1. TEMEL ÇEVİRİ KONULARI 1.1. Sözlük Kullanma Şekli Kelime öğrenmek; dilin akıcı, sorunsuz ve etkili kullanılmasını sağlayan bir ihtiyaçtır. Kelime bilginiz iyiyse ve dilbilgisini de biliyorsanız, konuşmaya da alışıksanız dile olan hâkimiyetiniz iyi demektir. Kelime bilgisi olmaksızın kendinizi istediğiniz gibi anlatmanız çok zordur. Vermek istediğiniz mesajları ifade edemeyebilirsiniz. Bu yüzden dile hâkimiyet sağlayabilmek için mümkün olduğu kadar çok kelime öğrenmemiz gerekir. Kelime öğrenirken uyacağımız ilk ve en önemli kural onu doğru telaffuz etmektir. Doğru telaffuz edilmeyen hiç bir kelime öğrenilmiş sayılmaz. Eğer siz kelimeleri doğru öğrenmediyseniz aynı kelimeleri onlarca kez söyleseler de onu anlayamaz ve çözemezsiniz. Yani sizin ve karşıdaki insanın aynı kelime için kullandığı telaffuz ya aynı ya da birbirine çok yakın olmalıdır. İkinci önemli kural sözlüğü doğru kullanmaktır. Sözlük kullanırken (tabi ki kaliteli bir sözlük) uyulması gereken bazı kurallar olacaktır. Bunlar: Sözlükteki kısaltmaların ne anlama geldiğine Kelimelerin İngiliz ve Amerikan İngilizcesinde nasıl okunduklarına Nasıl yazıldığına Kelimedeki vurgunun nerede olduğuna Kelimelere eklenen hecelerin veya kelimenin nereden ayrılabildiğine Hangi eklerin kelimenin önüne hangilerin de arkasına gelebildiğine Anlamı ve diğer anlamlarına Cümle içersinde kullanımına, Düzensiz fiillere dikkat ederek, kelimenin kalıcı olmasını sağlayabilirsiniz. Unutmayınız ki; öğrenme anlamlı bir olaydır. Kelime öğrenmenin anahtarı bol bol dinleme, konuşma ve okuma faaliyetidir. Ayrıca bir kelimeyi öğrenirken onun eş ve zıt anlamlarını da öğrenmek, konuşurken ve yazarken o kelime akla gelmediğinde, kelimenin öğrenilen diğer eş anlamlıları veya zıt anlamlılarını kullanarak konuşmanın bölünmeden devam etmesini ve saniyelerce akla gelmeyen kelimenin düşünülmemesini sağlar ve sonuçta akıcı bir konuşma olur. Üçüncü olarak kelimeyi öğrenirken o kelimenin isim, sıfat, zarf, fiil hallerini de öğrenmemiz kelime haznemizin artmasına yardımcı olur. Bu bize bir kelimeden bir kaç anlam çıkarmamıza olanak verir. Hem de yazılışları aynı olan kelimelerin isim veya fiil hallerindeki okunuşlarını ayırabilmemize olanak sağlar. İngilizcede yazılışları aynı olup farklı okunan kelimeleri bilmek kelime haznesinin gelişmesi için çok faydalıdır. Ayrıca okunuşları birbirine benzeyen ve ancak telaffuzla ayrılan kelimelerin veya yazılışları farklı ama okunuşla ayrılan kelimelerin olduğunu bilmek de önemlidir. Fiilleri, sıfatları öğrenirken hangi edatlarla kullanıldığını öğrenmek de yeni kelime öğrenirken bize yardımcı olacak diğer bir yöndür. Dördüncü kural, konuşma ve yazma pratiği yapmaktır. Aktif olarak cümle içerisinde kullanılmayan kelimeler zaten bir müddet sonra unutulmaya mahkumdurlar. Ezber yapmak dil öğrenmeyi baltalayan en önemli unsurdur. Siz kelimeleri ezberlerken onları sadece geçici bellekte ve kısa bir süre için belirli bir amacı yerine getirmek için tutmuş oluyorsunuz. Hiç geleceği düşünüp onu öğrenmeye çalışmıyorsunuz. Eğer İngilizce ezberle olsaydı bugüne kadar İngilizceyi öğrenmiş ve bunu da tekrar tekrar yapmıyor olurdunuz. İngilizce asla ezber demek değildir. İngilizce neyi, ne zaman, nerede, nasıl kullanacağınızı bilerek öğrenilir. Siz öğrenmenin içerisinde ezber olarak değil onu kullanan birisi olarak aktif rol almalısınız. Örneğin elinize bir hikâye kitabı alın ve çeviri yapmaya başlayın. Bilmediğiniz kelimeyi sözlükten bulun ve sözlükteki örneklerden faydalanın çevirinizde hangi anlam taşıdığına karar verin. Doğru telaffuz edin ve tekrarlayın. Vurgusuna dikkat edin. Sonuçta kelimelerin yavaş yavaş aklınızda kaldığını fark edeceksiniz. Hikâyeyi bitirince öğrendiğiniz kelimeleri kullanarak özetini çıkarmaya çalışın. Sonra da o hikâyeyi sözlü olarak ve sözlükten öğrendiğiniz kelimeleri doğru telaffuz etmeye çalışarak başkalarına anlatın. Eğer kelimenin telaffuzunu yanlış öğrendiyseniz kelimenin yazılışını çok da iyi bilseniz okunuşunu yanlış biliyorsanız yine anlayamaz ve o kelimeyi yakalayamazsınız. Sonuç olarak şunları söyleyebiliriz. Bilerek, görerek, araştırarak ve kullanarak İngilizce öğrenmek daha akılda kalıcı olacaktır. Ayrıca sözlüksüz İngilizceyi öğrenmeyi düşünmek çok büyük bir yanılgı olur. Tabi sözlükten faydalanmak derken sadece kitapları kastetmiyoruz. Sizin için internet ortamındaki sözlükler de kitaplar kadar faydalı olabilir. Bunlar için size tavsiye olarak birkaç site adresi aşağıda verilmiştir. www.dictionary.cambridge.org www.zargan.com http://dictionary.reference.com/ http://www.allwords.com/ www.tekniksozluk.com www.onelook.com http://www-old.ectaco.com 1.2. Çeviri Yapılırken Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Noktalar Bir bilim dalında kullanılan kavramların herkes tarafından anlaşılması istenilen bir durumdur. Ancak, yabancı literatürde olan kavramların Türkçeye çevirisi yapılırken sorunlarla karşılaşılmaktadır. Bunun ötesinde çeviri yapılırken, yine kavramı anlatabilmek için değişik sözcükler, çoğu kez de, anlamsız sözcükler kullanılmaktadır. Bu durum, çeviri yapılan alanda kişileri karmaşaya götürmektedir. Kişilerin yanlış öğrenmelerine neden olabilmekte; ayrıca, bir bilim dalının oluşması ve gelişmesine engel olmaktadır. Türkçede, yabancı dildeki kavramların karşılığı bulunmak isteniyorsa, kişinin alanla ilgili bilgiye sahip olması veya ilgili kaynakları araştırması gerekmektedir. Bunlar yapılmadan, ortaya atılan kavramlar yanlışların artmasına neden olmaktadır. Ayrıca, sözcüklerin doğrudan doğruya, ya da genel olarak ne anlama geldiğinin çevirisi yapılmamalıdır. Şöyle ki, hotdog kelimesi Türkçede sosis anlamına gelmektedir. Sıcak köpek, diye çevirisi yapıldığında hiçbir şey ifade etmez. Ya da, screw driver kelimesi tornavida anlamına gelir. Ancak bara gidip bir “screw driver” istediğimizde, barmen size tornavida değil votka ile portakal suyu getirir. Bu örnekleri çoğaltılabilir. Kısacası çeviri yapılırken, özellikle de, belli bir bilim dalına ilişkin kavramların çevirisi yapılırken, genel anlamına bakılarak değil, o sözcüğün o bilim dalında ne anlama geldiği göz önünde bulundurularak çeviri yapılması daha doğru olur. 1.2.1. Çeviri Süreci Çeviri süreci başlıca üç aşamadan oluşur: Kaynak metnin çözümlenmesi, Çeviri yapılacak dile aktarılması Çeviri yapılacak metnin oluşturulması. Bu aşamalar, zamansal olarak birbirini izleyen bağımsız bölümler olarak değil, sürecin kavranmasını kolaylaştıran soyutlamalar olarak düşünülmelidir. Çünkü gerçek çeviri sürecinde bunlar iç içe geçmiştir. Çevirmen genellikle çözümleme yaparken aynı zamanda bunu nasıl aktaracağını ve çeviri yapılacak metni nasıl oluşturacağını da düşünür. 1.2.2. Çeviri Sorunları Çeviri oldukça karmaşık bir süreçtir. Çevirmen açısından oldukça yoğun bir zihinsel faaliyet gerektirir. Çevirmen çeviri sürecinde sürekli olarak sorunlarla karşılaşır ve bu sorunları çözerek ilerler. Bir anlamda çeviri, sorun çözme sürecidir denilebilir. Aşağıda kısaca özetlenmeye çalışılan bu sorunlar çok değişik alanlarla ilgili olabilir. Kaynak metinle ilgili sorunlar Silinmiş ya da okunmayan sözcükler Yazım hataları Eksik metin Kötü yazılmış bir metin (anlam belirsizlikleri, ifade hataları) Metinde anlatılan şeyin eksik olması (Örneğin bir makinenin kullanım kılvuzunu çevirirsiniz, ama makineyi siz hiç görmemişsinizdir, resim, çizim vb. de yoktur.) Çeviride başka bir metinden alıntı vardır, ama alıntının kaynağı belli değildir, hatta bu metin çeviri yapılacak metinden çevrilmiş de olabilir. Ama siz kaynağı belirsiz bu metni yeniden çevirmek zorunda kalırsınız. Maddi hatalar. Örneğin, kaynak metinde yukarıdaki resimde görülen 5 nolu cıvatayı sıkın der, ama resimde öyle bir cıvata yoktur. Dilsel Sorunlar Farklı şivelere ait deyişler ve sözlüklerde yer almayan yeni sözcükler Ne olduğu bilinmeyen kısaltmalar Kişi, kurum ve coğrafi yer adları. Argo Belirli meslek gruplarına ait deyiş biçimleri Halk diline ait deyişler. (Örneğin, "tabanları yağladık" şeklindeki deyimler.) Biçemsel özellikler. Bu tür özellikler kültürel farklardan dolayı iki dilde örtüşmeyebilir. Örneğin, selamlaşma biçimleri, akraba adları, toplumsal grupların hem kendi aralarındaki hem de diğer gruplardakilerle konuşma biçimleri. İki dil arasındaki dilbilgisel farklardan ya da noktalama işaretlerinin kullanımından kaynaklanan sorunlar. Diğer Sorunlar Her tülü dil oyunu. Örneğin, "Oku baban gibi eşek olma" şeklindeki cümleler. Özellikle şiir çevirisinde (ve reklâm vb metinlerde) uyak ve ses, yapı benzerliklerinin sağlanması, Kaynak kültürün çok belirgin bir şekilde öne çıkması. Türkçe çevirmenler için örneğin Hıristiyan kültürüyle ilgili konular. Türkçeden Batı dillerine yapılacak çevirilerde ise İslamiyet ve Türk kültürüyle ilgili konular (Örneğin, kına gecesi). Mizah, espri ve fıkralar... Kaynak kültürde var olan bir kavramın hedef kültürde olmaması... 1.3. Çeviri Yanlışları İngilizce bilen herkesin de çeviri yapabileceğine değin yerleşmiş ve yanlış bir inanç var. Bir dili konuşmak ve anlamak ayrı şeydir, o dildeki bir olguyu, bir metni başka bir dile aktarmak ayrı şey. Dil yaşayan bir varlık olduğu için, dille haşır neşir olan birinin o dille birlikte sürekli kendini geliştirmesi gerekir. Bunun için de araştırmak, okumak, yeri geldiğinde bilindiği sanılan bir sözcükten bile şüphe ederek bütün anlamlarına bakmak gerekmektedir. Böylece "He died of consumption" cümlesi "Onu öldüren şey tüketimdi" şeklinde ya da "I'm not a lawyer but I work in the bar" cümlesi "Avukat değilim ama barda çalışıyorum" şeklinde çevrilmemiş olur. Yaptığı işin bilincinde olan, çevirdiği metne biraz dikkat edip bağlamdaki anlamsızlığı fark eden bir çevirmen, sözlüğü açarak ilk cümledeki "consumption" kelimesinin "verem", ikinci cümledeki "bar" kelimesinin ise "baro" anlamına geldiğini görebilir. 1.4. Çevirmenin Özellikleri Genellikle iki dili ve iki kültürü iyi bilen birisinin çeviri yapabileceği düşünülür. Çeviri işlemini basit bir süreç olarak görmekten kaynaklanan bu yanılgı maalesef hâlâ yaygın olarak sürmektedir. İki dilin ve iki kültürün iyi bilinmesi tabi ki çevirmen için olmazsa olmaz koşullardandır. Buna bir de teknik çeviri (özel metin çevirisi) söz konusu olduğunda alan bilgisini de eklemek gerekir. Hukuk, tıp, mühendislik gibi alanlarda çeviri yapan bir çevirmen bu alanlar hakkında yeterince bilgi sahibi olmalıdır. Ancak, bu bilgilere ek olarak bir dilden diğer dile "aktarma" konusunda bilgiye gerek vardır. Bu, deneyimle de kazanılabilen bir özellik olsa da lisans düzeyinde verilen çeviri eğitimiyle de daha kısa süre edinilebilecek bir bilgidir. Sözlü çeviri ise yazılı metin çevirilerinde istenen özelliklere ek olarak özel not alma tekniklerinin bilinmesini, kısa süreli belleğin güçlü olmasını ve bir yandan dinlerken diğer yandan çeviri yapılabilmesi gibi başka özellikler gerektirmektedir. 1.5. Çeviri ve Kalite Kaliteyi her şeyden önce çevirmenler oluşturur ve hiçbir şekilde rastlantısal değildir. Çevirmenler, doğru karşılıkları iyi cümlelerle yazarak kalitenin temelini oluştururlar. Çeviri yapılırken doğru ve uygun cümleler kurmak kalite için tek başına yeterli olmayacaktır. Metnin bir bütün olarak değerlendirilmesi gerekir. Tutarlılık kalitenin en önemli koşullarından bir tanesidir. Daha sonra, doğru terminoloji ve uygun üslubun hedef dile aktarılması gelir. Hedef dilde yeniden yazılan metin, noktalama ve gramer açısından kusursuz olmalıdır. Kaynak dil ile hedef dil arasında çeviri sırasında herhangi bir eksiklik veya fazlalık oluşmamalı, çeviri eksiksiz ve tam olarak yerine getirilmelidir. Toparlarsak, bir çeviride kaliteyi şunlar oluşturur: Doğruluk Gramer (iyi cümle) Tutarlılık Üslubun uygunluğu Terminolojinin uygunluğu Noktalama Eksiksizlik (tamlık) Kaynak: M.E.B. 2. İNGİLİZCE ZAMANLAR TABLOSU 1 – PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE – ŞİMDİKİ ZAMAN -YAPIYORUM İçinde bulunduğumuz andaki yaptığımız işlerin tümünü anlatmak için kullandığımız zamandır. POSITIVE: (+) Subject + BE (am is are) + Verb-ING I am watching tv / I am listening music / She is crying / They are writing a letter / It is bleeding / We are reading a book/I'm playing computer games now. Televizyon izliyorum / Müzik dinliyorum / O (kız) ağlıyor / Onlar mektup yazıyor / Kanıyor / Biz kitap okuyoruz NEGATIVE: (-) Subject + BE NOT (am not isn’t aren’t) + Verb-ING I am not using computer / He is not riding a horse / She is not drinking vodka / We aren’t moving / They aren’t stealing/It is not raining at the moment. Ben bilgisayar kullanmıyorum / O (erkek) ata binmiyor / O (kız) vodka içmiyor / Biz taşınmıyoruz / Onlar çalmıyor QUESTION: (?) BE (am is are) + Subject + Verb-ING ? Are you coming ? / Is she writing a letter ? / Are they going ? / Am I joking ? / Is it working ?/ Why are you running? Geliyormusun ? / O (kız) mektup yazıyor mu ? / Onlar gidiyorlar mı ? / Şakamı yapıyorum / O (nesne) çalışıyor mu ? NEGATIVE QUESTION: (-?) BE NOT (isn’t aren’t) + Subject + Verb-ING ? Isn’t it sinking ? / Aren’t they going ? / Isn’t she sleeping ? Batmıyor mu ? / Onlar gitmiyorlar mı ? / O (kız) uyumuyor mu ? 2 – SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE – GENİŞ ZAMAN -YAPARIM Sürekli yaptığımız rutin işlerimizde, alışkanlıklarımızda, doğa olaylarında kullandığımız zamandır. POSITIVE (+): I, you, we, they + verb / (he,she,it + verbs) I smell a flower / I sit on my armchair / She drives a car / We spend money / They watch movie/I play tennis every weekend. NEGATIVE(-): I, you, we, they + don’t verb (he, she, it + doesn’t Verb) I don’t break a heart / She doesn’t listen to music / They don’t read a book / We don’t understand English / We don’t pay/I do not swim on Saturday. QUESTION(?): Do + I, you, we, they + verb ? (does + he, she, it + Verb ? Does she sell flowers ? / Do you teach French ? / Do I forgive you ?/ Do you like him? NEGATIVE QUESTION(-?): Don’t + I, you, we, they + verb? (doesn’t + he, she, it + verb ? Don’t you understand me ? / Doesn’t she grow fruits ? / Don’t they come tonight ? 3 – SIMPLE PAST TENSE – Dİ’Lİ GEÇMİŞ ZAMAN -YAPTIM POSITIVE: (+): I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + verb2 We went to cinema last week. NEGATIVE (-): I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + didn’t + verb1 She did not watch tv yesterday. QUESTION (?): Did + I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + verb1 ? Did you do homework yesterday? NEGATIVE QUEST.(-?): Didn’t + I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + verb 1? Geçmişte olmuş bitmiş işleri anlatmak için kullandığımız zamandır. 4 – (SIMPLE) FUTURE TENSE (GELECEK ZAMAN) -YAPACAĞIM, -YAPARIM Konuşma anında gelecekle ilgili kesin bilgi vermeyen olayları anlatmak için kullanılır. POSITIVE: (+): I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + will + verb I will travel next week. NEGATIVE: (-): I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + will not (won’t) + verb You will not buy newspaper next week. QUESTION: (?) Will + I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + verb ? Will they go to school tomorrow? NEGATIVE-QUESTION: (-?) Won’t + I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + verb ? NOT: İngliz ingilizcesinde halen kullanılmakta olan biçimiyle bir de will yerine shall‘de kullanılmaktadır. 5 – PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE (ŞİMDİKİ ZAMANIN HİKAYESİ) – YAPIYORDUM Geçmişte belirli bir süre devam etmiş ve geçmişte bitmiş olayları anlatmak için kullanılır. POSITIVE: (+) I, he, she, it + was + verb-ing / we, you, they + were + verb-ing He was watching horror film. NEGATIVE: (-) I,he,she,it + was not (wasn’t)verb-ing / You,we,they + were not (weren’t) + verb-ing. My father was not reading a newspaper last night. QUESTION(?): Was + I, he, she, it + verb-ing ? / Were we, you, they + verb-ing? What was my sister doing last morning? NEGATIVE QUESTION (-?): Wasn’t + I, he, she, it + verb-ing ? / weren’t + we, you, they + verb-ing? 6 – BE GOING TO – YAKIN (KESİN) GELECEK ZAMAN -YAPACAĞIM(KESİN) Gelecekle ilgili planlarımızı ve tasarladığımız işleri anlatmak için kullanılan zamandır. ÖZNE + BE GOING TO + FİİL (YALIN) (be: am, is, are) POS.(+): I + am going to + verb / he, she, it + is going to + verb / we, you, they + are going to + verb I am going to travel to Canada next year. NEG.(-): I+ am not going to + verb / he,she,it + isn’t going to + verb / You, we, they + aren’t not going to + verb She is not going to write a letter to her friend this summer. QUES.(?): Am + I + going to + verb / Is + he, she, it + going to + verb ? / Are + we, you, they + going to + verb? Are you going to kill it? NEG.QUEST(-?): Aren’t + I + going to + verb / Isn’t + he, she, it + going to + verb ? / Aren’t + we, you, they + going to + verb? “BE GOING TO” KALIBININ PAST (GEÇMİŞ ZAMANDA) KULLANILIŞI. (YAPACAKTIM Önceden yapılmak istenmiş ancak yapılamamış bir eylemianlatmak için kullanılır. Cümlede “be” fiilinin geçmiş zaman biçimi olan was ve were ile “going to” kullanılır. Örnek: I was going to watch TV yesterday evening. / Dün akşiam TV’de maç izleyecektim. They were going to buy a new car last week. / Onlar geçen hafta yeni bir araba alacaklardı. 7- FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE – SÜREGELEN GELECEK ZAMAN (-YAPIYOR OLACAĞIM) POSITIVE(+): I, you, he, she, we, you, they + will be + verb-ing She will be playing tennis when you arrive at home. NEGATIVE(-): I, you, he, she, we, you, they + won’t be + verb-ing Daddy will not be working this time next year. QUESTION(?): Will + I, you, he, she, we, you, they + be + verb-ing What will he be doing this time tomorrow? NEGATIVE QUESTION(-?): Won’t + I, you, he, she, we, you, they + be + verb-ing Gelecekte belirli bir sürede devam eden olayları anlatmak için kullanılır. Soru Sözcüklü Soru Cümlesi: Soru sözcüğü(what) + will + Özne + be + fiil(-ing) Will I be reading? / Okuyor olacak mıyım? 8- FUTURE PERFECT TENSE – GELECEK-ÖNCESİ ZAMAN (-YAPMIŞ OLACAĞIM) Gelecekte belirli bir süreden önce tamamlanacak işler için kullanılır. POSITIVE(+): I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + will have + verb-3 I will have finished my homework by the time my father comes back. NEGATIVE(-): I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + won’t have + verb-3 She will not have lived in Ankara by the end of next summer. QUESTION(?): will + I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + have + verb-3 How long will he have lived in Manchester by the end of next spring? NEGATIVE QUESTION(-?): won’t + I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + have + verb-3 SORU SÖZCÜKLÜ SORU CÜMLESİ: Soru Sözcüğü + will + özne + have + Fiil-3 (Ne yapmış olacağım?) 9- PRESENT PERFECT TENSE – YAKIN GEÇMİŞ ZAMAN (-YAPTIM BULUNDUM) 1) Geçmişte belirli bir sürede başlamış hala devam etmekte olan olaylar için 2) Geçmişte bitmiş fakat etkisi devam eden olaylar için kullanılır. POSITIVE(+): I, you, we, they + have + verb3 / he, she, it + has + verb3 I have been in Istanbul two times this year. NEGATIVE(-): I, you, we, you, they + haven’t + verb3 / he, she, it + hasn’t + verb3 He has not gone to Canada. QUESTION(?): Have + I, you, you, they + verb3 ? / Has + he, she, it, we + verb 3 ? How long have you been to in Turkiye? NEGATIVE QUESTION (-?): Haven’t + I, you, we, you, they + verb3 ? / Hasn’t + he, she, it + verb3 ? 10 – PAST PERFECT TENSE – MİŞ’Lİ GEÇMİŞ ZAMAN -YAPMIŞTIM Geçmişte başlamış geçmişte belirli bir süreden önce bitmiş olaylar için kullanılır. POSITIVE(+): I, you, we, they + had + verb3 / he, she, it + had + verb3 She had already flown to Rome. NEGATIVE(-): I, you, we, you, they + hadn’t + verb3 / he, she, it + hadn’t + verb3 My sister had not visited Istanbul when she was in Turkiye. QUESTION(?): Had + I, you, you, they + verb3 ? / Had + he, she, it, we + verb 3 ? Had you ever ridden a horse before? NEGATIVE QUESTION(-?): Hadn’t + I, you, we, you, they + verb3 ? / Hadn’t + he, she, it + verb3 ? 11 – PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE -MEKTEYİM, MAKTAYIM POSITIVE(+): I, you, we, they + have been + verb-ing / he, she, it + has been + verb-ing QUESTION(?): have + I, you, we, they + been + verb-ing? / has + he, she, it + been + verbing? NEGATIVE(-):I, you, we, they + haven’t been + verb-ing / he, she, it + hasn’t been + verbing 12 – PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE –MEKTEYDİM -MAKTAYDIM POSITIVE(+): I, you, we, they, he, she, it + had been + verb-ing QUESTION(?): had + I, you, we, they, he, she, it + been + verb-ing? NEGATIVE(-):I, you, we, they, he, she, it + hadn’t been + verb-ing 3. IRREGULER VERBS: Base Form 1. Hali awake am/is/are (to be) beat become begin bend bet bid bite blow break bring broadcast build burst burn buy catch choose come cost creep cut deal dig do draw dream drive Past Simple 2. Hali awoke was, were beat became began bent bet bid bit blew broke brought broadcast built burst burned/burnt bought caught chose came cost crept cut dealt dug did drew dreamed/dreamt drove Past Participle 3. Hali awoken been beaten become begun bent bet bid bitten blown broken brought broadcast built burst burned/burnt bought caught chosen come cost crept cut dealt dug done drawn dreamed/dreamt driven Türkçe uyanmak olmak vurmak olmak başlamak bükmek bahse girmek emretmek ısırmak esmek kırmak getirmek yayımlamak inşa etmek patlamak yakmak satın almak yakalamak seçmek gelmek değer biçmek emeklemek kesmek anlaşmak kazmak yapmak çekmek rüya görmek sürmek drink eat fall feed feel fight find flee fly forbid forget forgive freeze get give go grow hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep know lay lead learn leave lend let lie lose make mean meet pay put read ride ring rise run say see sell send show shut drank ate fell fed felt fought found fled flew forbade forgot forgave froze got gave went grew hung had heard hid hit held hurt kept knew laid led learned/learnt left lent let lay lost made meant met paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sold sent showed shut drunk eaten fallen fed felt fought found fled flown forbidden forgotten forgiven frozen gotten given gone grown hung had heard hidden hit held hurt kept known laid led learned/learnt left lent let lain lost made meant met paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen sold sent showed/shown shut içmek yemek yemek düşmek beslemek hissetmek dövüşmek bulmak firar etmek uçmak yasaklamak unutmak affetmek donmak elde etmek vermek gitmek büyümek asmak sahip olmak duymak saklamak vurmak tutmak yaralanmak saklamak bilmek yaymak rehberlik etmek öğretmek ayrılmak ödünç vermek izin vermek yalan söylemek kaybetmek yapmak anlamına gelmek buluşmak ödemek koymak okumak binmek çalmak yükselmek koşmak söylemek görmek satmak göndermek göstermek kapamak sing sit sleep speak spend stand swim take teach tear tell think throw understand wake wear win write sang sat slept spoke spent stood swam took taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won wrote sung sat slept spoken spent stood swum taken taught torn told thought thrown understood woken worn won written şarkı söylemek oturmak uyumak konuşmak harcamak ayakta durmak yüzmek almak öğretmek yırtmak anlatmak düşünmek fırlatmak anlamak uyanmak giymek kazanmak yazmak 4. AKTİF/PASİF Passive voice "edilgen" anlamındadır. Bir cümlenin Active kullanımında yüklemi yapan bellidir ve özne olarak adlandırılır. Passive kullanımında ise özne yüklemden etkilenir. Eylemi yapanın, yani öznenin bilinmediği veya önemli olmadığı durumlarda passive voice kullanılır. Active: I saw him. (Onu gördüm.) Passive: He was seen by me. (O benim tarafımdan görüldü.) (Bu örnekte görüldüğü gibi aktive cümlenin nesnesi, pasif cümlenin öznesi konumuna geçmektedir.) Passive: The window was broken. (Cam kırıldı.) (Bu cümlede camı kimin kırdığının önemi yoktur. Anlatılmak istenen sadece camın kırılmış olmasıdır.) Bilindiği gibi bazı fiiller yüklem olduklarında nesne alırlar ve böyle fiiller "geçişli fiiller"dir. Nesne almayan fiillere ise "geçişsiz fiiller" denir. Geçişsiz fiillerin bulunduğu bir cümlede yükleme maruz kalmayan bir nesne olmadığı için passive formu da olamaz. Active: Ben iyi yüzerim (Bu cümlede yüzmek geçişsiz Passive: Ben iyi yüzülürüm. (Yanlış! Yüzmek fiilinin pasifi olmaz.) Bunun gibi gitmek, gelmek, uyumak gibi fiiller de geçişsiz fiillerdir. ACTIVE 1. The Simple Present PASSIVE bir fiildir.) - The boy breaks the windows. (Çocuk camları kırar.) S+V+O - The windows are broken. (by the boy.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılır.) S + am / ise /are + V3 2. Present Continuous - The windows are being broken. (by the boy.) - The boy is breaking the windows. (Çocuk camları kırıyor.) Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılıyor. S + am / ise /are + Ving + O S + am / ise /are + being + V3 3. Simple Past The boy broke the windows. (Çocuk camları kırdı.) The windows were broken. (by the boy.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırıldı.) S + V2 + O S + was / were + V3 4. Past Continuous - The boy was breaking the windows. (Çocuk camları kırıyordu.) S + was / were + Ving + O 5. Present Perfect - The boy has broken the windows. (Çocuk camları kırdı.) S + have / has +V3 + O The windows were being broken. (by the boy.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılıyordu.) S + was / were + being + V3 The windows have been broken. (by the boy.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırıldı.) S + have / has + been + V3 6. Past Perfect The windows had been broken. (by the boy.) - The boy had broken the windows. (Çocuk camları kırmıştı.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılmıştı.) S + had + V3 + O S + had + been + V3 7. Going to future - The boy is going to break the windows. (Çocuk camları kıracak.) The windows are going to be broken. (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılacak.) S + am / ise /are going to + be + V3 S + am / is / are + going to + V1 + O 8. Future Tense The windows will be broken. (by the boy.) - The boy will break the windows. (Çocuk camları kıracak.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılacak) S + will + V1 + O S + will + be + V3 9. Modals The boy can break the windows. (Çocuk camları kırabilir.) (Bütün modal'lar için bu kural geçerlidir. Modal + Be + V3 kullanılır.) 10. Perfect contionals or modals The boy must have broken the windows. (Çocuk camları kırmış olmalı.) The windows can be broken. (by the boy.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılabilir.) The windows must have been broken. (by the boy.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılmış olmalı.) ► Tablodaki örneklerde de gördüğünüz gibi aktif cümlenin nesnesi, pasif cümlenin nesnesi olmaktadır. Active - My mother is cleaning our windows. nesne Passive - Our windows are being cleaned. Pencerelerimiz temizleniyor. özne ► Edilgen yapıda önemli olan meydana gelen olay olduğu için, eylemi yapan kişi, yani özne önemli değildir ve bu yüzden çoğunlukla eylemin kimin tarafından yapıldığından bahsedilmez. Active - Somebody stole my money. (Birisi paramı çaldı.) Passive - My money was stolen. (Param çalındı.) ► Fakat hem passive cümle kullanıp hem de yapanın kim ya da ne olduğu belirtilmesi isteniyor, veya yapan belirtilmeksizin cümle tam anlaşılmıyorsa, yapanın kim ya da ne olduğu by kelimesi eklenerek belirtilir. - Our windows was broken by one of my friends. (Penceremiz arkadaşlarımın biri tarafından kırıldı.) - Istanbul was conquered by Mehmet the Second. (İstanbul İkinci Mehmet tarafından fethedildi.) 5. METİNLER 1. LONGLEAT HOUSE Longleat House is 140 kilometres west of London, between the cities of Salisbury and Bath. The house is the home of Lord Bath. It is about 400 years old. Visitors can walk through and look at the beautiful rooms and they can see the antique furniture in the rooms. There is also a Safari Park at Longleat House. Visitors can drive through the park and see many animals there. Longleat House is open every day from 10 o'clock in the morning to 6 o'clock in the evening. The Safari Park is open only in the summer. 2. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY New York University is in Greenwich Village. Students can get almost everything they need near the university campus. There is a post office on 9th Street. There is a bank on 5th Avenue, and there are two on 8th Street. The restaurants and coffee shops in Greenwhich Village are very popular. 3. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON The University of London is in Bloomsbury. It was founded in 1836. There are many other famous buildings in Bloomsbury. The British Museum, which is near the university, is one of these buildings. There are also many restaurants and coffee shops, where you can buy things to eat. The restaurants are not always very cheap, but the coffee shops are excellent for the price. 4. HARD DISC A magnetic disc on which you can store computer data. (Hangi) The term hard is used to distinguish it from a soft, or floppy, disc. (ayırt etmek) Hard discs hold more data and are faster than floppy discs. A hard disc, for example, can store anywhere (herhangibir yerde) from 10 to more than 100 gigabytes, whereas (oysa) most floppies have a maximum storage capacity of 1.4 megabytes. A single hard disc usually consists of several platters. Each platter requires two read/write heads, one for each side. All the read/write heads are attached to a single access arm so that they cannot move independently(özgürce). Each platter has the same number of tracks, and a track location that cuts across all platters is called a cylinder.For example, a typical 84 megabyte hard disc for a PC might have two platters (four sides) and 1,053 cylinders. In general, hard discs are less portable than floppies, although it is possible to buy removable hard discs. 5. JIM Jim Chapman, a famous cameraman, is the new assistant director of Video Sound, a large film company. It has fifty-two offices all over the world. Mr.Chapman is the first American to work at the company's Paris office in its thirty-year history. Mr. Chapman is not married. He's got a sister - Mary. She lives with her friend Kate in London. She goes to the Faculty of Arts at the University of London. There are also the Faculties of Science, Engineering, Medicine and Music there. 6. KATE My name is Catherine, but I'm called 'Kate' by my friends. I live near Leeds, in the north-east of England. I'm a dental nurse. I work for a young Australian dentist. He's very nice and he's a very good dentist, but I don't like my job very much. My sister is called Bianca. She's married with two children, a girl and a boy, and lives in a house near London, in a town called Enfield. She's a teacher. She teaches in a big school in the north of London. She likes her job very much. My brother's name is George. He doesn't have a job. He's unemployed. 7-SINGLE FATHERS' CLUB Self-help groups, i.e. groups of people with common problems, are very popular in many countries. These people have meetings and talk about their problems. They try to find answers for their problems together. For example, there are hundreds of groups of men and women who want to lose weight or give up drinking, who are single mothers or unmarried mothers. Now groups for single fathers are also starting to appear. This is the story of a group for single fathers. It started when a radio announcer, John McCarthy, was reading an announcement for a single mothers' group. After he read the announcement, he said, "I'm a single father. I've got two sons. My wife died two years ago. I look after my children on my own and I have a lot of problems. I'm sure there are a lot of other men who have lost their wives. So we need a group, too". Two single fathers, Henry Mason and Paul Singer, heard his message on the radio and called him and they decided to meet. These three men started the first single fathers' group in the US on May 5th, 1988. After 6 months, there were 30 fathers in the group called "Single Fathers' Club". There are doctors, students, mechanics, a bus-driver, a television producer, a few businessmen and several men who are unemployed. They meet every Tuesday night. They talk about problems, such as how to look after a child with a temperature, where to find milk at 6 a.m., how to help children who don't sleep well at night, or what foods are best for their children. The fathers feel these meetings help them. They say the difficult part for men is just learning to talk to other men about anything really personal. 8-LEARNING ABOUT COMPUTERS A computer is a giant brain which can help us learn fast, work successfully, or just have a good time. It can also store, or keep, very large amounts of information for easy reference. The only way to learn to use a computer is to do so. But before we start, we should know what the different parts of a computer do. The Basic Parts Of A Computer System HARDWARE - The hardware is the computer machinery and consists of the following parts: CPU - The CPU (central processing unit) is the heart of the computer. It contains the processor, which changes information into a form that we can understand. and the memory, which saves infomation you want to keep. The CPU consists of billions of on and off switches . . KEYBOARD - We put information .into the computer using the keyboard. It has keys that look like those on a typewriter. DISKS and DISK DRIVE - Most computers store information on disks, which look like records. We put the disks into a disk drive, which is connected to the CPU. -MONITOR - The monitor looks like a television screen. It shows either new information which we have typed or information which we have asked the computer to give us from the memory. PRINTER - The printer prints any information which we choose to have on paper. , i SOFTW ARE - The software is the computer programme. A programme is a set of codes which tells the computer how to work, so we need different programmes to do different tasks. For example, some programmes can teach us French, and some are games. There are thousands of different programmes. However, it is not necessary to know how to programme a computer. This is the job of specialists. All we have to learn is how to use an existing programme. 9-- THE BARASANA Between Colombia and Brazil there is an area called The Vaupös Region' about 15.000 people live in this area. They are the Amazonian Indians. These Amazonian Indians live in small groups. These groups have got different names like: Tukano, Desana, Cubeo and Barasana. The Barasana have a very different life-style. They do not live in villages. Many families live together in one house. It's a very big house and they share everything in this house. These houses are very far away from each other. A person has to walk for one hour to get from one house to another. There are gardens for special plants behind the houses. The Barasana pick bananas from the banana trees and use the leaves of these trees to serve food. The Barasana men and the Barasana women do different things. The women spend most of their time doing housework. They look after children, work in the gardens and prepare the food. The men go fishing and hunt animals for their meat. The Barasana are marvellous language-learners. This is because a Barasana man has to marry a woman from a different house. The people in different houses speak different languages, so they must learn the other language to understand each other. The wife has to learn her husband's language and the husband has to learn his wife's language. The children first learn their father's language and use it every day, but they also understand their mother's language. The children do not go to school. They play with other children, watch their parents and in this way they learn about life. Young girls have to help their mothers, but the boys don't. They usually swim in the rivers, go fishing and practise hunting animals. 10-COMPUTERS IN THE MODERN WORLD* The computer is a fairly new invention, but it has already become very important in the modern world, especially in government, science, business, and education. Since computers are very efficient, schools, banks and other organisations use them for many kinds of work in which speed is essential. For example, banks often use computers to monitor accounts. In many city banks, computers keep all the records of customers' deposits and withdrawals. Customers can also do their banking at any time of the day, thanks to computers. They can go to an outside window where they punch a code number on a computer. The computer will take care of their deposit or withdrawal. If they are depositing, they put their money in an envelope and insert it in the machine. If the customer is withdrawing, the machine will return money in an envelope. Customers can pay bills without going to the bank since the computers in banks can communicate with computers in other places. People find it more convenient than having to carry cash or cheques with them when they go shopping. When the customer buys something at a store, the computer can immediately subtract money from the customer's bank account and add it to the store's account. Computers help us in other areas, too. They help scientists do many experiments. Because of computers, we have made progress in many areas, such as health care, communications systems, business management, and space exploration. Large hotels, airlines, and other businesses use computers too to control reservations, keep records, pay employees and compute bills. In fact, computers are more efficient today than ever before, and it is difficult to imagine the world without them . But it is very easy to predict the importance of these 'thinking machines' in the future. 11 - THE OSTRICH The ostrich is the largest bird in the world. Africa and Arabia are the home of the ostrich, but we can see one in almost every zoo around the world. It has got wings but they are very small, so it cannot fly. Some male ostriches can be 2.5m in height and weigh from 90 to 135 kg. An ostrich has a small, flat head and a very long neck. Its legs are strong and thick. It is an excellent runner. It can run very fast - about 40 miles an hour. It is faster than a horse, but it is not the fastest animal. There are faster animals than the ostrich - for example, the antelope. The food of the ostrich is plants and some insects. Ostriches leave their eggs into holes in the sand. Sometimes there are 20 eggs in one hole. They are white and the largest eggs in the world. The female ostrich looks after the eggs in the daytime and the male ostrich at night. 12-NEW WORDS ABOUT COMPUTERS&İNTERNET Many new words have been formed in the area of computing in the past few years... and more will soon appear in the market. Many new words have been formed in the area of computing in the past few years. The Information Superhighway and the Internet allow computer users to connect with computers all over the world, and use electronic mail: e-mail, now used by many of us in preference to snail mail, good old-fashioned letters sent in envelopes with stamps on! Another starting point is the World Wide Web - a system linking documents and pictures into an information database that is stored in computers around the world and that can be accessed with a single programme. This is often abbreviated to www or Web. These terms were all virtually unknown three years ago. The development of the World Wide Web has led to a large number of new words. You log onto the Internet through an access provider. You can browse the web using one of a number of search engines. People and companies have Web pages which you can click on. If you find interesting pages, you can bookmark them - ie save them for future use. If you do not have a computer at home, you can go to a cybercafe and log on from there. If you get very hooked and surf for hours, you might describe yourself as a cybernaut (though this is also used for someone who voyages through cyberspace as in Star Wars), though other people are more likely to call you a geek or a nerd, or even a mouse potato: someone who spends hours sitting in front of a computer just as a couch potato is someone who spends hours sitting in front of a television. If you have a web page, you are interested in the number of hits you get - ie. the number of people who visit your page. Your homepage can have hotlinks to other people's homepages. These days most of us are netizens -Internet citizens - and we learn netiquette - how to behave properly on the net (ie. Internet). Today we do more and more via the net; e-mail, of course, and e-business, e-banking, e-ticketing (the buying of airline or theatre tickets via the Internet); and we can read e-zines (on-line magazines). Not everyone likes this trend. There are those who suffer from e-fear or e-depression, especially if they have been victims of someone else's net rage. The new millennium came over and the millennium timebomb (luckily) did not come with it in the form of the millennium bug. Remember the expanded terror that most computers could not recognise the date 2000 and crash? Well, fortunately no chaos at all... 13-VISUAL STUDIO HELP-I (TERCÜMESİ DOSYADA) You can customize the appearance and the content of Microsoft Document Explorer toolbars by adding, removing, or customizing toolbar icons. You can also create new toolbars or edit menus. Create a new toolbar Use the following procedure to create a new toolbar for use in Microsoft Document Explorer. To create a new toolbar 1. On the Tools menu, choose Customize. 2. In the Customize dialog box, select the Toolbars tab. 3. Choose New. 4. In the NewToolbar dialog box, type a name for the toolbar. 5. Choose OK. Add or remove toolbar icons Use the following procedure to add a new icon to the toolbar. To add an icon to the toolbar using the Customize command 1. On the Tools menu, choose Customize. 2. In the Customize dialog box, select the Commands tab. 3. Click Rearrange Commands. 4. Under Choose a menu or toolbar to rearrange, select Toolbar and then choose the correct toolbar from the drop-down list. 5. Click Add. 6. In the Add Command dialog box, select a category name from the Categories list and then choose an appropriate command from the Commands list. 7. Click OK. 8. Click Close and then click Close again. Use the following procedure to remove an icon from the toolbar. To remove an icon from the toolbar 1. On the Tools menu, choose Customize. 2. Choose the Commands tab. 3. Choose the icon on the toolbar that you want to remove and drag it to the Customize dialog box. Note: You can also click the Toolbar Options button on a toolbar, choose Add or Remove Buttons, and then select Customize to open this dialog box. Customize the appearance of toolbar icons Use the following procedure to change the size of toolbar icons. To change the size of toolbar icons 1. On the Tools menu, choose Customize. 2. In the Customize dialog box, choose the Toolbars tab. 3. Select the Use large icons check box. Use the following procedure to change the graphic used to represent the command on the toolbar. To edit button images 1. On the Tools menu, choose Customize. 2. In the Customize dialog box, select the Commands tab. 3. Click Rearrange Commands. 4. Under Choose a menu or toolbar to rearrange, select Toolbar and then choose the correct toolbar from the drop-down list. 5. Select the toolbar command of which you intend to change the image. 6. Choose ModifySelection. 7. Choose EditButtonImage. 8. Use the ButtonEditor dialog box to customize the selected button's image. Note: The Customize dialog box can also be used to customize menus. 14-PERSONEL COMPUTER AND LAPTOP – ÇEVİRİLER DERSTE YENİDEN YAPILACAK This is usually not the case if you are using a work laptop and a home computer. Laptop computers are lightweight mobile PCs with a thin screen. To connect your laptop or desktop computer to your wireless network, follow these steps: Pressing the power button on the edge of a laptop puts thecomputer into an energy-saving mode called sleep. Power management stretches battery life on laptop computers, and can reduce electrical usage on your desktop computer. Love your laptop computer but hate using the trackpad when you are out of range of a traditional desk? Laptop computers are small, lightweight machines that can run on batteries, so you can take them anywhere. This is usually not the case if you are using a work laptop and a home computer, so it's best to turn off password-protected sharing. You can easily extend your Windows desktop across more than one monitor by plugging two or more monitors into a desktop computer or one or more monitors into a laptop. This is usually not the case if you are using a work laptop and a home computer. Some computers come with a built-in Bluetooth adapter, especially laptops. To connect your laptop or desktop computer to your wireless network, follow these steps: Some computers and laptops have a built-in memory card reader. Improved logon experience when using a corporatecomputer, such as a laptop, outside of the corporate network. Tablet PCs are mobile PCs that combine features of laptops and handheld computers. You can typically find the COA sticker on the body of thecomputer or, for some newer laptops, inside the battery compartment. If your laptop has a line-in jack, follow the instructions above for connecting a music player to a desktop computer. -If you want to bring a laptop home from work and connect it to your home network, you might have to change somecomputer settings. -You can choose what happens when you press the power button on your computer case (or the edge of your laptop). -You might be able to wake your computer by pressing any key on the keyboard, clicking a mouse button, or opening the lid on a laptop. 15-SENTENCES ABOUT COMPUTER -computer aided software (cas) -The speed of your computers -Turn on the laptop. -computer security violation -computerized numerical control -computerized automatic testing -computer aided animation -computer performance evaluation -computer aided engineering -computer aided publishing (cap) -Find a picture on your computer -Restart the computer. -Computer Aided Education -Open the computer case. -computer aided manufacture (cam) -Change computer sounds -Computer system resources. -Keep your computer updated. -Enter computer in the search box. -Keep your computer up to date. -Add computers to a homegroup -For some Toshiba computers -Connect computers to the network. -Computer Integrated Manufacturing -Adjust computer settings -On the Who will use this computer? -There is a virus on your computer. -Write down your computer name. -Use the computer without a display. -Reduced Instruction Set Computer -Personalizing your computer -Start by setting up one computer. -Delete from library and my computer -The remote computer cannot be found. -There can be thousands of computers. -Click the Computer Name tab. -Use the computer without a display. -Restart your computer. -Then prepare your computer. -Log on to your old computer. -How to fix a computer that won't start -Are you new to computers? -Control your computer. -Computer enabled with Bluetooth® -Hide Drives in 'My Computer' -Turning off your computer properly -A TV signal connected to your computer -Click select them from your computer. -format that are stored on your computer. -Programs that run on your computer -Understanding the parts of your computer -One or more computers are servers. -Click Repair your computer. -A computer running Windows Vista. -On a different computer in your homegroup -Your computer hardware is set up. -Keeping computers on a network up to date -If possible, upgrade your computer. -A computer running Windows Vista -For example: computer nameuser name -Click Start, and then click My Computer. -Your home computer's name or IP address -Go to the computer you want to print from. -Rip (copy) songs from CDs to your computer -However, not all computers are the same. -Make the computer listen to you -Start your computer in safe mode -Log on to the computer as an administrator. -Compatible with many computers and devices. -Then, restart your computer. -Adjust the sound level on your computer -Check your computer for a switch. -Log on as a computer administrator. -Make the computer easier to see. -Train your computer to recognize your speech -Browse recommended laptops -The computer or device isn't on the network. -Browse recommended laptops and convertibles -Plug the computers into the phone jacks. -Get down to business with it as a laptop. -Click Recycle Bin; Click Computer; Click File -How do I remove a computer virus? -This list is stored on your computer. -Your computer already belongs to a homegroup. -Not all computers support this feature. -Change what happens when you close your laptop -Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard. -Find out how much RAM your computer has -Insert your Windows XP CD into your computer. -It gives you full access to the computer. -Your computer is not connected to the network. -Your computer name identifies it on a network. -The computers will be automatically connected. -After hours, I love watching DVDs on my laptop. -Is your computer running very slowly? -Smart ways to turn off your computer -On an additional hard disk inside your computer -Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard. -There is one Public folder on each computer. -Laptops also use flat-panel displays. -Make the computer easier to see. -Turn off your computer and monitor. -Return your computer to the factory setting. -Go to the computer you want to print from. -Your computer's name identifies it on a network. -(Hibernation is not available on all computers.) -Many newer computers don't have this cable. -Your computer represents files with icons. -Your computer has no operating system installed. -You will be prompted to restart your computer. -Some computers come with TV tuners. -The computers can be on different local networks. -Remove spyware from your computer -Start (or restart) the computer. -Make sure that your computer is running. -Battle it out with the computer or a friend. -Log on to your computer as an administrator. -Sensors that are built in to your computer -Connect the removable media to your computer. -On the Computer Name tab, click Change. -Start your Windows Media Center computer. -Allow someone to connect to your computer remotely -Almost every computer is capable of playing sounds. -Files stored on a computer and in a network folder. -Turn on the device and connect it to your computer. -Computers range in size and capability. -An IEEE 1394 port on your computer -Make the computer stop listening -Make the computer easier to see -Your computer suddenly starts running slowly. -Shut down the computer before connecting the device. -Shut down the computer before connecting the device. -A printer transfers data from a computer onto paper. -The file has not been downloaded to your computer. -Compatible with many computers and some devices. -You do not need this cable if you are using a laptop. -You might have to restart your computer. -Ways to improve your computer's performance -Transferring files and settings from another computer -A mobile phone that you've connected to your computer -Connect to the remote computer as you normally would. -There’s even a Device Stage for your computer. -You might be prompted to restart the computer. -You might be prompted to restart your computer. -Your computer might not be connected to the Internet. -How do I get pictures from my camera to my computer? -Computers come in different sizes and shapes. -For a laptop, this is the default setting. -Restart your computer normally. -Computer enabled with Bluetooth® wireless technology. -Permanently deletes the software from your computer. -Your device is disconnected from the computer. -A computer that has a wireless network adapter. -How do browser add-ons affect my computer? -On the How will this computer connect to the Internet? -Turn on your device and connect it to your computer. -Desktop computers are made up of separate components. -Highly compatible with most computers and devices. -Ideal for use with newer or older computers. -It might not be compatible with Windows 98 computers. -Click This computer, and then click Next. -Rotate pictures automatically on your computer -Each computer has a set of user accounts. -Log on to your new computer as an administrator. -Log on to computer that has the printer attached to it. -Available system resources on your computer. -The system resources available on your computer. -Try scanning your computer for spyware. -Your computer manufacturer might offer additional plans. -Transfer files and settings from another computer -For some computers that have Windows 7 -Disconnect the device from your computer. -Download video from your camera to your computer -Stream music from your computer to Xbox 360 -On your computer, folders work the same way. -Saving a copy of an XPS document to your computer -Use this mode when you use your mouse with one computer. -Laptops don't usually have sound cards. -Some computers come with TV tuners. -First, log on as an administrator on both computers. -For some computers that have Windows XP -Locate the video ports on your computer. -You can lock your computer with the Lock button. -A dialog box will be displayed on the receiving computer. -Connect a wired keyboard or mouse to your computer. -Saving a copy of the XPS document to your computer. -This receiver may be internal or external to the computer. -Turn on your device, and then connect it to your computer. -At least two computers that have remote streaming enabled. -Hubs enable computers on a network to communicate. -The instructions here apply to desktop computers. -Click Local computer, and then click Finish. -Click Start, and then click My Computer. -The computer name is displayed on the Computer Name tab. -Ways to improve your computer's performance -Connect to another computer using Remote Desktop Connection -Life is too short to be answering to a computer. -The adapters installed in your computer are listed. -The log file must be on your local computer. -You can use your voice to control your computer. -Turn off your computer and unplug it from its power source. -Sound processors can also be built into desktop computers. -Your laptop might be running low on battery power. -System Restore will restart your computer. -For advanced computer users only. -It requires fewer remote computer resources initially. -Your computer uses the Windows operating system. -Check that the burner is connected to your computer. -Then, continue the transfer process on the new computer. -Use your computer to print, scan, and fax -Verify that your computer is connected to your home network. -The type of TV tuner you have installed on your computer -To install any USB device, just plug it in to your computer. -The type of files in this folder depends on your computer. -Computers on a home network can belong to a homegroup. -For some computers that have Windows Vista -Many computers come with a dial-up modem already installed. -Then, restart your computer normally. -Follow these guidelines to protect your computer: -First, export your contact information on the first computer. -The system unit is the core of a computer system. -Add a Bluetooth adapter to your computer. -A Phillips screwdriver to open your computer, if needed -About two months ago, her computer stopped working. -Download the icons and save them to your computer. -For more information, see Use the computer without a display. -Next, import your contact information to the secondcomputer. -What's new for computers with touchscreens? -This is especially important when using a public computer. -Schedule when Windows Defender scans your computer -Click Local computer, click Finish, and then click OK. -For more information, see Connect your computer to a TV. -Then log on to your new computer as an administrator. -Your computer manufacturer may provide additional power plans. -Put the disc in a CD-ROM drive in your computer. -My mom was pretty excited when her new computer was delivered. -Many computers come with this type of modem already installed. -Here are some of the most popular things to do with computers: -Control when children can use the computer -You can view storage devices in Computer. -Before you do anything, back up your computer. -Picking up the pieces after a computer crash -Try starting your computer using Last Known Good Configuration. -If your computer comes with a DVD player, you can watch movies. -If your computer doesn't have it installed, follow these steps. -There are typically no more than ten to twenty computers. -It might not be compatible with Windows 98 or Apple computers. -Data cards can also be embedded laptop modules. -If you're connecting another computer, turn that computeron. -Install Windows 7 on a computer without a DVD drive. -You purchased a computer without an operating system. -Use this option to control the computer with your voice. -Your computer manufacturer might provide additional power plans. -The option allows you to control the computer with your voice. -This is especially cool if you're computer is connected to a TV. -You can use your voice to dictate text to your computer. -The video will be imported to your computer and burned to a DVD. -There's no need to guess the speed of your computer, however. -You will need to activate Windows again on the secondcomputer. -All computers must be on the same local network or subnet. -Works on your desktop, laptop, or notebook. -Set default programs for this computer. -Install Windows 7 on a computer without an operating system. -Installing a program means adding it to your computer. -Possibly a Phillips screwdriver to open your computer, if needed. -Your computer might have more than one network adapter. -Your security setting level puts your computer at risk. -The wizard displays the Now go to your old computer page. -All computers running Windows have Public folders. -Troubleshoot problems finding computers on a home network -Your computer might have spyware running. -For more information, contact your computer manufacturer. -A hardware device might be keeping your computer awake. -An administrator on the computer might have reset your password. -Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard (alternative input) -(You can also type the IP address instead of the computername.) -If you have a DVD drive, you can watch movies on yourcomputer. -Plug a flash drive or flash memory card into your computer. -When the transfer is complete, click Finish on the oldcomputer. -Plug your computer back into its power source and then turn it on. -You can only add locations that are on your computer to the index. -Laptops and tablets don't usually have sound cards. -Access files and printers on other homegroup computers -Be sure to choose a method that works on both computers. -Make sure that both computers are connected to the same network. -Laptop with Wi-Fi or mobile broadband. -Your right hand will shift your laptop into high gear. -You can change the default download location on thecomputer: -Remote connections might not be enabled on the remotecomputer. -Restart your computer and press F8 again. -Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties. -To confirm that you added the computer, do the following: -Try to start your computer after each step. -If your computer comes with a DVD player, you can watch movies too. -Type this password in the Password dialog box on your oldcomputer. -Your computer's base score is determined by the lowest subscore. -Plug your computer back into its power source and turn it back on. -Your computer is missing the media usage rights for the file. -You won't be notified before any changes are made to yourcomputer. -Computers work through an interaction of hardware and software. -It's easy to move computers around because there are no cables. -Check the manual that came with your laptop or device for more info. -Close all programs, and then restart your computer. -On the computer receiving the media stream, follow these steps: -The health of your computer can affect your Internet connection. -This creates a Shared Documents folder on each computer. -Press the Eject button on your computer's disc drive. -Connect one to your computer monitor and another to your HDTV. -Establish a Telnet connection with a host computer or remote server. -In the Search Computer box in the top-right, enter size:huge. -In the Search Computer box in the upper-right, enter size:huge. -Start the Player, and then connect your device to yourcomputer. -Make sure that the audio (sound) card is installed in yourcomputer. -Make sure you haven't already added the device to yourcomputer. -Your computer is plugged in (rather than running on battery power). -Plug the computer into a hub, switch, or router and then turn it on. -Almost all new computers come with a built-in sound card. -Click Computer to search across your entire computer. -This turns your computer into a playback device. -Close all apps and restart your computer. -The computer might restart several times during the installation. -Windows should recognize the monitor once the computerhas started. -Verify that your computer's power cord is connected. -Connect the camera to your computer by using the camera's USB cable. -If Startup Repair is a preinstalled recovery option on yourcomputer: -If you open that file, the virus will infect your computer. -Verifying the identity of a computer to a server it is connecting to. -Insert a disc into your computer's CD or DVD drive. -You might need to change your computer's BIOS settings. -How can I tell if my computer is up to date? -Insert an audio CD into the CD-ROM drive on your computer. -You can rip a CD when your computer is not connected to the Internet. -Here's how to link an online ID and allow streaming on acomputer: -Disconnect and reconnect your monitor from your computer. -Folders on your computer work exactly the same way. -Install any programs that you used on your old computer. -Your computer suddenly begins to start or run slowly. -If a website tries to run active content on your computer. -A keyboard is used mainly for typing text into your computer. -It's also still the place to turn your computer off or log off. -Nor does it have to be a dilemma for most computer users. -Access files and printers on other homegroup computers -All homegroup computers must be running Windows 7. -Many computers come with a dial-up modem already installed. -Desktop computers are designed for use at a desk or table. -Change any other icon on your computer. -Double-click Recycle Bin; Double-click Computer; Double-click file name -Contact the computer or drive manufacturer for more information. -First, connect a wired keyboard or mouse to your computer. -The adapters installed in your computer are listed here. -To browse the contents of volume devices, open Computer. -Why won't my computer turn on or off quickly? -Windows requires at least one administrator account on acomputer. -Missing updates can affect your computer's performance. -If Automatic Updates is turned on, your computer is protected. -Move the device closer to your computer or farther away. -Connect an IR blaster to your computer and your set-top box. -Music stored on a portable music player and music stored on a computer. -These jacks typically appear on the back of a desktopcomputer. -Your choices won't affect other user accounts on thecomputer. -Click Import the entire videotape to my computer, and then click Next. -It also can scan your computer for existing spyware and then remove it. -The computer is connected to a network that's available for public use. -The files will be restored to their original location on yourcomputer. -Your computer manufacturer might have added other icons to the desktop. -Your computer suddenly starts running more slowly that it usually does. -Your opponents (played by your computer) are West, North, and East. -Lets you choose settings that will apply to all users on thiscomputer. -Install network adapters in any computers that need them. -These events are forwarded to this log by other computers. -Restart your computer and try resetting again. -Move your computer closer to the router or access point. -To activate Windows on this computer, do the following: -They both can negatively affect your computer's performance. -Every person with a user account on the computer shares this folder. -In your home, you still connect your computer through copper wiring. -Set up the device so that your computer can find it. -You can use this information to locate pictures on yourcomputer. -You must close the session to read this disc in a differentcomputer. -However, setting up a computer to do this can be an advanced task. -The files will be restored to their original locations on yourcomputer. -The information stored in RAM is erased when the computeris turned off. -The latest versions of your files should already be on yourcomputer. -Try moving it closer or a little farther from your computer. -Turn on a compatible mobile phone, and then connect it to your computer. -You must know the name of the computer where you want to copy the files. -Restore the state of your computer's system to a previous point in time. -Most laptops allow you to connect one external monitor. -For computers running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003: -We recommend that all computers be in the same workgroup. -It might not be compatible with Windows 98 and Windows 2000 computers. -Laptop computers are lightweight mobile PCs with a thin screen. -Adjust the sound level on your computer -Also, always properly turn off your computer. -A virus infects your computer and deletes your activation status. -If your computer is running Windows XP, do the following: -An internal TV tuner card, which you must install inside yourcomputer. -Computer with a 1 gigahertz (GHz) 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor. -Connect one to your computer monitor and another to your HDTV. -Make sure the device and your computer are the correct distance apart. -The disk preserves the information even when your computeris turned off. -Check Installed Programs for items that don't belong on yourcomputer. -Check the information that came with your sound card orcomputer. -How does Windows Easy Transfer make setting up acomputer easier? -To watch or record TV on your computer, you must have three things: -When you are finished adding the device, log on to a networkcomputer. -Might have to be closed before they can be used in other computers. -The session will be closed, so the disc can be used in other computers. -Click Recycle Bin; Click Computer; Click file name -A worm is computer code that spreads without user interaction. -Click the Computer Name tab, and then click Change. -Close all your programs, and restart your computer. -And you use the keyboard to type information into yourcomputer. -For more information, see Turn off a computer: frequently asked questions. -There are several ways to connect a printer to yourcomputer. -To connect your computer to the Internet, you need a modem. -Your choices won't affect other user accounts on thiscomputer. -Your personal contact information is now available on the second computer. -A theme is a combination of pictures, colors, and sounds on your computer. -If you have questions, check the information that came with your computer. -It depends on the way you upgraded your computer to Windows 7. -The Games folder is the central location for all games on yourcomputer. -This setting applies to all burners that you use with yourcomputer. -Your computer is now connected, or mapped, to the network drive. -Ripping is the process of copying songs from an audio CD to your computer. -The videotape will be imported to your computer and rewound automatically. -You don't need to close the session to read this disc in another computer. -Hybrid sleep is typically turned on by default on desktop computers. -With this password, the helper can directly connect the two computers. -You also run the risk of spreading viruses to other computers. -Network discovery is blocking you from seeing other computers and devices. -Verifying the identity of a server to computers that are connecting to it. -You should see all the computers and devices that are on your network. -Check the manual that came with your laptop or device for more information. -The wireless switch is usually found on the front or side edge of a laptop. -Reviews—either online or in computer electronics magazines. -You can restart your computer and run the tool immediately. -Specify a publishing location on your computer's hard disk. -Your computer manufacturer may provide additional power plans and settings. -A network adapter is a device that connects your computer to a network. -For more information, check the information that came with your computer. -For more information, see Use the computer without the mouse or keyboard. -Here are a few things you can try to remove a computervirus: -If that doesn't work, restart your computer and try again. -The Search box does not automatically search your entirecomputer, however. -Turn on your Windows Media Center computer and log onto Windows. -During times of heavy computer virus outbreaks, the Internet can slow down. -Insert the new hard disk into an empty hard disk bay in yourcomputer case. -The computer is running Windows Vista and network discovery is turned off. -The computer is running Windows XP and the LLTD protocol is not installed. -The pictures, color, and sounds on your computer will change automatically. -There's not enough free space to store the edited picture on your computer. -Turn on your Windows Media Center computer and log on to Windows. -For more information, see Find out how much RAM yourcomputer has. -Whether or not your computer is running the Windows Media Center TV Pack. -You must know the name of the computer that has the printer attached to it. -On the Date and Time Settings page, set your computer’s clock. -Browse some of the latest and greatest PCs and laptops. -For computers running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008: -Networking home computers running different versions of Windows -Click the Shut down button to turn off your computer. -Log on to your computer using your user account. -Next, install any programs you use on your old computer. -On your Windows Media Center computer, start Windows Media Center. -Tap or click Browse my computer for driver software. -Missing updates can affect your computer's performance. -If it's not, your computer is running non-genuine Windows. -Make sure your speakers are correctly connected to thecomputer. -If Task Manager won't start, your computer might have a virus. -Next, install any programs you'll need on the new computer. -(You can also type the IP address instead of the computername if you want.) -Amount of time that has passed since the computer has been restarted. -Disk Cleanup proceeds to remove all unnecessary files from your computer. -Set up the Bluetooth enabled device so that your computercan find it. -You can now use the disc in another computer or media device. -Computer-to-phone calling can be used for placing outgoing calls only. -Only files and folders located on your computer can be added to the index. -Windows Solitaire is one of the most popular computergames in the world. -You will not be able to follow these steps if you have locked your computer. -Hybrid sleep is designed primarily for desktop computers. -Scroll to My Xbox, select System Settings, and then select Computers. -Today, the Internet has revolutionized how people use computers. -How to tell if your computer is infected with spyware -In System Properties, on the Computer Name tab, click Change. -Use Parental Controls to manager your child's computer time -Windows XP will spend about a minute configuring yourcomputer. -A program or scheduled task might be waking yourcomputer. -This can be useful if your computer is part of a home theater. -To test your network, do the following on each networkcomputer: -You will see a blank screen or a blank window on thecomputer monitor. -You'll see a list of people who have accounts on yourcomputer. -Access your email and calendar from your computer, the web, and smart device* -Access your email and calendar from your computer, the web, and smart device* -During ripping, the tracks are created as files on yourcomputer. -If the menu does not appear, restart your computer and try again. -Make sure that your computer is trying to connect to the correct device. - 16-VISUAL STUDIO HELP-II (TERCÜMESİNİ DOSYAYA EKLE) You can change the font colors and sizes, typefaces, and background color settings associated with topics Microsoft Document Explorer, as needed. The font colors, font size, and background colors used in the user interface are based on your operating system settings and should be edited from the Windows Display Properties dialog box. Caution: Changes in these settings to improve the appearance of one document might have an unexpected impact on other documents. For example, using a smaller font size might make the text in other documents difficult to read. Change the Fonts Used in Help Topics Use the following procedure to modify the font size for Help topics. Note: If you change the font of the Help topics in the Help window, the change also affects the font when you view a Web page in Internet Explorer. To change the font size in the document window 1. Right-click the document window and choose Text Size. 2. Choose a relative font size from Largest to Smallest. You can also change the font family used to display text in Help topics. To change the font family 1. On the Tools menu, choose Options. The Options dialog box appears. 2. Choose Web Browser and then click Internet Explorer Options. 3. On the General tab, click Accessibility. 4. Select Ignore font styles specified on Web pages. 5. Click OK. 6. On the General tab, click Fonts and choose a different font family for Web page font and Plain text font. 7. Click OK and then click OK again. Change the Default Colors Used in Help Topics Use the following procedure to modify the background color. Note: If you change the background color of the Help topics in the Help window, the change also affects the background color when you view a Web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer. To change the background color for Help topics 1. On the Tools menu, choose Options. The Options dialog box appears. 2. Choose Web Browser and then click Internet Explorer Options. 3. On the General tab, click Accessibility. 4. Select Ignore colors specified on Web pages. 5. Click OK. 6. On the General tab, click Colors. 7. Unselect Use Windows colors. 8. Click the color swatch for Background to display the Colors dialog box, and then choose a different color. 9. Click OK and then click OK again. You can also change the color of text displayed in Help topics. To change the color of text for Help topics 1. On the Tools menu, choose Options. The Options dialog box appears. 2. Choose Web Browser and then click Internet Explorer Options. 3. On the General tab, click Accessibility. 4. Select Ignore colors specified on Web pages. 5. Click OK. 6. On the General tab, click Colors. 7. Unselect Use Windows colors. 8. Click the color swatch for Text to display the Colors dialog box, and then choose a different color. 9. Click OK and then click OK again. See Also Concepts How to: Set Default Home and Search Pages Accessibility Features of Microsoft Document Explorer Customizing Microsoft Document Explorer Help on Help (Microsoft Document Explorer Help) Send feedback on this topic to Microsoft. 17 - EFFECTS OF CIGARETTE SMOKING There are three harmful substances in cigarettes: tar, carbon monoxide and nicotine. Cigarette smokers who inhale the smoke, or breathe it in, can develop lung cancer. Other smokers who only take the smoke into their mouths can suffer from throat, tongue and larynx 5 cancers. The substance which causes cancer is the tar in cigarettes. Cigarette manufacturers have tried to develop low tar brands of cigarettes to reduce the dangers. Certain forms of filters in addition to the cigarette's own filter can also help. However, nothing can completely eliminate , i.e., remove, the tar without changing the taste of 10 the cigarette completely. The effects of carbon monoxide are perhaps more serious because they can cause permanent damage - damage which lasts for a very long time - on others besides the smokers themselves. Increased carbon monoxide intake automatically means reduced oxygen intake, and 15 consequently a lower oxygen content in the blood and the brain. An oxygen-starved brain (a brain without enough oxygen) begins to die. It is true that cigarette smokers need cigarettes. Of course they do not actively choose to harm themselves and others, but they are forced to do so because of their dependence on the strong and fast-acting stimulant 20 called nicotine . In other words, they can't do without it. People who smoke frequently claim that smoking makes them feel calm and soothes their nerves, but this is a physiological impossibility, not a real effect at all. Actually it appears to be the psychological consequence of satisfying a need because cigarettes, like coffee and tea, are arousing 25 agents and they make people more nervous, not less. 18-A LANGUAGE TEACHER'S PERSONAL OPINION Why is English such an important language today? There are several reasons. Many newspapers send their reports to other newspapers in different countries in English - not in Spanish or Italian. English is also the language of the businessworld. For example, when a Mexican businessman buys something from a Chinese businessman he usually speaks English. At airports you can always hear English, and at the cinema you can watch a film in English. Today a lot of people want to learn this language. They go to language schools in England or take English courses in their own countries. Every day I see advertisements in the newspapers and on buses. They are about language courses. Sometimes they also advertise language cassettes in English. They say you can learn a second language very fast and easily. They often say you can read plays by Shakespeare or books by Charles Dickens after you listen to the cassettes or after you go to the classes for three months. These advertisements are awful. I am an English teacher and I know that it is difficult to learn a new language. But a lot of people think these advertisements are true. They want to go to these short courses or buy those expensive cassettes. I don't understand them. How can someone learn a new language in three months? Are 'super teachers' teaching their classes? I really don't know. I don't think people can learn English from cassettes. When we speak a language we don't repeat sentences only. We use the language every day and everywhere. For example, we talk to our friends, our neighbours or to a waiter in a restaurant. You can't speak to a cassette. You can only repeat the questions and answers. We must talk to people and listen to them when we learn a new language. And this takes a long time. Not only three months! 19--HP 2060 INSTALLATION Installation Troubleshooting If you are unable ta print a test page: Make sure the cable connections are secure. See the setup poster. Make sure the printer is powered on. The @ [On] button will be lit green. Make sure the printer is set as your default printing device: Windows4ll 7: From the Windows Start menu, click Devices and Printers. Windows Vista4ll : On the Windows taskbar, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Printer. Windows XP<!I> : On the Windows taskbar, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Printers and Faxes. Make sure that your printer has a check mark in the circle next to it. If your printer is not selected as the default printer, riqht-click the printer icon and choose "Set as Defoult Printer" from the menu. If you are stili unable ta print, or the Windows software installation foils: 1.Remove the CD from the computer's CD/DYO drive, and then disconnect the USB cable from the computer. 2.Restart the computer. 3.Temporarily diseble ony software lirewell and close any anti-virus software. Restart these programs alter the printer soltwore is installed. 4.Insert the printer software CD in the computer's CD/DYO drive, then follow the on-screen instructions to install the printer software. Do not connect the USB cable until you are told ta do so. 5.Alter the installation [Inishes, restart the computer. Wındows XP, and Windows Visfo are U.S. registerecl Irademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Windows 7 is either o registered Irademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other counlries. Power specifications: Power adapter: 0957·2286 Input voltage: 100·240Vac (+/ 10%) Input frequency: 50/60Hz (+/ 3Hz) Note: Use only with the power adapter supplied by HP. Ink usage Note: Ink from the cartridges is used in the printing process in a number of different ways, including in the initialization process, which prepares the device and cartridges for printing, and in printhead servicing, which keeps print nozzles clear and ink flowing smoothly. In addition, some residual ink is lelt in the cartridge alter it is used. For more information, see www.hp.com/go/inkusage. 20-PRINTER GUIDE Power: Turns the product on or off. When the product is off, a minimal amount of power is still used. To completely remove power, turn off the product, then unplug the power cord. Cancel: Stops the current operation. Start Copy Black: Starts a black-and-white copy job. Increase the number of copies (up to 10) by pressing the button multiple times. Acts as a resume button after resolving print problems. Start Copy Color: Starts a color copy job. Increase the number of copies (up to 10) by pressing the button multiple times. Acts as a resume button after resolving print problems. Attention light: Indicates that there is a paper jam, the printer is out of paper, or some event that requires your attention. Cartridge light: Indicates low ink or a print cartridge problem. Status Lights Behavior One cartridge light is on (not blinking) Solution An “on” cartridge light indicates that the corresponding cartridge still has the tape on, is not installed, or is low on ink. Remove the pink tape if it is still on the cartridge, insert a cartridge if one is missing, or replace the cartridge when print quality is no longer acceptable. Power light is blinking and attention light is on The output tray is closed, there is no paper, or (not blinking) there is a paper jam. Press Start Copy Black or Start Copy Color to resume. Power light is blinking, both cartridge lights are The cartridge door is open, or the carriage is blinking, and the attention obstructed. light is on (not blinking) If the cartridge door is open, close it. If the carriage is obstructed, open cartridge door and move the carriage to the right to clear the obstruction. Press Start Copy Black or Start Copy Color to resume. Both cartridge lights are on (not blinking) Both cartridges are low on ink. Replace both cartridges when print quality is no longer acceptable. One cartridge light is blinking A “blinking” cartridge light indicates that the corresponding cartridge is not installed correctly or is incompatible. If the cartridge is not installed correctly, reinsert the cartridge. If the cartridge is incompatible, replace it with a compatible cartridge. Both cartridge lights and attention light are The cartridge carriage inside the printer has blinking stalled. Open cartridge door and make sure the carriage is not obstructed, close door, and then press the Start Copy Black or Start Copy Color button to resume. Power light, both cartridge lights, and attention The printer is in an error state. light are blinking To exit the error state, reset the product. 1. Turn off the product. 2. Unplug the power cord. 3. Wait a minute, then plug the power cord back in. 4. Turn on the product. 21-PRINT DOCUMENTS To print from a software application 1. Make sure the output tray is open. 2. Make sure you have paper loaded in the input tray. See Load media on page 16 for more information. 3. From your software application, click the Print button. 4. Make sure the product is the selected printer. 5. Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box. Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties, Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences. 6. Select the appropriate options. • On Layout tab select Portrait or Landscape orientation. • On Paper/Quality tab select the appropriate paper size and paper type from the Paper Size and Media drop-down lists. • Click Advanced to select the appropriate output quality from the Printer Features list. 7. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box. 8. Click Print or OK to begin printing. Specifications Technical specifications for the HP All-in-One are provided in this section. For complete product specifications, see the Product Data Sheet at www.hp.com/support. System requirements For information about future operating system releases and support, visit the HP online support Web site at www.hp.com/support. Environmental specifications • Recommended operating temperature range: 15 ºC to 32 ºC (59 ºF to 90 ºF) • Allowable operating temperature range: 5 ºC to 40 ºC (41 ºF to 104 ºF) • Humidity: 15% to 80% RH non-condensing; 28 ºC maximum dewpoint • Non-operating (Storage) temperature range: –40 ºC to 60 ºC (–40 ºF to 140 ºF) • In the presence of high electromagnetic fields, it is possible the output from the HP All-inOne may be slightly distorted • HP recommends using a USB cable less than or equal to 3 m (10 feet) in length to minimize injected noise due to potential high electromagnetic fields Input tray capacity Plain paper sheets (80 g/m² [20lb]): Up to 50 Envelopes: Up to 5 Index cards: Up to 20 Photo paper sheets: Up to 20 Output tray capacity Plain paper sheets (80 g/m² [20lb]): Up to 30 Envelopes: Up to 5 Technical information 37 Technical information Index cards: Up to 10 Photo paper sheets: Up to 10 Paper size For a complete list of supported media sizes, see the printer software. Paper weights Plain Paper: 64 to 90 g/m² (16 to 24 lb) Envelopes: 75 to 90 g/m² (20 to 24 lb) Cards: Up to 200 g/m² (110-lb index maximum) Photo Paper: Up to 280 g/m² (75 lb) Print specifications • Print speeds vary according to the complexity of the document • Method: drop-on-demand thermal inkjet • Language: PCL3 GUI Copy specifications • Digital image processing • Copy speeds vary according to the complexity of the document and model Scan specifications • Resolution: up to 1200 x 1200 ppi optical For more information about ppi resolution, see the scanner software. • Color: 24-bit color, 8-bit grayscale (256 levels of gray) • Maximum scan size from glass: 21.6 x 29.7 cm (8.5 x 11.7 inches) 22-A MEETING Dr. Keller is at a party at the United Nations. Dr. Keller, I'd like you to meet Mr. Hakada. Mr. Hakada is the director of the United Nations University in Tokyo. Mr. Hakada, this is Dr. Keller. She works for the World Health Organisation. How do you do, Dr. Keller? It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Hakada. Are you going to attend the World Health Conference in Toronto this weekend? No. I have \o return to Geneva on Friday. Please tell me about the UN University, Mr. Hakada. I know very little about it. We do a lot of research at the UN University. We don't have a campus but we have offices in Tokyo. Have you visited them? No, I haven't. Would you like to see them when you come to Tokyo? Yes, I'd like to. Thank you for the invitation. 23-VISUAL STUDIO ERRORS –İLAVE EDİLECEK Warning Error 1 Error 1 Error 1 Error 1 1 The variable 'a' is assigned but its value is never used Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'byte'. ‘emlakn4.musteri.kira' is inaccessible due to its protection level The name 'b' does not exist in the current context A namespace does not directly contain members such as fields or methods 24-EDUCATION AT HOME (1) Some children in England don't go to school but they study at home. Do you think it's right? Our reporter, Jean Anderson, went to talk to some children. The Richardsons live in a big old house, 20 kilometres from London. The family is large - two girls and three boys. Our reporter visited them on a Wednesday morning. The children were at home. She heard music inside the house, a piano and a guitar. A normal family? A normal day? Yes, but in one way the Kichardsons are very different. The children don't go to school. Their parents, Marian and Roger, teach them at home. Jean Anderson spoke to Marian Richardson. Marian said: "My husband and I don't like the schools in our town. We don't think the teachers are very good. The children don't learn much. Some children at these schools can't readTIt's terrible. Go to the schools and look: the children fight; smoke and drink. Roger and I are both teachers. We can teach them more at home." Jean Anderson also spoke to Ginny. Ginny is one of the daughters of the family. She said: "We all love music. I play the piano and Donald plays the guitar. My parents are very good at music and languages. The schools here are very bad. We learn more at home. I think we're lucky." 25-EDUCATION AT HOME (2) About 4000 families are teaching their children at home, and they are doing very well. One example is the Tanner family from Hertfordshire. Eve Tanner, 27, and her 29-year -old husband James do not send their children to school. The Tanner children, six-year-old Stephen and eight-year-old Jason, study at home with their mother. They have a bright, comfortable study in their home. All around there are lots of books and the children's paintings are on the wall. James says, "Both Eve and I think we got nothing from school -only a diploma. We had no fun at all; in fact, everything was boring." Some parents who are teaching their children at home have a study programme, but the Tanners don't. Eve says, "The children love books - they read all sorts of things. And, of course, we read story books together. I teach them writing and mathematics, too. They write shopping lists for me. Then they go shopping with me and pay for the things we buy." Eve and James take their children to the library, to museums, to concerts, to swimming pools and to gymnastics. They think these activities are very important. What do friends think? Eve says, "Most of them are very interested. Some friends are also thinking about teaching their children at home." 26-DISTANCE LEARNING (ÇEVİRİSİ DOSYADA VAR) Distance learning is an excellent method of reaching the adult learner. Because of the competing priorities of work, home, and school, adult learners desire a high degree of flexibility. The structure of distance learning gives adults the greatest possible control over the time, place and pace of education; however, it is not without problems. Loss of student motivation due to the lack of face-to-face contact with teachers and peers, potentially prohibitive startup costs, and lack of faculty support are all barriers to successful distance learning. While distance education has been in existence for at least 100 years, the medium has changed from pencil and paper correspondence courses to real-time Internet courses. But regardless of the medium, distance courses have common characteristics and, likewise, have similar problems. Problems and barriers encountered by the student fall into several distinct categories; costs and motivators, feedback and teacher contact, student support and services. More so than traditional students, distance learners are more likely to have insecurities about learning. These insecurities are founded in personal and school related issues such as financial costs of study, disruption of family life, perceived irrelevance of their studies and lack of support from employers. These pressures often result in higher dropout rates than among traditional students 6. BİLGİSAYAR ALANINDA KULLANILAN TERİMLER (Bu terimleri aklınızda tutmaya çalışarak ezberleyin.) Bilgisayar alanında da oldukça fazla terim bulunmaktadır. Bu teknoloji günden güne geliştiği için teknik terimler de buna paralel oranda artmaktadır. Bu bölümde bilgisayar alanında sıkça kullanılan terimlere yer verilecektir. 1. access: erişim, erişmek Siteye erişim izni yok There is no permission to acces the site. 2. buffer: arabellek, tampon Mikro işlemci bilgileri ara bellekten alır. Microprocessor takes datas from the buffer. 3. compile: derlemek Kaynak kodları yazdıktan sonra programı derleyin. Compile the program after you wrote the source codes. 4. dimension: boyut AutoCAD programında üç boyutlu uygulamalar çizebilir misin? Can you draw three dimension applications in AutoCAD. 5. enhanced: geliştirilmiş Windows Wista, Windowsun XP'nin geliştirimiş bir sürümüdür.. Windows Wista is an enhanced version of Windows XP. 6. gridlines: kılavuz çizgileri Excel çalışma sayfasındaki klavuz çizgileri gizle. Hide the gridlines in Excel worksheet. 7. include: içermek Bu program veritabanı ve çevrimiçi uygulamaları içeriyor. This program includes database and online applications. 8. minor: küçük, önemsiz Bunlar bizim için önemsiz problemler. These are minor problems for us. 9. publish: yayımlamak Web siteni yayınladın mı? Did you publish your website? 10. routing: yönlendirme Router, network adreslerini yönlendiren bir yönlendirme tablosu yazılımına sahiptir. A router has an routing table software that routes network adresses. 11. Abort : durdurmak, kesmek 12. Accessories : donatılar 13. bandwidth : bant genişliği 14. banner : afiş, manşet / büyük başlık 15. border : kenarlık 16. capability : yetenek 17. case conversion : büyük/küçük harf dönüşümü 18. case sensitive : büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı 19. clockwise : saat yönünde 20. component : bileşen 21. confirmation : doğrulama 22. current : geçerli, etkin 23. device : aygıt 24. draft : taslak 25. enhance : geliştirmek 26. flow chart : akış çizelgesi 27. import : almak, veril almak 28. informatics : bilişim 29. initialize : başlatmak, sıfırlamak 30. invalid : geçersiz 31. kernel : çekirdek 32. literal : hazır bilgi 33. majority : çoğunluk 34. mass storage : yığın bellek 35. node : düğüm 36. path : yol 37. priority : öncelik 38. recent : en son 39. shrink down : küçültmek 40. Object(nesne) 41. Context(içerik) 42. input(giriş) 43. Output(çıkış) 44. Command(komut) 45. Session(oturum) 46. Application(uygulama) 47. Skip (atlamak) 48. Line(hat, çizgi) 49. Create(oluşturmak) 50. Open(açmak) 51. Nothing(boş, hiçbir şey) 52. Path(yol, iz) 53. Patch(yama) 54. Processing(işlem) 55. insruction(komut, yazılı komut) 56. Hardware(donanım) 57. Software(yazılım) 58. Register(kaydedici) 59. Complex(karmaşık) 60. Cachememory(ön bellek) 61. Data(veri) 62. Load(yükleme, çağırma) 63. Store(depolama, dükkan) 64. Logical(mantıksal) 65. Status(durum) 66. interface(arayüz, arabirim) 67. Support(destek) 68. Static(durağan) 69. Dinamic(hareketli) 70. Level(seviye, basamak) 71. Jump(atlamak) 72. Branch(dallanma) 73. Abow(üsttekiler) 74. Bellow(alttakiler) 75. interrupt(kesintiye uğrama) 76. Equal(eşit) 77. Shift(kaydırma) 78. Single(tekil) 79. Multiple(çoğul) 80. Buffer(tampon) 81. Counter(sayıcı) 82. internel(dahili, içsel) 83. External(harici, dışsal) 84. Zero(sıfır) 85. Carry(taşımak, elde) 86. Kesmek = Cut 87. Kopyalamak = Copy 88. Yapıştırmak = Paste 89. Kapatmak = Shut Down 90. Bulmak = Find 91. Yazı karakteri = Font 92. Dosya = File 93. Hafıza = Memory 94. Seçmek = Select 95. Bilgisayar = Computer 96. Tıklamak = Click 97. İkon = Icon 98. Modem = Modem 99. Yazıcı = Printer 100. Tarayıcı = Scanner 101. Aramak = Search 102. Donanım = Hardware 103. Yardım = Help 104. Kaydetmek = Save 105. Metin = Text 106. Sayfa = Page 107. Yönetici = Administrator 108. Güvenlik = Security 109. İleti = Message 110. Ok = Arrow 111. Ekleme = Attachment 112. Sürücü = Driver 113. Ses = Audio 114. Görüntü = Video 115. Geri Sekme = Backtab 116. Pil = Battery 117. Koyu = Bold 118. Alt Çizgili = Underlined 119. Eğik = Italic 120. Ağ = Network 121. İptal = Cancel 122. Masaüstü = Desktop 123. Aygıt = Device 124. Uyarı = Warning 125. Not Defteri = Notepad 126. Ekran = Screen