allthough * even though despite * in spite of

although – (even) though
despite – in spite of
How to talk about something
surprising or unexpected
although - though
Our new neighbours are quite nice, though their dog is a bit of a
Our new neighbours are quite nice, even though their dog is a bit of
a nuisance.
She insisted on keeping her coat on, although it was extremely
warm in the classroom.
Although it was extremely warm in the classroom ,she insisted on
keeping her coat on.
Even though
+ CLAUSE (subject + predicate)
• Though is a bit more informal than although
• Even though is stronger than though (emphasis)
Though can also be placed at the end of a sentence:
The new neighbours are quite nice. Their dog is
horrible, though.
despite – in spite of
Despite the rainy weather, they took a walk through Dublin.
They decided to visit Dublin in spite of the rainy weather.
+ NOUN (or pronoun)
in spite of
Adverbial constructions with – ing (gerund)
I managed to pass my exams despite going out four times per week.
In spite of feeling terribly sick, I went to school every day that week.
Despite being incredibly tired, he managed to complete the rugby
inspite of/despite
because of
She passed her exams in spite of her teacher. (She had a bad
She passed her exams despite her teacher. (She had a bad teacher.)
She passed her exams because of her teacher. (She had a good
We went for a walk although it was raining.
We didn’t go for a walk because it was raining.
Although it was raining heavily, we finished the game of basketball.
We finished the game of basketball in spite of the heavy rain.
Despite her strong Irish accent, we understood most of what she
was saying.
Even though she had a strong Irish accent, we understood most of
what she was saying.
Similar meaning, but different syntax (NOUN vs.
though Although the
In spite of
food and the accomodation are discusting, he is having a great time there.
Despite the fact
the food and the accomodation, he is having a great time there.
__________ paying a lot of money for accomodation, they have to wash up
In spite of
spite of the fact
that they pay a a lot of money for accomodation, they have to
wash up everyday
spite of the fact that there are lots of museus and galleries, she was
In ______________
lucky because she only had time to go shopping
In spite of
high quantity of museus and galleries, she was lucky because
she only had time to go shopping
there are lots of museus and
galleries, she was lucky because she only had time to
go shopping
Even though that the meat was tough and the vegetables were cold, they said that
everything was excellent.
having tough meat and cold vegetables, they said that everything
was excellent