Elizabeth Stanford ```moral person is concerned with the judgment

Elizabeth Stanford
```moral person is concerned with the judgment of the doings of human actions and
character. Immoral is contrary or the opposite of moral. In Albert Camus book the Stranger, the
main character is immoral because he shows no concern for anything in life is absurd and
meaningless. In the book, his mom dies; he shows no concern and doesn’t feel any remorse or
sadness at her funeral. He also lacks concern for his girlfriend and has already accepted his
The narrator shows no concern for anything in life not even his mother’s death. “Maman died
today ,or maybe yesterday , don’t know.” This quote shows that he lacks concern for his own
mothers death and feels no remorse or sadness. If the main character had emotions like any
normal person he would have felt sad at his mother dying. He accepts these type of things like
they are just any normal action in life. For these actions I would consider him a immoral person.
Another important thing in life that he shows no emotions for is his girlfriend Marie. “ Marie
came by to see me and asked if I wanted to marry her. I said that it didn’t make any difference
and that if she wanted to we could. Then she asked me if I loved her, I answered the same way as
last time, that it didn’t mean anything and that I probably didn’t love her. “(41) From this quote I
can infer that the narrator was just with Marie only because she wanted him. He didn’t love
anyone , felt no feelings for anyone, and was just a immoral person. I say this because to the
world marriage is a time of love, great happiness, and joy. For him to be with someone and not
care at all renames him as a immoral human being.
The last important thing in life the narrator has no concern for and has accepted is his death. He
feels that to live is to die.” For everything to be consummated, for me to feel less alone, I only
wish that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution and that they greet me
with cries of hate.” (123) W hat I can infer from this quote is that the main character has already
accepted his fate and is basically saying that only the cries of hate will comfort me. No one
should be at peace with death. This man already believes life to be absurd and meaningless and
believes it is his time to die . Nothing in the narrators life is moral, he truly is a immoral person.