Name_________________________________________________________________ Advertising & Sales Promotion Chapter 2 “The Consumer” KEY DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TERMS: Section 1: The Consumer Is in Charge- Our economy & businesses are demand driven Consumer Behavior- How consumers make buying decisions, choose among alternatives, and use products 2 TYPES OF PRODUCTS/SERVICES Need- anything you require for survival Want- something that you desire Identifying consumer wants and needs: MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS(draw, label, and define the 5 levels) 5. Self- Actualization (Self Fulfillment) REACHING YOUR COMPLETE POTENTIAL IN LIFE 4. Ego or Status Needs SELF ESTEEM NEEDS- ACCOMPLISHMENT Psychological Needs 3. Love or Social Needs TO FEEL CONNECTED TO OTHERS 2. Safety or Security Needs SHELTER, PHYSICAL SAFETY Physiological Needs 1. Physiological Needs (physical needs) FOOD, WATER, CLOTHING What is Scarcity? Unlimited wants & needs, limited resources 3 Types of Consumer Decision Making? Routine- low cost products, inexpensive needs Ex: Grocery store purchases Limited- moderate time, expense Extensive- Takes time, expensive, rare purchase EX: Car, House Section 2: Describe the FollowingNew Purchase- First time purchase Modified Purchase- when a consumer makes a new decision about a product Repeat Purchase- Same purchase over & over How are shopping products different from convenience products? Length of time, energy, and expense DISCUSSION QUESTIONS- YOUR OPINION How do buying motives (purpose) affect consumer purchases? Why are advertisements and promotions important marketing tools? What personal characteristics might influence a consumer’s buying decision? DISCUSSION QUESTIONS THE ALLEN AMERICANS HOCKEY TEAM IS HOSTING A GAME BETWEEN THE ALLEN FIRE DEPARTMENT AND POLICE DEPARTMENT IN MARCH. THEY HAVE ASKED MY “ADVERTISING CLASS” TO COME UP WITH SOME IDEAS SINCE THIS EVENT IS TO RAISE MONEY FOR THE COMMUNITY OF ALLEN. 1) WE WILL HAVE A 30 SECOND AD ON KGLE TO ADVERTISE THE POLICE VS FIRE GAME IN MARCH- WHAT SUGGESTIONS DO YOU HAVE FOR THIS COMMERCIAL? ALSO, HOW CAN WE ADVERTISE THE EAGLE EDGE (SCHOOL STORE) ALONG WITH THIS GAME? 2) IN BETWEEN PERIODS OF THE POLICE VS FIRE, THE AHS STUDENTS ARE GOING TO PLAN THE 70 SECOND COMMERCIAL THAT RUNS THAT PROMOTES THE ALLEN AMERICANS, POLICE AND FIRE OFFICERS, AHS STUDENTS, AND THE EAGLE EDGE STORE. WHAT IDEAS DO YOU HAVE FOR THIS COMMERICIAL? ONLINE RESEARCH IN BETWEEN ONE OF THE PERIODS OF THE POLICE VS FIRE, THE AHS STUDENTS ARE GOING TO PLAN THE 5 MINUTE PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY. WHAT SUGGESTIONS DO YOU HAVE FOR THIS ACTIVITY> RESEARCH ONLINE WHAT OTHER HOCKEY TEAMS DO THAT WOULD BE EXCITING FOR US TO DO. WE CAN HAVE AHS INVOLVED IN THE ACTIVITIES BUT COME UP WITH 2 IDEAS BY RESEARCHING THIS ONLINE IDEA #1 IDEA #2