Suzi Bewell, PGCE MFL Course Leader, The University of York Friday 16th October 2015 The effective use of authentic literature in MFL guages_week_2-6_june_2014/archive/2014/05/29/tes-languagesweek.aspx SESSION AIMS In this session, I will: • focus on how you can integrate TL stories*, songs, poems*, letters and short drama sketches into existing schemes of work • send you away with a better understanding of how to inspire your language learners to develop their literacy skills, in part, with the help of free on-line media • share with you links to lots of ready made resources so you can immediately implement some of the ideas on your return to school The New NC and PoS for KS3 Languages The new Programme of Study for Languages at KS3 states that pupils should 'read literary texts in the language [...], to stimulate ideas, develop creative expression and expand understanding of the language and culture.' Exemplification: TL stories, songs, poems, letters and short drama sketches Guardian, 11 September 2013 ‘Britain's foreign languages skills are in crisis. During the past month alone, ministers, university representatives, exam chiefs and industry bodies have each voiced their concern as entries to degree and A-level modern foreign language courses plummeted. So few young people are learning languages that in 10 years' time as many as 40% of university language departments are likely to close. Where did it all go wrong for UK language teaching?’ Taken from the same article: Professor Mike Kelly ‘Young people are bored with describing their pets and what they do at the weekend […] You've got to bear in mind that for 13-year-old kids, when they're making their subject choices, their decision depends heavily on what they enjoy studying.’ Conscious that the language curriculum is failing to inspire young people, schools and the Department for Education are looking at ways to make lessons more stimulating. 1. (Digital) Storytelling • • • • • • TL readers TL magazines Web 2.0 tools iPad apps Talking dice / Story Cubes Mini Books TL readers • See PML Schemes of Work e.g. Catherine Cheater • Great range available from (talking books) (annual subscription) Topics: Tolerance Respect Otherness Language / Grammar: Colours J’ai… expressions Future tense Verb être ¡Hombre de Color! un libro de Jérôme Ruillier Yo, hombre negro, cuando nací, era.. Tú, hombre blanco, cuando naciste, eras... Yo, cuando crecí, era.. Tú, cuando creciste, eras... Yo, cuando tomo el sol, soy.. Tú, cuando tomas el sol, eres Yo, cuando tengo frío, soy.. Tú, cuando tienes frío, eres.. Yo, cuando tengo miedo, soy.. Tú, cuando tienes miedo, eres.. Yo, cuando muera, seré.. Tú, cuando mueras, serás.. Using non-fiction texts: Le droit à l'éducation Ecoles du Monde - Milan Presse Ofsted Achievement and Challenge January 2011 According to the most recent MFL report by Ofsted: “most secondary students’ (…) intercultural understanding (…) was weak in the majority of the schools visited because they did not have good opportunities to develop it” “teachers made insufficient use of the wealth of authentic material that is available to develop students’ intercultural knowledge.” TL magazines (access to online support materials and archive) (French) (French) Web 2.0 tools for digital storytelling (Y8 example) (le week-end dernier, teacher produced example) (free newspaper generator) iPad apps Book Creator – The best App on the market Lw (video tutorial*) Talking Dice and Story Cubes Apps for iPad and actual dice 2. Music and MFL: a match made in heaven! Today’s teenagers are overwhelming engaged with music: 92% of 14-17 year olds own an MP3 player and they listen to an average of nearly 2.5 hours of music per day. Curriculum Now! Rachel Hawkes (ALL publication), Unit 2: What’s in a song? ALL Language Today magazine – Summer 2012 Issue Visit: 3. Creative use of Poetry in MFL Why? - Rhymes, poems and songs are enjoyable and memorable! - It deepens children’s intercultural understanding - It allows children to reproduce language with confidence and fluency - Young children are more often than not brought up acquiring 1L vocabulary via poems, rhymes & songs – it is familiar Why? - It is a natural and holistic way for children to learn - Poetry lends itself to multisensory and active learning and enhances receptive and productive L2 skills - It helps learners to develop oracy and literacy skills and more accurate pronunciation (via phonics) - It can be used to help reinforce grammar and syntax ‘painlessly’ 10 ideas to take away 1. Poem-a-week Aim to include at least one poem (song / rhyme) into your existing SoL 2. Use ICT (such as * ) to help to engage reluctant writers in MFL (collection of Storybirds ready to use) 3. One image many words Choose one piece of artwork and let their imaginations go wild! 4. Start simple Acrostic poems and Calligrams are a great starting point. Once learners confidence grows, move onto Haikus and other more advanced types of poetry. 5. Poetry Slam! Turn it into a competition and have learners ‘perform’ their poems in front of an audience. This could be peers in class, in a year group assembly or even to parents. 6. Create a classroom poetry anthology Learners of all abilities could contribute to an annual MFL Poetry anthology. The final version could be printed / published and held in the school library and / or the web. 7. Poetry quilt Create a colourful paper quilt wall display of pupils’ poems and art work (based on Barefoot Billion project) 8. Podcast Poetry Encourage creative speaking as well as writing using tools such as Sonocent Audio Notetaker and Periscope 9. Poet-tree Hang pupils’ work off the branches of a tree like you would Christmas ornaments. 10. Longform poetry With your older and more advanced learners, delve into sonnets, limericks, ballads and odes. Der Schneemann (phonic focus) Ich bin ein kleiner Schneemann Gemacht aus Schnee und Eis Mein Hut ist schwarz, Mein Schal ist rot, Mein Mantel ist ganz weiß. Der Schneemann Ich bin _ _ _ kleiner Schneeman Gemacht aus Schnee und _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hut ist schwarz Mein Schal ist rot, Mein Mantel ist ganz _ _ _ _ World 2015 - ALL Connected Language World 2015, 20-21 March 2015, Newcastle University It’s all about the code! BSL sign Nadine Chadier To watch the free webinar, Resources, resources, resources!!! Poems, rhymes and songs in hundreds of languages / dialects French creole poem – Reunion Resources, resources, resources!!! Poetry to teach Citizenship in L2 Charis Francais / Charis Deutsch Promoting moral and spiritual development through the School Curriculum La vie est comme une peintre / Vivre en paix /all-goethe-event-poetry-in-mfl/ Resources, resources, resources!!! Take 10 auf Deutsch (Francais / Espanol) TL magazines e.g. Bambi, Winnie Mona Lisa (Fr) N comme nuit (la ville d’Arles) (Fr) /14/all-goethe-event-poetry-in-mfl/ Resources, resources, resources!!! Finger and Hand rhymes Das ist meine Hand (G) / Voici ma main (Fr) Opposites Bonjour matin, au revoir sommeil (Fr) Bonjour…, au revoir… Alt ist nicht neu (G) /14/all-goethe-event-poetry-in-mfl/ MFL Haiku Spanish example: (incorporating IU / wider Spanish Speaking world) Google Search: poesía para los niños (images) Basic ‘poetry’ - playing with similes Rouge comme une tomate Jaune comme… (+food) Arm wie eine Kirchenmaus ... wie eine Katze (+adjective) Estar más loco que una cabra Estar más … que … (more open-ended) Caligrams Calligramtastic! (Pinterest ideas) igrams.html 4. Letter Writing A chance to step away from the computer! Children LOVE to receive letters and parcels – rare thing in the 21st century Opportunity to develop reading and writing skills for a real purpose and audience Where to start? 5. Drama and MFL -Drama is a creative and cooperative form of learning. -It really motivates students -It can help to speed up the learning process -It can mean bringing real life as well as fantasy situations and characters into the classroom. -It requires enthusiasm and a willingness to take risks on the part of the students and the teacher. Useful Drama and MFL links: * Linked Up * Spanish examples * ( ) * French examples * German e.g from TES resources Where to go next Fight the good MFL fight!