Anatomy and Physiology Essay Questions Choose 2 or the following

Anatomy and Physiology Essay Questions
Choose 2 or the following 3 essays and answer ALL the parts as thoroughly as
possible. We will write the essays in class on the Wednesday and Thursday of next
week. You may use 1 (3 by 5) index card for each essay. The notecard should include
key words, important concepts or diagrams. It should not be your entire essay. ALL
essays will be handwritten. I have found too many people who have it pre-typed on
the computer and email me that document! Diagrams are always good but they need
UNDERSTAND!! This should teach you something, it is not an exercise in how well
you cut and paste.
1- Pregnancy is the final result of numerous anatomical and physiological
processes that begin long before a couple, decide to have a child. In the case of
the woman many of these processes begin before she is even born.
a- Compare and contrast the process of oogenesis with spermatogenesis. Be
sure to include when these processes begin and how long they take to
complete. What are the end products? How do the end products differ
between the sexes
b- Describe the location and process of fertilization and the subsequent first
few divisions of the zygote. What is morula? Blastula? Cleavage? Gastrula?
When does differentiation and organogenesis occur?
c- What happens to the zygote when it settles down in the body of the
uterus. How does placentation proceed? What physiological changes
occur in the uterus if the zygote does not settle into the uterus or if
fertilization does not occur?
d- There are four (4) different types of placentas for different types of
animals (ruminants, modified monogastrics, primates and carnivores)
Describe the structure of the four placental types and give an example of
an animal that uses each
2- The heart has been romanticized for centuries as the seat of emotion and love.
In actuality the heart is a relatively simple (but incredibly important organ)
whose primary function is to pump blood, thereby supplying oxygen to all the
body’s tissues
a- Compare and contrast the hearts of fish with that or amphibians and
reptiles and mammals. Describe the anatomical similarities and
differences. Why are some of these animals described as cold-blooded,
while other are considered to, be warm-blooded?
b- The image below, show a typical normal EKG. Explain (in your own
words) what is happening to the heart at each of the PQRST points. If
someone were suffering from bradycadia or tachycardia how might their
EKG differ?
c- Describe the mathematical relationship between cardiac output, stroke
volume and heart rate. How is cardiac output effected by an increase in
physical activity (i.e., exercise)? Describe two factors that can effect an
individuals stroke volume.
3- All advanced organisms have some sought of nervous system. The nervous
system helps an organism makes sense of its world and tells it how to respond
to stimuli. The brain of most animals is generally the same, however
evolutionary advances such as an enlarged frontal lobe and significant
increases in the number of gyri and sulci have separated mammals from other
animals and humans from other mammals.
a- Choose three (3) structures of the central nervous system and describe
their structure, function and how they interact with each other. The
central nervous system is covered by a fibrous connective tissue called
the meninges. What is its function? What happens, if this tissue becomes
b- Describe the role of the thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal
glands. How do the thalamus and hypothalamus interact with each other.
Describe the hormones produced by the anterior and posterior and
pituitary glands. Choose two of these hormones and describe its
physiological effect on the body, i.e., FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
has what acts on what organs to do what to the body?
c- Describe a basic reflex arc (either the stretch or flexor reflex) What role
to afferent, efferent and interneurons play in this reflex arc? What are the
differences between cranial and somatic reflexes and between somatic
and autonomic reflexes? Give an example of each. What is the Babinski
reflex and why is it important?