Stress Management Study Guide Exam #2 (Chap. 4

Stress Management Study Guide
Exam #2 (Chap. 4-7)
Lazarus idea of stress as a function of…..
What are interventions
What is cognitive appraisal
Know the Stress Model
o Life Situation-Perceived as stressful (cognitive appraisal)
-emotional arousal-physiological arousal-consequence
Roadblocks- different types of roadblocks and how they are used
Fight or Flight
Distress and Eustress
What is the Goal of Stress Management
Meaning of Intrapersonal and Interpersonal
Physiological reactions to stress
What is and are Sympathomimetics and pseudostressors
Noise- when impacts the body and white noise
What is a mantra
Hassles vs Major life event
Assertive/non-assertive/aggressive behavior
Verbal vs. Non-Verbal communication, “I” statements
DESC model
Active and reflective listening
Time Management- ABC lists, prioritizing, time assessment, delegating
Emotional and social support
Perceptions- cognitive interpretation of events
Locus of Control---- Internal vs. External
Hardiness- the 3 C’s
Selective awareness, Attitude of Gratitude, Humor, Personality types
Coping with Anxiety- ABCDE technique