SWOT - bamasocialmedia

TOMS Shoes Situation Analysis:
METHODOLOGYWhile monitoring TOMS Shoes, a company known for giving shoes to underprivileged
children, our group observed and recorded public comments, promotions and remarks
about TOMS through a variety of social media networks. We used sites including
Twitter, Facebook, informative blogs, online news sources, such as the New York Times,
and online magazine articles to record our findings. However, we found that TOMS
primarily uses Twitter for marketing and advertising to specific target audiences; Because
of their constant twitter usage, members of our group were able to easily locate the
@TOMS twitter page. It was from this site, we were able to monitor and record what the
public had to say about TOMS from March 21st to April 4th. We also used Twitter
Advanced Search and found more helpful and credible comments that related to a
specific aspect about the TOMS Shoes mission. As well as Twitter, TOMS has a popular
Facebook page that was helpful with monitoring comments. Our group also found other
sources, promotions and audience feedback using tools such as Google search and
Google Blog Search. All of these sources were vital in providing the information we
received from monitoring this site.
In determining the credibility of our sources, we primarily used Alexa.com. This site
provided information about current and updated blogs as well as online news sources.
While questioning the credibility of particular tweets, we would determine the credibility
of the users who posted them. Our group looked at the user’s the number of followers as
well as the number of tweets. We used Facebook in the same sense of how many people
would like the wall post or how many comments it would have.
RESULTSStrengths: A main strength of TOMS shoes is that the organization has a clear-cut
mission, which is One for One. TOMS also has a lot of credibility and visibility. The
media recognizes TOMS as a reliable organization that is very present in society. Another
big strength of TOMS shoes is that it is charitable. This organization has a great
reputation in the public's eye. Rather than adapting to social media, the company
originated using social media marketing, advertising, and public relations strategies. This
gives TOMS an advantage over its’ competitors because it did not have to change with
its’ social media efforts, it grew with them. The fact that TOMS is a global brand making
it well known throughout the world is a strength of the company as well.
Weaknesses: One weakness of TOMS is that it is a new company and isn’t as established
as some older non-profit companies, which might influence peoples’ trust in the
company. Also, TOMS shoes are not available everywhere. They could tweet about
where to find TOMS other than their website. Also, TOMS are limited to their style to
make them affordable and profitable shoes. Even though TOMS does an excellent job at
using social media to advertise, they put little to no money in other forms of
advertisements. The shoes also cost A LOT more than most people think they are worth;
they are durable, but not so great appearance-wise for such a high cost.
Opportunities: Like any company, there are plenty of opportunities for improvement. A
main opportunity TOMS has is its media interest. People like hearing about how they can
make a difference through videos and tweets. TOMS could utilize social media in
different ways to reach a larger potential market. One way is to advertise using other
vehicles to show their target audience how they effectively use social media by following
them on Twitter and becoming a fan on Facebook. TOMS could also pair up with other
non-profit organization to reach their target audience and expand the company. In the
past, they teamed up with charity: water and this increased brand awareness while also
boosting revenue for both companies.
Threats: Some threats include other established non-profit organizations, as well as other
shoe companies. Another threat could be the potential for the demand for TOMS shoes
to be really high and for the supply to not be the same, or for the quality of shoe to
decline. In addition, TOMS could have the potential to lose its audience interest in their
social media tactics if they do not actively update their social media with interesting and
engaging information. TOMS, like any other organization, is going to be forced to be
innovative with social media tactics. If social media changes in the upcoming years and
starts to cost money, the company’s media efforts would deplete the company’s revenue.
The biggest threat to TOMS is if nobody buys the shoes anymore or loses interest in the
shoes, children in third world countries won’t receive any shoes from TOMS.
CONCLUSIONLessons Learned: Our group learned that the social media efforts of TOMS Shoes are
the foundation of the company. There is little to no advertising efforts outside of Twitter,
Facebook or primary social networking sites. This is because TOMS Shoes did not adapt
to a new social media marketing strategy like other competing companies, but rather
grew with it. In 2006, both TOMS and Twitter were created and hence cohesion of the
two campaign efforts created one of the most thriving, low-budget advertising strategies
of the 21st century. Occasionally, TOMS promotes a few Youtube videos to endorse
events, such as One Day Without Shoes. Videos are also used to serve as informative
features on the history and background of TOMS, however, no traditional advertising or
marketing efforts.
Recommended Actions:
Tweet/Facebook about locations to buy TOMS (not just from website)
Now that the company is evolving, they could use a little of their money (from
extra donations, etc.) to make extra advertisements of some sort—not just social
media tactics
Get campus representatives to create local Twitter accounts for TOMS (where
they are sold, activities, shoe drives, projects, etc.)
Make a “Click to Donate” section on Facebook sites (some people would be
willing to donate, but don’t like the shoes, therefore engaging other audiences)
Reach out to specific potential target markets for advertising efforts (special
events, etc.)
Create more videos with celebrities that buy or give to TOMS Shoes (enable
Make a viral video with a specific theme (funny, ironic, emotional, etc.)
Promote TOMS events, such as the One Day Without Shoes campaigns, through
specific local Twitter accounts to keep participants or followers updated through
real-time live feeds
Create a TOMS Shoes store/factory tour to engage customers in the original
thought process of TOMS creator, Blake Mycoskie
Sell TOMS at environmentally-friendly stores, such as Whole Foods, that target
similar audiences
Introduce TOMS brand to shoe boutiques across the U.S. (not just outdoor and
sporting stores)
Create a “Track Your Shoes” app for TOMS to know the destination of your
donated pair of shoes to make a more personal connection between the buyer and
the recipient