First, read the myths: *Gaia, the Earth* then *How Zeus Came to Power

First, read the myths: “Gaia, the Earth” then “How Zeus Came to Power”
Next, read the below informational text on The Furies.
In Roman mythology, the Furies also known as (The Terrible) or (The Angry Ones) in Greek mythology are
three sisters: Alecto (The Unceasing or The Endless who was their leader), Megaera (The Grudging or The
Envious Rager) and Tisiphone (The Avenging or The Retaliator). There are two accounts of their creation. One
account has it that they came into being when the blood produced by Cronus killing his father Uranus splashed
upon the Earth, Gaia. The other account has it that they were mothered by Gaia.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------They are the goddesses of revenge, sometimes called the daughters of the Night or Those Who Walk in
Darkness. They haunt criminals, especially those who kill or commit wrongs against blood relatives, regardless
of motivation, until they go insane and die. The Furies are untiring and persistent in their pursuit. They are
impartial and indifferent, merely carrying out their duty. They continue to torment wrongdoers even after death,
until the criminal shows remorse. Then, they become the Eumenides (The Kindly Ones). They were often
referred to as Eumenides, as calling them Furies was concidered bad luck. Vergil (or Virgil) placed them in the
Underworld, tormenting sinners under the command of Pluto, but Greek poets often presented them as pursuing
criminals on Earth, under the command of Zeus.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------While they are sometimes presented as being very fair, artists often depicted them as old ladies with fiery eyes,
bats' wings, dogs' heads and snake hair, often brandishing torches and metal-studded whips. Sometimes they
were dressed as hunters. Weeping tears of blood and hissing with hair of vipers, they would descend like a
storm. Ancient authors described them as stinking of rotting mortal blood (which they also spat out) and barking
like dogs. They could not die as long as sin existed in the world. Tisiphone guards the entrance to Tartarus,
wrapped in a bloodstained robe. Alecto is a maker of grief. She revels in war and quarrels. Little is said about
Mrs. Dodds Informational Text Page
Draw and color the image Percy saw Mrs. Dodds turn into in Chapter 1 (The Fury). 5 pts ______
Include at least 4 specific details from your reading in your drawing.
Draw a line to each of the 4 details. Label them.
4 pts______
Finally write 2 sentence description under the label.
2pts each 8 pts______
See example:
Head this section: Summary of Chapter 1
Write 8 important events that happened in Chapter 1.
The sentences must be complete.
The sentences should not have any spelling or punctuation errors.
1 pt each
1 pt each
1 pt each
Head this section: Action Picture
Draw and color action picture of the Creation of the Fury from the informational
text or the scene in Chapter 1 when Percy encounters The Fury for the first
Write a caption for the Action Picture. The caption should be a Main Idea
Statement of the Action Picture.
Head this section: Did you know?
Create 3 bullets of facts about The Fury in complete sentences
2 pts each
Head this section: Size
Draw a diagram that shows the size of a Fury in relation to a
Normal human body. See example:
1 pts ______
8 pts ______
8 pts ______
8 pts ______
1 pt _______
5 pts_______
5 pts_______
1 pt________
6 pts _______
1 pt _______
2 pts ______
Finally, write an appropriate title for your informational text page (capitalization)
And put your name and period on your paper.
2 pts_______
Due Date is _Thursday, Sept. 1_____
Parent signature _________________________________ 5 pts _______
When you turn it in on time or before the due date, you will earn 5 extra points
If you turn it in late, you will lose 5 points per school day.
Grading Scale :
70-75pts out of 75 = A; 64 – 69 pts out of 75 = B; 57-63pts out of 75 = C;
5 pts _______
53-56pts out of 75 = D
A. Mrs. Dodds
E. Size
B. Summary of Chapter 1
C. Action Picture
D. Did you know?