File - US History Honors

Midterm Exam Review
Directions: For the following, complete the statement or answer the question. Bolded statements are points
that you simply need to know and study from.
1. The excerpt below is from a letter by General Winfield Scott written in 1861.
The Anaconda Plan
“[S]o as to envelope the insurgent States and bring them to terms, with less bloodshed than by
any other plan.”
What was the main objective of the plan described in General Scott’s letter?
2. To strangle the shipment of supplies to the Confederacy, the union imposed a _______________________
also known at the _________________________ plan (think snake) on the South during the Civil War?
3. The graph below compares the resources of the North and South during the Civil War. What three
conclusions can be made from the chart?
4. What was a significant impact of the Emancipation Proclamation?
5. What were the major consequences of the Civil War?
6. The excerpt below is from a recently written history of the Civil War.
What were the rights and liberties for which Confederates contended? The right to own slaves;
the liberty to take this property into the territories; freedom from the coercive powers of a
centralized government.”
- James McPherson, The Battle Cry of Freedom
What contradictions does this Civil War historian find in the secession of the Southern states?
7. The view that The Union was formed by the American people and not by individual __________was a view
held by most Southerners of the secession crisis of 1860-1861.
8. What was one of the impact of these below issues on Republicans following the Civil War?
How should former Confederate leaders be
How should Southern states be re-admitted to
the Union?
How should four million freedmen enter into
public life and the free market economy?
How should the economy of the South be
What was one impact of these issues on Republicans following the Civil War?
9. What was an immediate effect of the changes described below, which were implemented by Congressional
Congressional Reconstruction
Created five districts and imposed martial law on the South
States had to ratify the 14th Amendment before readmission into the Union
Confederate leaders could not hold elected office
10. The _____ amendment guarantees the “equal protection” of the laws to all American citizens.
11. The statement below was by Thaddeus Stevens, a Radical Republican leader.
If [African-American] suffrage is excluded in the rebel states, then every one of them is sure to
send a [Democratic] representation to Congress and pass a solid [Democratic] electoral vote
[for President].
What reason did Stevens give in this statement for granting voting rights to African Americans?
12. A white Southerner who supported Reconstruction was called a ___________________.
13. The excerpt below is from the Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896).
Laws permitting, or even requiring, the separation of the races do not place a badge of
inferiority upon group over another. Thus it is not a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.
What practice did this ruling uphold?
14. How did the law below influence conditions for African Americans in Florida?
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
Section 1. It shall be a penal offense for any individual, body of individuals,
corporation or association to conduct within this State any school of any grade, public,
private or parochial wherein white persons and negroes shall by instructed or boarded
within the same building, or taught in the same class, or at the same time by the same
Florida State Legislature, 1895
15. Two groups helped the freedmen during the Reconstruction Era; Radical __________and carpetbaggers.
16. Which practices were introduced in Southern states after Reconstruction to circumvent the amendment
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United
States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
- The 15th Amendment
17. What was the main purpose of the reservation system?
18. Of the following, which ONE (circle choice) would geographers consider a “PULL” factor that contributed to the
settling of the Far West?
a. The amount of farmland available for sale in the Northeast and Midwest was limited
b. Only a decade after the California Gold Rush, new discoveries of gold and silver were made in Nevada,
Colorado, and South Dakota
19. What would be the best title for the box below?
Built sod houses
Used dry farming techniques
Used barbed wire fences
Burned cow and buffalo chips for fuel
Windmills pumped water
Steel plow used for tough soil
20. The cartoon below was published in the late 1800s.
What is the main idea of the cartoon?
21. How did the Dawes Act (1887) mark a departure from earlier federal Indian policy?
22. Which inventor predicted that, “The day is coming when telephone wires will be laid on to houses just like
water and gas --- and friends will converse with each other without leaving home,” by using his invention?
23. Which would be the best title for the chart below (circle one)?
Safety valve for unhappy workers and
farmers in the Northeast
Discovery of gold and silver in
Colorado, Nevada, and the Dakotas
Building of the transcontinental railroads
Advertising promised superior
farming conditions on the Great
Reasons for the success of the Nebraska land rush
Factor contributing to the settlement of the West
Conditions leading to the spread of cholera
Sparks for the Second Industrial Revolution
Market for grain and cattle in
the Northeast
Passage of the Homestead Act
provided cheap land
24. Circle the entrepreneur that is NOT correctly paired with his field?
o John D. Rockefeller  telecommunications
Andrew Carnegie  steel
Gustavus Swift  meat-packing
J.P. Morgan  finance
25. Circle the one that was NOT a problem faced by most American factory workers in the late 19th century?
Boring, repetitive tasks
Periodic unemployment
Long hours and low wages
Demanding hiring requirements
26. __________________ was a tactic used by management to resist the demands of labor?
27. With the rapid growth of cities in the late 1800s, __________________ housing and ghettos often were the
places that poor workers and immigrants lived in.
28. The statement below was made by a 19th-century immigrant to the United States.
My family was lucky. We survived the pogrom in our village in Russia. The Tsarist government
acted in support of these anti-Jewish attacks. We had a cousin in Chicago who sent us enough
money to pay for our passage by steamship to America.
Based on this statement, why did her family immigrate to the United States?
29. Many nativists felt (circle ONE) ___Fear / Relief___ of losing their jobs to the rapid influx of immigrants
between 1870 and 1900?
30. The photograph on the right shows immigrants on Ellis
Island in 1904. What was the primary purpose of this
31. The excerpt below is from William Jenning Bryan’s speech at the Democratic Convention in 1896.
Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the
commercial interests, the laboring interests, and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their
demand for a gold standard by saying to them: “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor
this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”
Based on this speech, what did Bryan demand in his subsequent campaign for the Presidency?
32. What was the purpose of the Grange movement?
33. The information below identifies examples of the work of the muckrakers.
Upton Sinclair exposed the unhealthy practices of Chicago’s meat-packing plants.
Ida Tarbell revealed the dishonest business tactics of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company.
Jacob Riis wrote How the Other Half Lives, showing the conditions of the residents of New York City
What was the impact of these muckracking activities during the early 1900s?
34. This photograph was taken by Lewis Hines in 1907 for The Survey, a magazine
promoting social reform.
My name is Luther Watson. I am 14 years old. My right arm was cut off by a
veneering saw. I was using a board to [press on] the belt operating the saw. I
lost my job at the factory because of the accident.
Which laws addressed concerns raised by the case of Luther Watson?
35. The information below identifies some of the key reforms of the Progressive Era. Which characteristic was shared by
all five reforms?
Direct primary
17th amendment
36. The cartoon below, “The Bosses of the Senate,” was published in 1889. What is the viewpoint of the artist?
Circle One
a. Trusts have been subjected to unfair regulation by Congress
b. Trusts have too much influence over the United States Senate
37. This cartoon was published in New York-American Journal in
1902. Which legislation was directed at remedying the evils
depicted in the cartoon? (Circle ONE)
o Prohibition
o Child labor laws
o Workman’s compensation laws
38. The common purpose of these legislative acts was to…
Progressive Era Legislation
United States Forest Service
Meat Inspection Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
Department of Labor established
Manage the nation’s water and timber
Regulate meat processing to ensure clean
Outlaw dishonest labeling of food and
Promote the interests of working people
39. The cartoon to the right illustrates President Theodore
Roosevelt’s attempt to… (circle ONE)
o ignore antitrust laws
o conserve natural resources
o limit the power of monopolies
40. _____________________ was the factor most closely associated with the decision of the United States to
declare war on Spain in 1898?
41. The United States issued the Open Door policy (18991900) primarily to secure equal _______________
with China.
42. What was one argument used in favor of American
43. The political cartoon on the right appeared on the cover of
Puck magazine on December 1, 1897. Its caption says
“Another Shotgun Wedding, with Neither Party Willing.”
The cartoon depicts President William McKinley as a minister conducting a wedding. He is reading from a book
entitled “Annexation Policy.” The man in the Confederate uniform holding the shotgun is U.S. Senator John Tyler
Morgan, a former Confederate general and a prominent imperialist. Kneeling before the minister are Uncle Sam and
a Hawaiian woman.
What is the main idea of this political cartoon?
44. After observing how the European great powers had carved out “spheres of influence” in China, what action did U.S.
Secretary of State Hays propose… (circle ONE)
The United States and other foreign nations should enjoy equal trading rights in China
The United States should help China to recover all of the lands taken by European powers
45. According to the political cartoon on the right, anti-suffragists feared
that if women got the right to vote, they would (circle ONE)
o Ignore their duties at home.
o Vote for passage of more health-care measures and thus have
more babies.
46. The cartoon on the right was published on May 16, 1917. The sign
encourages the people to buy liberty bonds while Uncle Sam says,
“That’s what I like to see.”
What was the purpose of the bonds being sold in the cartoon?
47. How did American women react to American participation in WWI; how did they help “fight” the
48. Why did the US Senate fail to ratify the Treaty of Versailles in 1919?
49. Listed below, what do the philosophies of these three African-American leaders suggest?
Booker T. Washington
 Founded the Tuskegee Institute
 Wanted to achieve vocational
skills rather than agitate for
social equality
 Submitted to segregation as
long as given vocational
training in public schools
 Limited ambitions to obtaining
a vocation and raising
standards of living
 Atlanta Compromise
W.E.B. Du Bois
 First African American to
receive a Ph.D. from Harvard
 Agitated for full social equality
and refused to settle for an
inferior social and economic
 African Americans should
receive a liberal and
professional education
 Launched the Niagara
 Condemned the Atlanta
 Launched the NAACP
Marcus Garvey
 Established the Universal Negro
Improvement Association
 Believed “black is beautiful”
 Opposed cooperation with
whites in organization like the
 Founded African-American
businesses such as the Black
Star Line
 Started a “Back to Africa”
 Urged African Americans to
separate from white and rely
upon themselves
50. What did African-American writers, artists, and musicians hope to achieve during the Harlem Renaissance?