STAGES OF ANIMAL DEVELOPMENT Ch. 42 In all sexually reproducing animals a new individual begins life as a zygote, the diploid cell that forms at fertilization. Development from a zygote into an adult typically proceeds through a series of stages that we all have in common. Fertilization occurs when sperm penetrates an egg. Mitotic cell divisions create a ball of cells called a blastula, each cell obtains a different part of the original cytoplasm, due to cytoplasmic localization. o The blastula enclose a cavity called the blastocoel filled with their secretions. Gastrulation occurs as the ball of cells cups inwards creating the primary tissue layers. o The primary tissues called germ layers consist of…. Ectoderm – outer layer, gives rise to nervous tissue. Endoderm – inner layer, gives rise to respiratory tract and gut lining. Mesoderm – middle layer, gives rise to muscles, connective tissue, circulatory system. Organs form as a result of tissue interactions, cells move change shape and apoptosis occurs. o Many organs are formed from more than one germ layer. Organs grow in size gradually assuming specialized function. Now let’s add some detail! FERTILIZATION – Sperm consisting of paternal DNA penetrates an egg. The egg contains special yolk proteins, mRNAs, tRNAs and ribosomes for creating proteins essential to early development. Cytoplasmic localization occurs in all oocytes. The components of the cytoplasm are not distributed evenly in a yolk rich egg. The vegetal pole has most of the yolk, the animal: is more pigmented due to the cell cortex, a cytoplasmic region just beneath the plasma membrane. After fertilization, a cell cortex rotates revealing a gray crescent opposite the site of sperm penetration. The 1st cleavage splits the gray crescent in 2, creating a left and right side. Cleavage continues, putting different parts of the cytoplasm into the new cells as a blastomere forms. Each species has a specific cleavage pattern, coelomates are divided into the protostomes (1st mouth) and dueterostomes ( 2nd mouth) ions/PowerPoint_Lectures/chapter42/videos_animations/ ml During GASTRULATION cells begin to rearrange themselves, and the hollow ball begins to turn in on itself. Gray crescent cytoplasm forms dorsal lip to signal gastrulation. Primary germ layers form. Cell differentiation begin as intercellular signals encourage selected gene expression. Morphogens are signal molecules. They can act over a long distance influencing cells in a concentration dependent way. They are produced in one area of an embryo and diffused outward. Bicoid protein (a type of morphogen) is a maternal effect gene expressed during egg production. Where its concentrations are greatest, it regulates the development of anterior body structures. Lowest concentrations regulate the development of posterior body structures. Another way to look at bicoid protein is that it is a transcription factor that stimulates the expression of other master genes which regulate other master genes and so on. Embryonic tissue can alter the behavior of cells within an adjacent tissue through the process of embryonic induction. ions/PowerPoint_Lectures/chapter42/videos_animations/dorsal_lip.html After gastrulation vertebrate organ formation begins with the neural tube, induced by signals from the notochord, which formed early from mesoderm, overlying ectodermal cells elongation forming a thick neural plate. ions/PowerPoint_Lectures/chapter42/videos_animations/gastrulation_mechanisms_ m.html Cell elongation results from assembly of microtubules inside the edges become wedge-shaped actin at one end constricts, changes cell shape, and causes the edges of the plate to fold in word forming a neural groove and eventually forming the neural tube. Cell migrations are essential part of development. Some of the ectodermal cells from the neural tube migrate outward to form neurons, glial cells, peripheral nervous system and melanocytes in the skin. Cells travel by inching along an amoeba like fashion, but I think it looks more like an inchworm. As development and specialization continue programmed cell death must occur in response to chemical signals, helping sculpt body parts. This process is called apoptosis. AN EVOLUTIONARY VIEW OF DEVELOPMENT Through studies of many animals in general model for development has been formatted. 1st – cytoplasmic localization causes localized expression of master genes in the zygote. Products of the master genes defuse outward, creating a gradient and a head to tail, and dorsal to ventral axis for the developing embryo. 2nd – cells in the embryo activate other master genes, products of these genes become distributed ingredients which affect other genes and so on (bicoid proteins) 3rd – positional information effects suppression of homeotic genes. Phylogenetic constraints on body plan are imposed by interactions among genes that regulate development. Once master genes evolved their interactions determined the basic body form. Mutations in these master genes are often lethal. In many vertebrates paired bones and muscles exist in a head to tail orientation. During development blocks of cells called Somites are visible on either side of the embryos neural tube, peaceful way to develop into bones in skeletal muscles. Somites are often associated with segmented body plans and vary in number. Again mutations within somites are often lethal. Ok lets have a BLAST!! The blast problem……… Blastula----a hollow ball of cells, with a fluid filled cavity, cleavage is considered over at this stage. Blastocoel-----the fluid fill cavity of the blastula Blastomere-----one of the cells of the blastula Blastocyst---is a blastula BUT later in development, it has an inner cell mass that eventually becomes the embryo. OH! It is also only a Mammal thing. Not lower animals. (the outter ball of cells will become the placenta)