High School Summer Reading List
Please read the lists given below and follow the guidelines carefully before you start reading the books
selected from the list. You have a choice of any 3 books. If you have previously read all of the books
recommended for your grade level, you have the option to choose from a grade one level up or
down. You have to submit 3 book reports on the first day of school. The guidelines and a report
template form are attached.
Please note that effort was taken to select a large variety of books for our summer reading list including
classics, biographies of inspirational Christians, and books by well know Christian authors. We encourage
parents to be involved in their child’s selection of their summer reading books and although these books
have been recommended to be summer reading books by colleges and other Christian schools, we
realize that not all the books on the list may be deemed appropriate by all families. This list covers the
reading needs of regular and Advanced Placement courses as recommended by The College Board.
Why we do summer reading?
The impact of summer reading, or the lack of it, on children’s reading achievement is a well-researched
topic. Studies conclude that children who don’t read during summer vacation experience a summer
reading loss. The loss is typically one of several months on standardized reading tests. But such small
losses accumulate to substantial losses over time. On the other hand, children who read several books
during the summer months experience no such loss and may actually find their scores on standardized
tests improve.
9th Grade
Any book by Charles Dickens
Miracle Worker- William Gibson
Twelve-year-old Helen Keller lived in a prison of silence and darkness. Born deaf, blind, and mute, with
no way to express herself or comprehend those around her, she flew into primal rages against anyone
who tried to help her. Then Annie Sullivan came. Half-blind herself, she would begin a frightening and
incredibly moving struggle to tame the wild girl no one could reach, and bring Helen into the world at
Cheaper by the Dozen- by Frank B. Gilbreth
No growing pains have ever been more hilarious than those suffered loudly by the riotous Gilbreth clan.
First, there are a dozen kids to contend with. Then there's Dad, a famous efficiency expert, who believes
a family can be run just like a factory. And there's Mother, his partner in everything except discipline.
How they all survive such escapades as forgetting Frank, Jr., in a roadside restaurant or going on a first
date with Dad in the back seat or having their tonsils removed will keep you in stitches. You can be sure
that they're not only cheaper, but also funnier by the dozen.
The Call of the Wild- by Jack London
The Call of the Wild, considered by many London's greatest novel, is a gripping tale of a heroic dog who,
thrust into the brutal life of the Alaska Gold Rush, ultimately faces a choice between living in man's
world and returning to nature.
Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington
This book is an inspiring autobiography of a slave from his boyhood days to adulthood. He rises from
being a slave to a teacher in a school and then on to becoming a famous public speaker. You will get a
peak into the trials and victories in his life and it will inspire you to never give up even in the midst of
difficult circumstances.
The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells
This is a science fiction novel about a scientist who invents a way to render skin, bones and blood
invisible and tries the formula on himself. Now he can go anywhere because he remains unseen. His
dilemma is that he cannot become visible again. What then happens to him? Read and find out!
The Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie
A spell binding murder mystery about Miss Van Aldin, an American millionaire’s daughter, who is found
strangled in her compartment on the Blue Train with a fabulous stolen ruby. You will go through an
interesting journey as the mystery is unraveled.
The Yearling by Marjorie K. Rowlings
An American family classic about a boy named Jody who convinces his parents to allow him to adopt a
young deer, but what will happen if the deer misbehaves? You will have to read this tender, touching
and terrific book to find out what happens in the end.
Christy by Catherine Marshall
This is an inspiring novel about a nineteen-year-old girl who leaves her comfortable home to teach
school in a back woods mission in Cutter Gap, Tennessee. She finds her faith severely challenged in
these primitive surroundings.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
This is divided into four volumes and is a compilation of facts surrounding slavery. Tom was a true
Christian and an inspiration to many who have read this book. This book depicts the principles of the
Lord Jesus Christ.
The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
This great novel caused America to panic. Read it to find out why.
Old Yeller- by Fred Gipson
This is a simple story of a boy and his dog in the Texas hill country and is an unforgettable and deeply
moving reading experience.
The Prince and the Pauper- by Mark Twain
Two boys, one an pauper from London's filthy lanes, the other a prince born in a lavish palace,
unwittingly trade identities. Thus a bedraggled "Prince of Poverty" discovers that his private dreams
have all come true - while a pampered Prince of Wales finds himself tossed into a rough-and-tumble
world of squalid beggars and villainous thieves.
White Fang- by Jack London
The remarkable story of a fiercely independent creature of the wild. In the desolate, frozen wilds of
northwest Canada, a wolf cub soon finds himself the sole survivor of a litter. Son of Kiche -half wolf, half
dog- and the ageing wolf, One Eye, he is thrust into a savage world where each day is a fight to stay
10th Grade
In His Steps- by Charles M. Sheldon
For the first time in their lives, the Rev. Henry Maxwell and his congregation are forced to consider the
question, "What would Jesus do?" and its consequences. No one in town is left untouched by the brief,
probing question.
The Hobbit- by J.R.R. Tolkein
If you care for journeys there and back, out of the comfortable Western world, over the edge of the
Wild, and home again, and can take an interest in a humble hero (blessed with a little wisdom and a
little courage and considerable good luck), here is a record of such a journey and such a traveler.
Mere Christianity- by C.S. Lewis
A forceful and accessible discussion of Christian belief that has become one of the most popular
introductions to Christianity and one of the most popular of Lewis's books. Uncovers common ground
upon which all Christians can stand together.
The Last of the Mohicans- by James Fennimore Cooper
Testimony to the American frontier, the fast-disappearance of Native nations on the east coast and the
French and Indian War, this classic has long been viewed as a defining American work of literature.
Attempting to bring the Munroe sisters to freedom, Hawkeye, Chingachgook and Uncas have presented
a timeless trio of friendship and loyalty against the backdrop of frontier warfare and strife.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald published this book in 1925 using the actual time in history, the “Roaring Twenties”, to help
create Gatsby’s character. His portrayal of the time period creates lifelike characters in the novel. He
presents a likeable character and story while raising a great philosophical question. It is a book
enjoyable and easy to read.
Through Gates of Splendor by Elizabeth Elliott
A wife’s loving tribute to the life and death of her missionary husband Jim Elliott.
Emma by Jane Austen
Jane Austen’s Emma is a novel of courtship. Like all of Austen’s novels, it centers on the marriage plot;
who will marry whom? For what reasons will they marry? Are the reasons love, practicality or
necessity? At the center of the story is the title character, Emma Woodhouse, an heiress who lives with
her widowed father at their estate, Hartsfield. What life changing decisions does Emma make? Read
this interesting romantic novel and find out!
David Livingstone by Basil Mathews
Basil Mathews records Livingstone’s travels and researches in South Africa including a sketch of his 16
years of residence in the interior regions of Africa and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to
Luanda… makes an interesting and inspiring read.
The Cross and the Switchblade by David Wilkerson
This is the true story of the beginning of David Wilderson’s ministry to the gangs of New York City and
the conversion of Nicky Cruz, the notorious gang leader. Read how the Holy Spirit works powerfully,
changing the lives of men and women in this day and age.
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
A fictional piece written by Lewis from the viewpoint of a demon writing to his nephew, a “junior
tempter”. The Screwtape Letters is the most engaging and humorous account of temptation, and
triumph over it, ever written.
The Case for Christ- by Lee Strobel
Join the author as he retraced his journey from skepticism to faith. You'll consult expert testimony as
you sift through the truths of history, science psychiatry, literature, and religion reveal. Like Strobel,
you'll be amazed at the evidence--how strong it is, and what it says. The facts are in. What will be your
verdict in The Case for Christ?
Hangman’s Curse- by Frank Peretti
Within the shadowed corridors of Rogers High School, something terrible has been unleashed. As fear
escalates, a family of investigators goes undercover only to discover you cannot destroy what you
cannot find. Nate and Sarah Springfield (David Keith and Mel Harris) and their two teenage children race
to protect the student body from the mysterious forces around them and from their own prejudices.
Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad- by Ann Petry
Born a slave, Harriet Tubman dreamed of freedom. And through hard work and her willingness to risk
everything--including her life--she was able to make that dream come true.
He Chose the Nails- by Max Lucado
Come closer to the heart of God. Linger at the cross for a while. Gaze inside the empty tomb, and place
your hand in Jesus' wounds. What you will find is love, the pure love of God for you. His love has rescued
and redeemed you. His love has set you free. All because, He chose the nails. In this thoughtful
exploration of the cross, Max Lucado uses his gift for storytelling to communicate the heart of the
Frankenstein- by Mary Shelley
Written in 1816, this story dramatized the dangerous potential of life begotten upon a laboratory
table. Frankenstein remains one of the greatest stories ever written and is an undisputed classic of its
11th Grade
End of the Spear- by Steve Saint
Asked to return to Ecuador by the same tribe who killed his father and other missionaries 40 years
earlier, Steve Saint and his family try to help a Stone Age people transition to the 21st century. Their
efforts lead to the discovery of the tribal intrigue behind the murders---resulting in very difficult
Run Baby Run by Nicky Cruz
This is an explosive story of a savage street fighter and his desperate battle against drugs, alcoholism,
and a violent environment as he searches for a better way of life. It is a thrilling story of the power of
the Gospel and the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Jane Bronte
A novel of revenge and romantic love. It tells the stories of two families; the Earnshaws and the
Lintons. Something disastrous happens to the first generation but it is only in the second generation
that love conquers all circumstances.
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
This classic is more or less an autobiography of Charles Dickens’ life. “More or less” meaning that in
most cases he does not use actual names, but makes up the scenery names of the people, but the
events and general meaning remain the same. In a very interesting manner, Dickens narrates about
David’s life as a young boy and also as a young man.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The main plot traces the relationship of Elizabeth Bennet, the second of five sisters, and a wealthy
young gentleman named Darcy. The two are not immediately attracted to each other. A fair share of
pride and prejudice separates them, but as the story progresses, they are forced to examine their hearts
as well as their preconceptions about each other in order to understand the truth.
Through Flood and Flame by Henry Charles Moore
An inspiring, uplifting, and challenging book on various Christian martyrs traveling down the pages of
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
A frightening vision of the future where firemen don’t put out fires, they start them in order to burn
books. Bradybury’s vividly painted society holds up the appearance of happiness as the highest goal, a
place where trivial information is good and knowledge and ideas are bad. Fire Captain Beatty explains it
this way, “Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs. Don’t
give them slippery stuff like philosophy or sociology to tie things up with. That way lies
melancholy”. Read and find out what happens!
The Iliad- by Homer
The "Iliad" can justly be called "the world's greatest war novel." The terrible and long-drawn-out siege
of Troy remains one of the classic campaigns, and the heroism and treachery of the combatants have
been unmatched.
The Awakening- by Angela Elwell Hunt
After nursing her dying mother, Aurora Norquest feels isolated from the living. But when bewildering
dreams reveal her mother's untold secret, Aurora questions who is speaking during these wakeless
hours. With love as his ally, can neighbor Philip Cannon help her to discern between truth and
falsehood, whispers of guilt---and the voice of God?
He Chose You- by Max Lucado
“He Chose You” is a personal message to teens of God’s unconditional love for them. His perfect
understanding of the needs of teens today is shown in each detail revealed to us when Christ’s chose to
die on the cross for all.
The Story of My Life- by Helen Keller
This is the extraordinary account of Helen Keller's struggle to overcome the challenges of being deaf
and blind--a masterpiece of modern biography.
The Chosen- by Chaim Potok
Chaim Potok’s book The Chosen is a fictional book giving insight on the friendship of two young Jewish
men. One is a Hasidic the other a reformed Jew, both from very different worlds. The story spans the
time from the early period of World War II until the establishment of the Jewish State in Israel. This book
demonstrates how their friendship endured the span of time, differences in faith, and historical turmoil.
Reuven Malter is raised in a world of liberal thinking with few rules and good communication with his
father. Danny Saunders is raised in a world of strict rules that are not to be broken and a father who
believes his son should be raised in silence. The two worlds meet in a softball game. An accident in the
game causes these two worlds to collide.
Treasure Island- by Robert Louis Stevenson
In the swashbuckling adventure, Treasure Island, young Jim Hawkins, after finding an old map, embarks
on a great treasure hunt where he is chased by pirates and villains, including the infamous Long John
Walden- by Henry David Thoreau
In 1845 Henry David Thoreau began a new life, spending most of each week for over two years in a
rough hut he built himself on the northwest shore of Walden Pond, just a mile and a half from his home
town of Concord, Massachusetts. Walden is Thoreau's autobiographical account of this experiment in
solitary living, his refusal to play by the rules of hard word and the accumulation of wealth, and above
all, the freedom it gave him to adapt his living to the natural world around him.
12th Grade
Oliver Twist- by Charles Dickens
Nine-year-old Oliver has spent his life in a workhouse orphanage, where he becomes notorious for
daring to ask for more food. Frustrated and hungry, he runs away to London, where he falls into the
company of a gang of clever pickpockets, including Fagin, Bill Sykes, and the Artful Dodger. Oliver’s
future looks uncertain, until a mysterious plot against him is unraveled by the kind Mr. Brownlow. What
will become of poor Oliver Twist?
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
An American classic which tells a specific story of the Joad family in order to illustrate the hardship and
oppression suffered by migrant laborers during the Great Depression. It is based on facts about their
struggles and the tenacity with which they have braved them.
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
This war novel is actually an anti-war novel, tracing the lives and losses of a young group of soldiers
caught in the brutality of World War I. Gripping, realistic, and searing with a vision inconsistent with
post-war German characters, this book caused Remarque to receive death threats and to leave Germany
to live an work in Hollywood.
Watership Down by Richard Adams
Richard Adams’ bunny-centric epic is a rich story that can be read on may different levels. It is often
praised as an allegory, with its analogs between human and rabbit culture, but it’s equally praiseworthy
as just a good adventure. Adams has crafted a touching, involving world in the dirt and scrub of the
English countryside, complete with its own folk history and language. It is as much about freedom,
ethics, and human nature as it is about a bunch of bunnies looking for a warm hidey-hole and some
mates. Watership Down will continue to make the transition from classroom desk to bedside table for
many generations to come.
The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom
The Hiding Place proves that the light of God’s love can penetrate even the darkest recesses of despair,
places like the Nazi extermination camp at Ravensbruck. After protecting Dutch Jews in a secret room in
their home, Carrie ten Boom, her sister and father were discovered, arrested and imprisoned. Only
Corrie survived, but her faith in God remained strong. So strong that after the war she could forgive a
former camp guard in a face-to-face meeting.
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Hurston effectively combines southern black colloquialism with a variety of rhetorical strategies to
reveal the emotional and spiritual journey of women as well as the struggles of being an African
American woman in her novel.
The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave written by himself
The autobiography of an escaped slave who became an eloquent spokesman for the Abolitionist
Movement. *There are several websites where this book can be downloaded.
God’s Smuggler- by Brother Andrew
As a boy he dreamed of being a spy - undercover behind enemy lines. As a man he found himself
undercover for God. Brother Andrew was his name, and for decades his life story, recounted in God's
Smuggler, has awed and inspired millions. This bestseller tells of the young Dutch factory worker's
incredible efforts to transport Bibles across closed borders - and the miraculous ways in which God
provided for him every step of the way.
The Count of Monte Cristo- by Alexander Dumas
Edmond Dantes is betrayed by his enemies and thrown into a secret dungeon in the Chateau d'lf doomed to spend his life in a dank prison cell. The story of his long, intolerable years in captivity, his
miraculous escape, and his carefully wrought revenge creates a dramatic tale of mystery and intrigue
and paints a vision of France - a dazzling, dueling, exuberant France - that has become immortal
The Diary of A Young Girl - by Anne Frank
Anne Frank and her family, fleeing the horrors of Nazi occupation, hid in the back of an Amsterdam
warehouse for two years. She was thirteen when the family went into the Secret Annex, and in these
pages she grows to be a young woman and a wise observer of human nature as well.
Six Hours One Friday- by Max Lucado
In Six Hours One Friday, Max Lucado delves into the meaning of Jesus' last hours on the cross. Through
his death, your life has purpose and meaning. You are forgiven and loved by a Savior who died for you.
And an empty tomb proclaims that death does not have the final word.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame- by Victor Hugo
Before the huge crowd that packed the cathedral square, Esmeralda stood between two executioners.
Suddenly, Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre Dame, rushed at the executioners and felled them with
his enormous fists. He snatched the gypsy girl in one arm and ran with her into the church. A moment
later he appeared at the top of the bell tower. Holding the girl above his head, he showed her
triumphantly to all of Paris while his thunderous voice roared savagely to the sky: "Sanctuary!
Sanctuary! Sanctuary!"
Next Door Savior- by Max Lucado
Midwifed by a carpenter? A sack lunch that feeds 5,000? A dead man vacating a sealed and guarded
grave? Master storyteller Lucado presents the stunning contrasts of Jesus---his irresistible humanity and
undeniable deity. You'll see, as never before, a complete picture of our Lord.
Moby Dick- by Herman Melville
The saga of Captain Ahab and his monomaniacal pursuit of the white whale remains a peerless
adventure story but one full of mythic grandeur, poetic majesty, and symbolic power.
Gulliver’s Travels- by Jonathan Swift
Gulliver's Travels was written nearly 300 years ago, when European explorers were making maps of all
the world. Explorers and sailors who came back from the Pacific wrote vivid tales of their voyages and
claimed to have seen strange cultures and fantastic animals, such as unicorns, griffins, and giant eagles.
Jonathan Swift presented his book's hero - Gulliver, as such a traveler.
The Swiss Family Robinson- by Johann David Wyss
One of the world's best-loved stories of shipwrecks and survival, The Swiss Family Robinson portrays a
family's struggle to create a new life for themselves on a strange and fantastic tropical island. Blown off
course by a raging storm, the family-a Swiss pastor, his wife, and their four young songs, plus two dogs
and a shipload of livestock-must rely on one another in order to adapt to their needs the natural
wonders of their exotic new home.
Leadership Books:
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell
Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make a Difference by Max Lucado
The Principle of the Path by Andy Standley