SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY School of Nursing ANNUAL CLINICAL COURSE REPORT FORM Course: ___Nursing 334______________ I. Spring 2014___ COURSE IDENTIFICATION DATA Level: Course Title/Number: Course Coordinator: Course Faculty: II. Evaluation Period: Foundations_________________________ Health Assessment of Families, Groups, & Communities Lab/N334 Willa Stewart ____________ Susan Bertrand, Dari Calamia, Rhonda Pecararo, Sue Prude, & Willa Stewart DATA COLLECTION A. Dates (Semesters) Spring 2014 B. Methodology The evaluation was available through Survey Monkey. The students had approximately two weeks to complete the survey. Seventy five (75) students were enrolled in six sections of N334. Fifty-eight (58) completed the course evaluation yielding a return rate of 44%. The N334 instructors sent the link generated from Survey Monkey via email to the students enrolled in the course. Those students who were currently enrolled in the course were asked to complete the survey. One to two emails were sent out requesting that students complete the survey as a reminder. III. EVALUATION RESULTS A. Findings (Summary Data): Question 1. Lab content and design were effective in meeting course objectives. Response Rate: _____43.5%_________ STRONGLY AGREE AGREE 32.8% 58.6% DISAGRE 6.9% STRONGLY DISAGREE 1.7% 2. Teaching/learning practices used in the lab were effective in meeting course objectives. 27.6% 55.2% 13.8% 3.4% 3. The lab provided opportunities for professional communication. 44.6% 48.2% 5.4% 1.8% 4. The lab provided opportunities for collaboration with peers/faculty. 48.3% 46.6% 3.4% 1.7% 5. The lab encouraged the use of information management. 39.7% 51.7% 6.9% 1.7% 6. The lab promoted critical thinking. 39.7% 46.6% 10.3% 3.4% 7. The sequence of lab course work correlated with theory course (Nurs 332) content. 39.7% 55.2% 3.4% 1.7% Fall 2013 8. The presentation by the Government documents Librarian was useful in learning about available library and online resources for the community. 9. The community assessment project provided an opportunity to assess a community using the “Community As Partner Model.” 10. The community assessment project provided an opportunity to make inferences and draw conclusions regarding the health issues of a community. 11. The community assessment project provided an opportunity to develop community focused goals and interventions related to Healthy People 2020. 12. The family assessment project provided an opportunity to assess a family using the “Friedman Family Assessment Model.” 13. The family assessment project provided an opportunity to apply theoretical family concepts to an actual family. 14. The family assessment project provided an opportunity to learn how to construct and interpret genograms and ecomaps. 15. The required textbook, Anderson & McFarlane, “Community as Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing, 6th edition, was useful in completing the community assessment project. 16. The required textbook, Kaakinen, GedalyDuff, Coehlo, and Hanson “Family Health Care Nursing, 4th edition” was useful in completing the family assessment project. 17. The “APA Publication Manual, 6th edition” was useful in writing the community and family assessment project papers. 36.2% 46.6% 15.5% 1.7% 37.9% 58.6% 1.7% 1.7% 37.9% 55.2% 3.4% 3.4% 26.3% 68.4% 3.5% 1.8% 35.1% 56.1% 5.3% 3.5% 36.2% 56.9% 3.4% 3.4% 43.1% 48.3% 5.2% 3.4% 36.8% 38.6% 19.3% 5.3% 34.5% 46.6% 13.8% 5.2% 27.6% 37.9% 20.7% 13.8% B. Summary of Narrative Comments: In response to the question “What do you feel were the strengths of the lab?” (Q 18), students responded with written comments, such as the experience of conducting a community and family assessment, explaining what was needed for the papers, communicating professionally with others (peers and community leaders), and strengthening APA format, critical thinking, and writing skills. In response to the question “What suggestions would you make for improving the lab?” (Q 19), students responded with written comments such as requesting more APA instruction, combining both lab and lecture, decreasing the workload and length of the family assessment paper, having examples of papers, and more community interaction. C. Comparison of current to the last two years results include a summary of any trends or patterns. The 2012-2014 course evaluation results yielded a return rate of 11-87%. The 2013 survey had a response rate of 11%. The course was not offered until 1 year later (Spring Fall 2013 2014). In 2012 and 2014, there was a score for each item in the “strongly disagree” column. Results of this survey are similar to those in 2012 and 2013. Overall, the responses from the students completing the survey were positive with most responses in the “strongly agree” and “agree” categories.” This is the first time the course has been required for second semester students due to the change in curriculum. IV. ATI TESTING RESULTS (only for courses with ATI tests) (Including comparison of current results with results from the last two semesters) No current standardized testing is done at the foundation level for community health nursing. V. RECOMMENDATIONS TO LEVEL: No recommendations will be given to level at this time. Based on student feedback, APA format will be introduced in the first semester with N333 as previously recommended to the curriculum committee. APA content will remain on the Moodle site. This will give students an opportunity to continue their knowledge of APA format. Both N332 and N334 have assignments that require the use of APA format. The content for completion of the family assessment paper was revised and a page limit was given. If level determines that a change needs to be made in the curriculum, consider combining the lab and the lecture. Fall 2013