positon.
June 10th 2009
Only 2 and 1/4 days until the kids are out of school for Summer vacation....
June 6th 2009
Looks like we will have a good garden this season... 10 pumpkin plants are growing
and over 100 corn plants are growing too..
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