Cleavage, blastula, gastrula, neurula

Lecture 2
• Mitosis
• Duplication of cells
• 1  2  4  8  16  etc.
• zygote  morula  blastula  gastrula 
neurula  embryo  fetus
• Yolk
• Contains nutrients for the zygote
Number of cells
Neural tube formation
Period of organogenesis (2-8 weeks)*
Period of growth (2-9 months)*
* In humans
Distribution of yolk
• Oligolecithal (ex. Amphioxus, star fish, sea urchins
and mammals)
• Eggs with little yolk
• Cleavage produces cells of roughly the same size
• Mesolecithal (ex. Amphibians)
• Moderate amount of yolk
• Yolk impedes cleavage formation
• Produces cells of unequal size
• Holoblastic cleavage
• Telolecithal (ex. Reptiles or Birds)
• Large amount of yolk
• Cell division occurs only at one area
• Meroblastic cleavage
• First division begins at the animal pole
• Second division perpendicular to the first
• And so on… forming blastomeres.
Cleavage in different yolk distributions
Blastula formation in Amphioxus
• Formation of a fluid filled cavity within the developing
embryo, called blastocoele, through a Na+ pump
Blastula formation in Amphibians
Blastula formation in Birds
Blastula formation in Birds
Blastula formation in Mammals
• Blastula or blastocyst
• Similar to initial cleavage in amphioxus or sea urchins,
then follows cleavage similar to birds
• At the morula stage  blastula stage  becomes
• Process called compaction
Morula Stage
Blastula Stage
Develops into
Inner cell mass
Embryo proper
Outer cell mass
Blastula formation in Mammals
Blastula and implantation
Blastula formation
Formation of Germ layers
• Gastrulation = formation of 3 primary germ layers and the
primitive gut or archenteron
Formation of Germ layers
• Mechanisms of Development
• Cytoplasmic specification (pre-determined)
• Conditional specification (specific development through
interactions with the surrounding cells/environment or
its position in the developing embryo)
• Primary organizer
• Outer epithelium of body and derivatives
• Hair, nails, epithelial glands, lining of mouth, enamel of teeth, lens
of eyes, inner ear, nasal and olfactory epithelium
• Neural tube
• Brain, spinal cord, motor nerves
• Neural crest
• Sensory ganglia and nerves, adrenal medulla, sympathetic ganglia,
skull, gill arches, dentine of teeth
• Notochord  vertebrae
• Lining of thoracic and abdominal cavities
• Circulatory system
• Blood, bone marrow, endothelium, lymphatics
• Somites
• skeleton and muscle, dermis, connective tissue
• Urogenital system
• Smooth muscle and connective tissue of digestive tract
• Epithelium of respiratory tract
• Pharynx
• Epithelium of gut
• Liver, pancreas
• Inner lining of urinary bladder
• Gut tube
• Further differentiation into 3 germ cell layers
• Formation of the blastopore or primitive streak
• Dorsal lip of the blastopore or Spemann organizer
• Dominant organizing region of the embryo
• Homologous to the Hensen’s node in birds and mammals
• Directs differentiation of cells into specific germ layers or organs
Gastrulation in Amphioxus
Gastrulation in Amphibians
Gastrulation in Birds
Gastrulation in Birds
1 = Epiblast (forms the ectoderm), 2 = Blastocoel, 3 = Hypoblast (forms
the endoderm), 4 = Subgerminal cavity, 5 = Yolk
Gastrulation in mammals
• Similar to birds
• Inner cell mass  embryoblast, forms 2 layers
• Epiblast  forms a cavity  amniotic cavity
• Epiblast + cytotrophoblast = amnioblast
• Hypoblast  forms primitive yolk sac
• Outer cell mass  trophoblast, forms 2 layers
• Syncitiotrophoblast  secretes beta HCG (human chorionic
• Cytotrophoblast
• Forms the placenta
• Neurulation: Formation of the neural tube
• Period of development starting with the first traces of
formation of the neural plate and ending with the
closure of the neural tube
• Initiates formation of the central nervous system
• Formation of notochord from the endoderm or mesoderm
• Acts as initial organizer of the nervous system
(stimulates formation of the vertebrae and spinal cord)
and creates the basis of the body axis (head and tail)
• Eventually disappears and forms the nucleus pulposus
in mammals
• Ectoderm thickens to form the neural plate
• Edges of neural plate become raised forming a neural
fold, with a depression in the middle, called the neural
• Anteriorly, neural plate is broadened and flattened
• Posteriorly, neural plate becomes narrow and cylindrical
Neurula formation in Birds
• Formation of the neural tube
• Neural folds grow and meet each other
• Closure begins in the middle and proceeds cephalad
and caudad
• Formation of the anterior and posterior neuropores,
which will eventually close
• Mesoderm thickens
Nucleus pulposus