Origins of American Government


The 13 North American colonies formed separately over 125 years

1 st – Virginia in 1607

Last – Georgia in 1733

Each colony was unique, and formed out of different sets of circumstances

Each had a charter – written grant of authority

(permission to govern) from the king




Royal Colonies

Proprietary Colonies

Charter Colonies

Controlled by the British crown (King)

King appointed a governor to run the colony

A council appointed by the king served as advisors to the governor

Had a bicameral legislature = 2 houses

Upper house = the governor’s advisors.

Lower house = elected by property owners who could vote

Organized by a proprietor (business owner) who had been given a grant by the king

Proprietor appointed the governor to run the colony

Most colonies were either Royal or Proprietary, or both at some point in time.

charter: a written document given to a colony granting it the right to govern.

The charter colonies had more freedom to govern than others

Governor elected by male landowners

3 colonies: Rhode Island, Connecticut, and

Massachusetts Bay

The pilgrims landed with no charter with rules or instructions on how to govern

So they drew up a social contract

Mayflower Compact (1620)

Pilgrims agreed to follow the rules in order to survive

Laid out rules of the colony

Signed by 41 of the original 101 passengers

Virginia House of Burgesses (1619)

First representative assembly

(legislature) in the North American colonies

Met at a church in Jamestown, 1x per year

Governor was appointed by officials in


Governor appointed his own 6-man council

Other 15 members of the legislature were elected by landowners

Britain = 3,000 mi (2 month boat ride) away

Before 1760, Britain did not concern itself much with the colonies

Colonies got used to self-government

Very few taxes collected from the colonies by the king

They could even control the royal governors –

Colonial legislatures had the “ power of the purse”

1760: King George

III takes the throne

England is at war over foreign territories ( French and Indian War )

Many colonists fought for Britain in this war

French-Indian War (aka 7 Years War) cost

Britain lots of money

To pay its debts, Britain turned to the colonies

Enforced existing policies

Imposed new taxes

Colonists objected:

“no taxation without representation”

Stamp Act of 1765

Required that all legal documents and public documents (ex.

Contracts, newspapers) have a stamp on it.

The stamp cost money, which went directly to the British government

9 colonies sent delegates (representatives) to the Stamp

Act Congress in New York

Wrote a “Declaration of Rights and Grievances” to

King George

*1 st time colonies joined forces and opposed the

British government**

Result: Stamp Act was repealed, but…

Parliament continued to impose new laws and taxes on the colonies

Colonists began to boycott British products

Rising Conflict:

The Boston Tea Party (1773)

Samuel Adams formed the

Committees of

Correspondence in


Provided information network among anti-

British groups

Organized protests, militias, boycotts

Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts in 1774 to punish the colonists

Sept. 5, 1774: 56 delegates met in Philadelphia

All colonies represented except GA

Met for nearly 2 months

Sent a Declaration of Rights protesting Britain’s colonial policies to King George III

Called for all colonies to stop trade with Britain until the taxes were repealed

British government responded to 1 st CC with stricter measures and refusal to compromise

Second Continental Congress met in

Philadelphia on May 10, 1775

All colonies sent representatives

Revolutionary War had already begun



government of U.S., lasted 5 yrs**

No more kings!

1 year into the Revolution, Congress nominated a committee of 5 to draft their declaration of independence –

Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman,

Robert Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson, the youngest, did most of the writing

He was greatly influenced by John Locke’s social contract philosophy






Major Concepts

Popular sovereignty

Limited government

Individual rights

Equality of men

People only consent to government to protect life, liberty, and property



Justification for the

American Revolution

King George violated the social contract by violating life, liberty, property of colonists

When the contract is violated, the people have the obligation to revolt

“ Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence , and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this

Confederation expressly delegated to the United

States, in Congress assembled.”

In other words…

Our 1 st try at a Constitution

Set up a confederacy

Weak central government

Only one branch of government: Legislative

Legislature = Congress

Congress was unicameral (one house)

No executive or judicial branch

Each state had 1 vote, regardless of size or population

1 member was chosen to be the presiding officer (chairman) each year

Congress appointed civil officers (ex.


The states! Congress could only…

Borrow Money

Organize a Post Office

Make/Sign Treaties

Declare War

Establish army/navy

Control of Western Territories

No separation of powers

No chief executive

Congress did not have power to tax

Congress did not have power to regulate trade

No national currency

No national court system

Unanimous approval required for amendments

9/13 majority state approval required to pass laws

Peace treaty with Britain

Country doubled in size

Weak central government led to unrest

Congress had no way to pay war debts

States ignored their promises to the national government

 Printed their own $$

Formed their own armies

Taxed goods from other states

Some states banned trade with others

The whole country was in an economic depression

Shays’ Rebellion

Daniel Shays

Poor farm hand

Fought in the Revolution, but was never paid

There was widespread resentment toward

Massachusetts government

Refused to issue paper money

Foreclosing on citizens for repayment of debts

All men in government were wealthy property owners

Shays organized 700 armed farmers and marched on the Supreme Judicial Court of


The rebellions multiplied in Massachusetts and spread to nearby states

To counter the insurgency, the government drew up a Riot Act

Several rebels were put on trial and sentenced to death

**The country’s continued lack of

$$ and increased violence and unrest led to a call for a stronger national government**
