Oxidation and Reduction Chapter 20 Day 1 INTRO TO REDOX Definition A reaction in which electrons are transferred from one substance to another Oxidation cannot occur without reduction Oxidation: 1. Losing of electrons 2. Increasing the oxidation charge (0 to +1 or -2 to -1) Reduction 1. Gaining of electrons 2. Reducing the oxidation charge (-1 to -2 or 1 to 0) Oxidation Numbers Number of charges the atom would have in a molecule if electrons were transferred completely Rule #1 Oxidation number of a free element is zero Example: Mg, H2, Na, P4, S8, K Rule #2 Oxidation number of an ion is the charge of the ion Example: Mg2+, O2−, Al3+, Br− Rule #3 Oxidation number for H is +1 when bonded to a nonmetal *Exception: when bonded to a metal it is −1 Example: HCl, HF, LiH, H2O, NaH, MgH2 Rule #4 Oxygen’s oxidation number is −2 *Two Exceptions: peroxides and fluorine Example: H2O2 OF2 Practice 1. HNO3 5. NH3 2. NO3− 6. K3PO4 3. MgCl2 7. CaSO4 4. CO32− 8. SiCl4 Whiteboard Practice 1. Give the oxidation # of the nitrogen atom: a. N2 c. N2O4 e. NO2− b. NO d. N2O5 f. NH4+ 2. Determine the oxidation # of the sulfur atom a. H2S c. H2SO4 e. HS− g. SO2 b. S d. S22− f. SO2 3. Indicate the oxidation # of phosphorus in each: a. HPO3 c. H3PO3 e. H4P2O7 b. H3PO2 d. H3PO4 f. H5P3O10 Day 2 ½ REACTIONS Redox Reaction 2 Mg + O2 2 MgO Oxidation ½ Reaction When an electron is lost (electrons appear as products) X0 X+1 + e− Oxidation # goes up Reduction ½ Reaction When an electron is gained (electrons appear as reactants) e− + Y+1 Y0 Oxidation # goes down Ways to Remember L E O goes G E R OIL RIG O L X S E I E C D T A R T O I N O S N X S O S I I D N A G T I O N E S A D I U N C I T N I G O N A I N L E C T R O N S E D U C T I O N Examples: Ex1 Na0 Ex2 Fe+3 Fe+2 Ex3 N+1 N+2 Ex4 Mg+2 Mg0 Na+1 Day 3 REDOX REACTIONS Example 1: HCl + Zn ZnCl2 + H2 Example 2: Mg + N2 Mg3N2 Example 3: H2S + Cl2 HCl + S Example 4: Fe + O2 Fe2O3 Classwork Assign oxidation numbers for each element. Then, for the following balanced redox reactions answer the following questions: 1) Fe(aq) + H2O2(aq) Fe+2(aq) + 2 OH-1(aq) a. Write all the oxidation numbers (identify what changes) b. Write the ½ reactions on the lines _______________________ ________________________ (oxidation or reduction) (oxidation or reduction) c. Add the electrons to each ½ reaction d. Identify each ½ reaction as oxidation or reduction 2) Zn(s) + HCl(aq) H2(g) + ZnCl2(aq) 3) SbCl5 + 2 KI SbCl3 + I2 + 2 KCl