Cognitive Psychology

Social – End of topic evaluation
Topic 2 – Cognitive
Lesson one – Introduction to the approach
and topic
Cognitive Psychology: definitions & key terms used in
this approach
What is the cognitive approach?
The cognitive approach relates to mental processes that help us to make
sense of the world: these include processes such as perception, language,
memory, attention & problem-solving.
One way cognitive psychologists think about this approach is by using the
information processing model.
Input, processing and output – How does this work?
1. Our senses receive information (input)
2. Our brain interprets & tries to make sense of this information
3. We then respond to this, usually with a specific type of behaviour
Information Processing –
what analogy can we use?
Information is input via a keyboard, processed & then stored on the
hard-drive (the brain), and various outputs can then be made.
•Input into a computer is more limited , the brain
receives masses of information, through the senses, all
of the time.
Compares the functioning of a computer with that of the human brain to help us understand how mental functions operate.
Draw a diagram that represents memory. What do you already know about memory? Create a
visual representation.
Cognitive processes
How else can we research cognitive processes? Such as perception, language, memory, attention & problem-solving.
Think about Phineas Gage
Cognitive neuropsychology
Brain damage allows researchers to see what a person with a certain area of brain damage can do/how they process
information with someone without that damage.
In psychology, memory is
an organisms ability to
store, retain,
& recall information.
Key words
• Storage
• Retrieval
In pairs define these
words- what do you
think they mean in
regards to memory?
Give a definition of the cognitive approach (6 marks)
Use your notes from today, e-books and your own research to answer this question.