Laser Spectroscopy of Radicals, Carbenes and Ions in Superfluid Helium Droplets 70th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Coblentz Award Lecture 6/24/15 Gary E. Douberly Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia Athens, Georgia, USA Program Scope and Goals • Mid-IR spectroscopy of molecular radicals relevant to combustion and atmospheric chemistry • Provide a starting point for high-resolution gas-phase studies • Challenge emerging electronic structure methods • Rational in situ synthesis of reaction intermediates • Formation and spectroscopy of entrance and exit channel openshell molecular complexes “pick-up cells” ~1011 molecules·cm-3 Mass Spectrometry Laser spectroscopy Stark/Zeeman spectroscopy Trapping Potential Depth ~𝟏𝟎𝟎 K Molecular degrees of freedom are brought into thermal equilibrium with the helium droplet at 𝑻 = 𝟎. 𝟒 K “pick-up cells” ~1011 molecules·cm-3 T=0.4 K Cooling timescale < 10 ns, pick-up timescale ~10 s 10000 He atoms can dissipate ~6 eV (~140 kcal/mol) He droplets are optically transparent below ~20 eV. Spectroscopic study of the outcome of cold collisions between sequentially picked-up reactants (both reactive and non-reactive collisions) Kinetic Trapping of Metastable Clusters Rapid cooling of the condensing molecular system Long range forces can steer “reactants” into local minima G.E. Douberly and R.E. Miller J. Chem. Phys, 2005, 122, 024306 Molecular Radical and Carbene Production “pick-up cells” molecules·cm-3 Pyrolysis of Organic Precursors He Droplet Source 11 ~10 F.P. Lossing, Canadian J. Chem., 49, 357 (1971) Pick-up cells H2O cooled Cu electrodes Quartz Pyrolysis Tube cw-“Chen” Nozzle Molecular Radical and Carbene Production “pick-up cells” He Droplet Source 11 ~10 molecules·cm-3 Pick-up cells Methyl (CH3) J. Phys. Chem. A (2013), 117, 11640. Vinyl (C2H3) J. Chem. Phys. (2013), 138, 174302. Ethyl (C2H5) J. Chem. Phys. (2013), 138, 194303. Propargyl (C3H3) and (C3H3OO) J. Phys. Chem. A (2013), 117, 13626. Allyl (C3H5) and (C3H3OO) J. Chem. Phys. (2013), 139, 234301. Hydroxyl (OH) J. Phys. Chem. A (2013), 117, 8103. Hydridotrioxygen (HOOO) J.C.P. (2012), 137, 184302; J.P.C. Lett (2013), 4, 3584. OH(C2H2) J.C.P. (2015), 142, 134306; J.M.S. (2015) accepted. OH(CH3OH) J. Phys. Chem. A, (2015) accepted. Hydroxymethylene (HCOH) J. Chem. Phys. (2014), 140, 171102. Dihydroxymethylene (HOCOH) J. Chem. Phys. (2015), 142, 144309. (He)3+ Helium Droplet Detection via Mass Spectrometry (He)n+ e- (70 eV) + + + ++ (He) He2 n (n ≥ 2) 2e- Helium Droplet Detection via Mass Spectrometry (He)3+ (He)n+ (H2O)+ e- (70 eV) + + + + H 2O IP difference (He – molecule) ≈ 12-15 eV 2e- Helium Droplet Detection via Mass Spectrometry (1-butyne-4-nitrite) He+ + { }+* 39 (C3H3+) (C3H3)+ + NO + CH2O IP difference (He – molecule) ≈ 12-15 eV Propargyl Radical via 1-butyne-4-nitrite Pyrolysis 32 Add O2 to downstream PUC 30 (H2CO+, NO+) 38 (C3H2+) + 39 (C3H3+) Neat droplet beam + Infrared cw-OPO h 1000 K m/z=38 depletion 38 300 K 39 m/z=39 depletion m/z=38 detection = -1.4 cm-1 BGas = 2730 MHz BHe = 1020 MHz Trot = 0.37 K The Microscopic Andronikashvili Experiment OCS in a pure 4He droplet Increasing number of 4He atoms OCS in a pure 3He droplet Narrow Linewidths ~200 MHz Inhomogeneous Broadening Mechanisms Dominate Grebenev, Toennies, Vilesov, Science 279, 2084 (1998) The Microscopic Andronikashvili Experiment Conclusion: The appearance of rotational fine structure is a microscopic manifestation of 4He superfluidity. Grebenev, Toennies, Vilesov, Science 279, 2084 (1998) OCS Group theory and the gas-phase effective Hamiltonian approach still work! Bgas / BHe=2.2 Exactly what we expect for an (a1) band of a C3v symmetric top 2B 2 2B 1 𝐻 = 𝐻𝑟𝑜𝑡 + 𝐻𝑆𝑂 + 𝐻𝐶𝐷 + 𝐻𝑞 |𝐽, 𝑃, 𝜆, 𝜎, 𝜖 1 = |𝐽, 𝑃, 𝜆, 𝜎 + 𝜖 −1 2 (𝐽−1/2) |𝐽, −𝑃, −𝜆, −𝜎 OH C2H2 Detect laserinduced depletion of ionization crosssection cw-OPO (idler 3m) Droplet Beam EStark Elaser M = 0 EStark or Elaser M = ±1 Accepted last week Infrared Stark Spectroscopy EStark Elaser M = ±1 OH C2H2 Detect laserinduced depletion of ionization crosssection 1 Tesla Rare Earth Permanent Magnets (iron caps) EZeeman Joe Brice still has all 10 fingers! Elaser M = 0 EZeeman or Elaser M = ±1 Infrared Zeeman Spectroscopy EZeeman Elaser EZeeman Elaser M = ±1 M = 0 Infrared Zeeman Spectroscopy Perpendicular polarization ∆𝑀 = ±1 OHCO 2 3/2 0.425 Tesla Parallel polarization ∆𝑀 = 0 Wavenumbers (cm-1) Wavenumbers (cm-1) VPT2 f h S. Davis, D. Uy, and D. J. Nesbitt, J. Chem. Phys. 112, 1823 (2000) P. M. Johnson and T. J. Sears, J. Chem. Phys. 111, 9222 (1999) 100 ps 5 ps resonance polyad Infrared Spectra of the n- and i-propyl radicals Christopher Moradi Schriener Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. (2008), 47, 7071. b b a a (a1) (a) (b2) Stark Spectroscopy of trans,cis-dihydroxycarbene 3649 3650 3651 3652 3651 3652 20.050 kV/cm b a 5.017 kV/cm 𝝁𝒂 = 𝟏. 𝟔𝟑(𝟑) 𝐃 𝝁𝒃 = 𝟏. 𝟓𝟎(𝟓) 𝐃 0 kV/cm EStark Elaser M = 0 3649 3650 -1 Wavenumber (cm ) Stark Spectroscopy of trans,trans-dihydroxycarbene 3658 3659 3660 3661 3660 3661 36.377 kV/cm b a 30.003 kV/cm 𝝁𝒂 = 𝟎 𝐃 𝝁𝒃 = 𝟎. 𝟔𝟖(𝟔) 𝐃 0 kV/cm EStark Elaser M = 0 3658 3659 -1 Wavenumber (cm ) Bimolecular Reactions in Helium Droplets? Spectroscopic Detection of C3H3OO 65% 35% CCSD(T)/ANO spin density calculations: 65% C(1), 35% C(3) E.B. Jochnowitz…J.F. Stanton, G.B. Ellison JPC A 109, 3812, (2005). Resonance stabilization Energy ~11 kcal/mol High concentrations in flames; self reaction first step to soot formation ~2 kcal/mol ~5 kcal/mol QCISD(T) calculations Barrier heights need to be reduced to reproduce experimental rate constants Sequential pick-up of C3H3 and O2 ~2 kcal/mol ~5 kcal/mol QCISD(T) calculations Sequential pick-up of C3H3 and O2 + O2 → ∆H19 kcal/mol ~1500 He atoms m/z=27 u Depends strongly on O2 C3H3OO C3H3 Mass Spec (Laser OFF – ON) (C2H3+ + CO2) 32 39 P.S. Thomas, N.D. Kline, T.A. Miller, J. Phys. Chem. A 114, 12437 (2010) acetylenic-trans isomer (2A′′) Solid Argon: 3326 cm-1 CCSD(T) VPT2: 3332 cm-1 Barrier Heights? “…given the high spin-contamination at these entrance saddlepoints, it would be worthwhile, in future calculations, to perform a multi-reference based analysis…” D. K. Hahn, S. J. Klippenstein, and J. A. Miller J. Phys. Chem. A (2013), 117, 13626. Summary * Pyrolytic decomposition of organic precursors combined with mass spectrometry allows for the spectroscopic study of a broad range of molecular radicals and carbenes within helium droplets. * Low temperature and isotropic environment allows for a detailed study of the vibrational complexity associated with hydrocarbon radicals relevant IONS to combustion. in Helium Droplets!! Gert von Helden often exhibit rotational fine * Small radical and carbene systems WG01 structure in the IR spectra, and these can be probed with Stark and Zeeman spectroscopy. * Bimolecular reactions can be carried out within the helium droplet, and the products or intermediates associated with these reactions are carried downstream. (so far… Methyl + O2 / Ethyl + O2 / Allyl + O2 / Propargyl + O2) Acknowledgments Post-Docs: Paul Raston (JMU), Christopher Leavitt (UGA), Bernadette Broderick (UGA) Graduate Students: Alexander Morrison, Tao Liang, Christopher Moradi, Joseph Brice Collaborators: Mark Marshall, John Stanton, Henry F. Schaefer, Wesley Allen, Jay Agarwal, Stephen Klippenstein Support: University of Georgia AFRL Eglin Air Force Base ACS-Petroleum Research Fund U.S. National Science Foundation (CAREER) U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science (BES-GPCP)