Chapter 12 Notes

Period 3 & 7
• We will examine the War of 1812 including
the causes and major events during the war.
– Warm Up: wealthiest Presidents
– Go over Chapter 11 Guidebook
– Chapter 12 homework
– Madison’s War Message
– Chapter 12 notes
– Star Spangled Banner
Madison’s War Message
• How did Madison build the case for war in his
message to Congress?
• What were the issues in maritime disputes
between the U.S. and Great Britain?
• What were the accusations against the British
in North America?
Chapter 12
The War of 1812
•Due to widespread disunity, the War of
1812 ranks as one of America’s worst
fought wars.
•There was not a burning national anger
•The regular army was very bad and
•The offensive strategy against Canada
was poorly planned.
• American forces won battle on Lake Erie, at
the Battle of the Thames and in upstate New
• In 1814, Napoleon was defeated so British
could send more troops against the United
• In August 1814, British troops landed in the
Chesapeake Bay area
• Defeated 6,000 panicked Americans at
• Proceeded to enter Washington D.C. and burn
most of the buildings there.
• At Baltimore, another British fleet arrived but
was beaten back by the defenders of Fort
McHenry, where Francis Scott Key wrote
“The Star Spangled Banner.”
•Another British army threatened New
Orleans, and Andrew Jackson, led a
force of 7,000 sailors, regulars, pirates,
and Frenchmen.
•They defeated 8,000 British troops that
had launched a frontal attack in the Battle
of New Orleans.
• The Treat of Ghent, signed on December 24,
1814, was an armistice, acknowledging a
draw. Each side simply stopped fighting. The
main issue of the war, impressment, was left
The Hartford Convention
• Why were people from New England unhappy with the War
of 1812?
• What was the desire of some of the delegates to the
Hartford Convention?
• How did the Hartford Convention propose to change the
3/5 Compromise?
• How did the Convention propose to impact trade and war?
• How did the Convention want to change the presidency?
Why do you think this was included?
• Why were these proposals not given serious consideration
by the rest of the country?
• In the cartoon, how are the candidates depicted?
Hartford Convention
• As the capture of New Orleans seemed imminent,
New England Federalists met in Hartford to
discuss their grievances.
• A few talked about secession.
• Most wanted an amendment requiring a 2/3
majority for all declarations of embargos, except
during invasion.
• Three envoys went to D.C., where they were
greeted with the news from New Orleans; their
mission failed.
• The Hartford Convention proved to be the death
of the Federalist Party.
• Due to nationalism, Henry Clay developed a plan
for a profitable home market. It was called the
American System. It had 3 main parts:
– A strong banking system, to provide easy and
abundant credit.
– A protective tariff, behind which eastern
manufacturing would flourish.
– A network of roads and canals
• President Madison vetoed the bill to give states
aid for infrastructure
• The time
• during the
of President
Monroe was
known as the
"Era of Good
because the 2
political parties
were getting
• the Tallmadge Amendment called for no more
slaves to be brought into Missouri and called
for the gradual emancipation of children born
to slave parents already there.
• Henry Clay introduced the compromise on
Missouri. Congress admitted Missouri as a
slave state in 1820. But, Maine, was to be
admitted as a free state.
• The Missouri Compromise by Congress
forbade slavery in the remaining territories in
the Louisiana Territory north of the line of 36°
30', except for Missouri
Important Cases
• McCulloch v. Maryland
• Cohens v. Virginia
• Gibbons v. Ogden
• The Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819, Spain
ceded Florida, as well as Spanish claims to
Oregon in exchange for America's
abandonment of claims to Texas.
• Monroe Doctrine (1823) - President Monroe,
gave a stern warning to the European powers.
• Monroe stated that the era of colonization in
the Americas was over.
• Monroe also warned against foreign
intervention. He warned Britain to stay out of
the Western Hemisphere, and stated that the
United States would not intervene in foreign
Period 3 & 7
• We will examine the War of 1812 and its
– Monroe Doctrine Review
– Madison Document
– Inventory
• Why would Washington be in favor of the
Monroe Doctrine? Why might he be opposed
to it?
Madison and the American
Colonization Society (1819)
• According to Madison, for a plan of general
emancipation to be successful it must satisfy
certain conditions. What were they?
• Madison addressed what he and many others
considered to be the greatest obstacle: the
cost. What was his solution to this problem?