 Read the Pupil Accounting Manual (it is required to
have a copy on file in the building)
 It is under constant revision
 Put it in a notebook w/tabs – make notes in it
 Insert other related documentation, such as questions &
answers, emails, etc. (for future reference)
• Fall Count Date: October 5 (first Wednesday in October)
 The count is now weighted 90/10 (instead of 75/25), so the
major emphasis is now on the fall count
• Blended Count
 Includes Fall Membership, Special Education and
Supplemental Nutrition
• Going Green
 State is moving in this direction. This year we will
incorporate attendance and student schedules
• 5O-B – Seat Time Waiver
 Requirements for counting membership (login on
count day + 9 days during count period and weekly
two-way interaction between mentor/student for each
week of count period)
October 5, 2011
October 5-November 9
October 19, 2011
November 4, 2011
November 9, 2011
November 23, 2011
Count Day
MSDS Submission Window
10 School Days Window for Unexcused Absences
30 Calendar Days Window for Excused Absences
Desk Audit Materials Due to ISD
Data Certification Deadline
 Alpha List
 Printed alphabetically by grade and FTE totals by grade
 Make sure they are signed
 105C (contiguous) School of Choice Students
 For Special Ed students – need written cooperative agreement with student’s
resident district
 Count Day Absence List
 Make sure to include return date
 Reduced Schedule Students
 Students who are not completing the required 1,098 hours at the request of the
parent (best interest of the student)
 All documentation needs to be included with packet (list of students, request &
approval form stating reason for reduced schedule)
 In order to be eligible for full FTE, must maintain minimum of 80% of full
schedule. For students with IEP’s, if schedule falls below 80%, a doctor’s note
must also be attached stating that schedule is being reduced for a medical or
emotional reason
 Part Time Students
 Grades 1-12
 Scheduled for fewer than 1,098 hours of instruction & does not
qualify as reduced schedule student (eg. partial schedule seniors)
 FTE is prorated based on actual hours scheduled/provided
 Homebound/Hospitalized Students
 All documentation needs to be included with packet (list of
students, instructional service log, doctor’s note stating need for
homebound/hospitalized service
 Worksheet B
 Make sure FTE’s on Worksheet B match what is on alpha list
 Printed on count day (or “as of date” on count day)
 Program code needs to be identified (circle or highlight)
 Seat Time Waiver Students
 Include form listing students enrolled in program
 Include login documentation for each student
Login on count day
Login 9 more days during 30 day count period
 Include documentation of weekly two-way interaction
between mentor and student for each week of count
District Building Calendar
•Indicates scheduled days and hours of instruction
Attendance Policy
•Board approved criteria for excused/unexcused absences (10/30 day rule)
Graduation Requirements
•Board approved courses which grant credit & count toward graduation
List of Approved Classes
•Courses that generate credit for determining state aid
Records Retention
•Districts should have a schedule for retention of records to substantiate
membership for 3 years + current year
Common Calendar
•Mandated in 2008
•Developed in cooperation with your ISD
•Alpha List (Membership List: Lists pupils eligible for FTE)
Data includes: pupil legal name, address, ID number, DOB, residency, name and code of
resident & educating district, grade, General Ed, Special Ed, & total FTE
REMEMBER to highlight the following:
•FTE less than 1.00 = green
•Special Education = yellow
•Non-residents = pink
•Non-conventional (Pop III) = blue
The district shall maintain a teacher class (master) schedule for each building that includes:
teachers’ names, room locations, course names & numbers, scheduled days & times of classes
•Attendance Records
The official attendance record is reviewed, signed and dated by the teacher of record
Determines eligibility to count pupil in membership
Is the one and only “Official Proof” of student attendance
•Excused Absence Documentation
Document count day absences: shows name, class, date, reason, building & grade/program
name, signature of appropriate staff making contact, name and relation of person making
•Enrollment Record (enroll form) are to indicate
Legal name, address & birth date (verify against certified birth certificate)
Pupil ID number (district)
District of resident
Indicate school of last enrollment
Enrollment in another district
Parent/guardian name & address (if <18)
Date of enrollment
Race/Ethnic Survey
Immunization records
Proof of age & identity – certified birth certificate or
•Other reliable
proof as defined in board policy w/affidavit
•Indication that residency status was reviewed
•Michigan Missing Children’s Act (MCL 380.1135)
Requires first time enrollees/person enrolling pupil to provide:
•Certified copy of the birth certificate or other reliable proof (per BD policy)
•Parent can request a copy in person at county clerks office, by mail, or on-line (for students born in
Michigan) at or
Vital Records Requests, PO Box 30721, Lansing, MI 48909
•An affidavit accompanying the other reliable proof; explaining the inability to produce the certified
birth certificate
Parent’s failure to comply with above (PA manual 1-6):
•Notify person in writing of the 30 day warning to comply
•After 30 days, “districts shall notify the local law enforcement agency”
•A district should never expel or deny enrollment of a pupil because the parent did not produce a
birth certificate
State law on request and transfer of official student records (CA60)
•Upon enrollment of a transfer in - 14 days, official request for records sent
•Upon receipt of request - 30 days, send records to receiving school
•Class Schedules: Secondary schedules are to be saved electronically on count
Included: name, ID#, course name & #, teacher of record, scheduled days & times
•To count a pupil in membership
5 years old on or before December 1
Less than 20 years old by September 1
•Special Education pupils
The IEP drives the pupil’s membership. Partial day may count as 1.00 FTE
26 and under by September 1 AND have not received diploma
NOTE: A special education certificate of completion is not a high school diploma
•For 2011-12, the required minimum number of days of pupil instruction is
still 165. Beginning in 2012-2013, the required minimum number of days of
pupil instruction is 170.
•Grades 1-12: Hours requirement = 1,098
Includes Alternative Ed unless a waiver was obtained
Professional Development can be applied towards hours of instruction (38 hours)
30 hours or 6 days of forgiven time for cancellations (inclement weather, building
•Kindergarten: Hours requirement = 549
NOTE: For 2012-2013 there is intent to require 1098 hours = 1 FTE
Professional Development can be applied at prorated rate
38 hours provided, 19 can be counted in the kindergarten program
30 hours of forgiven time can be applied at a prorated rate (15 hours)
•An additional 30 hours of scheduled instruction that is not provided after
April 1 due to conditions out of the control of the district can be applied to
meet the 1,098 requirement (application & approval process)
Must apply to the State Superintendent
Cannot be used for cancelled Professional Development
•Monitor daily 75% attendance
Districts must have a procedure in place for capturing 75% attendance
Based on pupils enrolled & scheduled compared to those in attendance
each day
Enrolled and scheduled pupil attendance must be 75% > to avoid state aid
Done at the district level
•Counting qualified “PD” time
Must be part of the school fiscal year and conducted on non-scheduled
instructional days
Should be a recognizable group of teachers (grade level, building,
PD is focused on: achieving AYP/accreditation, highly qualified and or
maintaining teacher certification
•Pupil was enrolled on or before count day
Enrollment defined as where a student attends or seeks (with the intent)
to attend
If a student enrolled but did not physically attend before count day:
student is unexcused absent, the student may not be counted in
•If a student is excused absent, the student may be counted in membership so
long as they physically attend all classes within the 30 day rule
•Pupil meets age requirements
Students 6 to 16 required to attend school; except under limited
circumstances (nonpublic/home school)
•Students age and identity verified
Discussed verification requirements (birth certificate/other proof)
•Pupil is a resident of your district
Defined as the district in which student Parent(s)/Guardian(s) reside.
Resident that can be counted in membership:
•Parents in separate districts – student considered a resident in both
districts (either district may enroll the pupil regardless of which
parent has custody)
•Pupil (without parents) lives with relative or family lives with friends
or family to secure a suitable home (notarized affidavit)
•Pupil is 18/emancipated minor and resides within the district
•Pupil resides in licensed home placed by court order (foster)
•F1 Visa – pupil resides in district (I-20 approved schools)
•J1 Visa – foreign exchange; living with host parents residing in district
•Homeless (pupil or family living with relative or friend in a double up
•Pupil incarcerated in county jail becomes a resident of the district
where the county jail is located.
•Pupil is NOT a resident of your district
Defined as the district in which student Parent(s)/Guardian(s) resides out of district
boundaries and does not meet the criteria for resident pupils. Non Residents that can be
counted in membership:
is enrolled in a Public School Academy or University School
•Pupil is enrolled in Michigan Virtual High School
•Pupil is approved to attend under Section 105/105c rules (includes ISD 105c)
•Pupil’s resident district signs release
•Cooperative Education Programs
•Alternative Education Pupils
•Moved after fall count
•Non Public Shared Time (home or private school attendee eligible to take non-core courses)
•Victim of sexual or other serious assault
•Pupil educated through ISD
•Pupil educated at MI School for the Deaf & Blind
•Special Education Center Programs
•Children of School District Employees (Board policy must opt-in to this exception)
•Homeless Children
•Expelled from other districts
•Pupils Considered Population 1
Present and in attendance in all periods on count day & receives 1.0 FTE
Meet criteria for Resident Students who can be counted in membership
Are NOT receiving “non-conventional” educational program instruction
Hopefully most of your pupils fall into this category 
typical documentation
Enrollment records (form, residency, etc.)
Student appears on signed and dated teacher official attendance
Enrolled in courses with certified teacher taking attendance, as
well as conducting grade assessments – this must be a board
approved course with credit applied toward graduation or
•Pupils Considered Population 2
Absent for all or part of count day
Residents & Non-Residents
May also be in the Population 3 category
Hopefully you have the least amount of absences to track 
typical and additional documentation
Identification of student names & grade
Date (count date) and period(s) of absence(s)
Whether absence(s) are excused or unexcused
Date of return
•With documentation (teacher record showing return)
FTE (full or pro-rated)
•Pupils Considered Population 3
Eligible for count, absent or present on count day, Resident/Non-
Resident, receiving instruction on count day in a non-conventional
•Requires the heaviest course documentation
Alternative Education – 5A
Cooperative Education – 5B
Home-Based Instruction – 5C
Homebound/Hospitalized – 5D
Non-Public Shared-Time and Home Schooled – 5E
Part-Time – 5F
Post Secondary (Dual) Enrollment – 5G
Reduced Schedule – 5H
Non-Residents (Schools of Choice – 105/105C) – 4, 5I
Special Education Early Childhood – 5K
Special Education Transition – 5L
Split Schedule – 5M
Suspended and Expelled – 5N
Michigan Virtual High School, Distance Learning and Independent Study – 5O-A
Seat Time Waiver – 5O-B
Work-Based Education – 5P
Experiential Learning Courses – 6A
Links – 6B
•Adult Ed
•Center Based Special Education
•High School
•Middle School
•Early Childhood
Board Approved
On-line is primary delivery
Instructor is highly qualified and course must generate credit
Class schedule current within 4 weeks of each count and June
30th for each year enrolled
• Academic Benchmarks
 Grade appropriate assessment
 MME – required if earned 12 or more credits toward
 Evaluation criteria – MDE to establish additional
measure of success against which the program must show
• District paid tuition and fees
 Student computer
 Broadband connectivity
 Participation shall be measured by:
 logging into at least one program-sponsored online course on each
count day and for nine (9) additional calendar days during the 30calendar day count period.
 Documenting weekly two-way interaction between mentor and
student during the count period
 If a pupil does not log in on the count day and nine (9) additional
calendar days, no FTE shall be granted.
 Pupils are now required through the Merit Curriculum to
complete one on-line experience
 Requirements:
 Course must be approved the school board
 Course must generate credit toward a high school diploma or
 Certified teacher must monitor the student’s activity, as well
as take attendance
 Course must appear on student’s schedule
 Limit of two per semester, unless enrolled under a Seat Time
 Student must be present on count day during the
period the class is assigned.
 Please provide proof of log in signed and dated by
mentor and student
• Paid Work Based Learning
• Unpaid Work-Based Learning out of District
• Unpaid Work- Based Learning in District
• CTE Work - Based Learning Paid
• CTE Work-Based Learning Unpaid
 A training agreement must be in place by Count Day 
Verification of Worker’s Disability Compensation and
General Liability Insurance
 An important requirement of the training agreement for both paid and unpaid
students is that there must be verification from the employer that they carry
both workers 'compensation insurance and general liability insurance.
To verify workers’ compensation
 Call the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth,
Workers’ Compensation Agency at 1-888-396-5041 or access the web site at and click on “insurance coverage look up”.
 The above website does not provide general liability insurance, this
information must be verified directly with the employer.
 The district must have a written training plan in place
by count day.
 A list of performance elements that contribute to the
pupil’s progress toward a career objective. The
performance elements/job skills shall be used to assess
the pupil’s progress. New goals each 9 weeks
 Identification of the academic course(s) that generate
credit toward a high school diploma in which the pupil
is currently enrolled or was previously enrolled in that
relates to and prepares the pupil for job placement
 Every 9 weeks a visitation by a certified teacher must
be made. At the visitation:
 Monitor the progress of the pupil’s skills
 Verify the pupil’s attendance
 Evaluate the site in terms of health, safety, and welfare of
the pupil.
GAD - Graduation and Dropout
Exit code changes must be completed by 09/15/11 (changed to
meet Federal Reporting deadline). This is very important to AYP
(AYP needs to be 80%)
Auditors timeline – 10/24/11 - 12/09/11