The Three Phases of Coaching Model

The Turnaround Team will actively support and advise the school leadership team, the governance
group and working parties to become established and embedded in the school community
Phases /Possible
Coaching Roles
of Attendance
School and Community
Attendance Improvement Plan
Explicit Improvement Agenda
Solid Futures Action Plan
Initial work by
members of the
Unpack how to create
different and innovative
pathways to employment
and/or higher education
Turnaround Team to consult
with whole school community to
seek local insights and
strategies to improve
Link school and community to
DETE services
Work with Regions to access
complementary services
Leaders to call a Community
Round Table meeting to bring
together government and
community decision-makers
and members to develop a
School and Community
Attendance Improvement Plan
Hold a Community Round Table
meeting to bring together
government and community
decision-makers to develop
community driven strategies to
improve social behaviours
Hold a Community Round
Table meeting to bring
together government and
community decision-makers
to identify pathways to
employment for the young
people of the community
Identify key advocates
Form productive partnerships
with Elders, parents and
community members
Develop the outline for a
Solid Futures Action Plan
Identify key student
representatives to attend and
have their voices heard at
Governance Group meetings
School and community services to
improve communication and cooperation to improve social
Governance Group and working
party members to use a strength
based model i.e. leading with
others to implement proposals
Form productive partnerships
between school and community to
develop an Explicit Improvement
Agenda to improve attendance,
behaviour and curriculum delivery
Develop partnerships to
create the sustainable
structures and processes
required to implement the
Solid Futures Action Plan
Form productive partnerships
between school and community to
develop an Explicit Improvement
Agenda for students in Prep to
Year 3
Work with Solid Futures
Working Party to develop a
school and community Prep
to Year 12 Careers Education
Mentor and coach teachers who
are adopting innovative
approaches to empower students
with a strong sense of identity as
successful English as an
Additional Language or Dialect
learners (EALD) and as Aboriginal
and/or Torres Strait Islander
Organise events or programs
that have a focus on building
cultural identity and pride in
that identity, as well as a
focus on promoting
education, training and
vocational pathways
Develop programs that actively
teach healthy lifestyles
Support and
mentor members
of the school and
Create a snapshot of relevant
information and data from
school and community
Form a Governance Group
comprised of school, local
service providers, government
agencies and parents
/community members to
oversee the implementation of
the School and Community
Attendance Improvement Plan
Principal to co-chair
Governance Group with key
community representative
Develop protocols to maintain
respectful and trusting
School and community based
service providers to develop
policy, plans and programs that
build resilience in all students
Assist with the
formation of an
Early Years
Hearing and
Health working
Develop an Early Childhood
Education Framework to
improve ready access to
culturally inclusive early
childhood and family support
members of the
Cultural Studies
Identify strong role models
connected to the community
and who are willing to mentor
students at risk
Monitor policy, plans and
programs that build resilience
in all students
Maximise the expertise of the
EATSIPS team to embed
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Perspectives
Improve teacher’s cultural
competency by implementing a
school/community driven
induction program that is
ongoing throughout the year
Mentor and
coach the
Officer and
members of the
Working Party
Attend Solid
Futures working
party meetings
Mentor and
coach members
of the Leadership
Employ an Attendance
Promotion Officer to coordinate the Attendance
Improvement Plan
Establish an Attendance
Improvement Team to drive
school and community
attendance promotion
Work with the school’s
leadership team to improve
school planning, data capture
and term audits
Identify support mechanisms to
meet the needs of students
who are unlikely to return to a
mainstream setting without a
transition program
Develop a consistent
aspirational 'Model for
Teaching and Learning' that is
applied in every classroom
Work with Principal to develop a
process for implementing Case
Management Plans and
Guaranteed Service Agreements
Differentiate the school’s
Responsible Behaviour
Management Plan for
students at different
transitional phases in their
Develop and implement an age
appropriate, consistent school
Responsible Behaviour
Management Plan that permeates
into the community
Advocate for community services
and agencies to support students
to develop healthy lifestyles
Finalise a Solid Futures
Action Plan that
demonstrates a realistic
commitment to Aboriginal
and/or Torres Strait Islander
Develop a school and
community Aspirations
Program across the key
transition areas
Source funding to employ a
Community Engagement
Officer to support students
who disengage from
secondary education and
track and pursue all options
for these students
Support teachers to maximise
professional learning opportunities
around cultivating an empowering
learning environment that includes
meeting the needs of EAL/D
Fund state of the art relevant
technology that is relevant to
student learning needs
Develop links with local and
state sporting bodies and
Encourage, mentor and
support students seeking to
achieve an OP score and
then undertake higher
Principal to identify and
organise a professional
support program for teachers
to assist them to get ready not
only to improve attendance in
their classrooms but to maintain
student attendance
Monitor staff morale as teachers
adapt to improved attendance
Define the role of the
Indigenous Education Worker
Provide mentoring and coaching
support throughout the change