A/C Handling Pt 2

Part 2
Ground Handling
Ground Handling
Aircraft arrivals and departures
are usually attended by two tradesmen,
known as the
Handling Team
The handling team will marshal
an arriving aircraft into a parking area
which has been cleared of FOD
What is FOD?
Ground Handling
FOD is
Foreign Object Damage
objects which have the potential
to damage aircraft either by
being sucked into an engine,
blown by jet efflux into another aircraft,
or damaging aircraft tyres.
Ground Handling
The Handling Team
will insert chocks and connect necessary
power and ground servicing equipment.
Position fire extinguishers
during engine shut-downs.
Position aircraft steps and assist
the aircrew with unstrapping.
Finally the handling team fit safety devices
(safety pins, covers, blanks and plugs
that may be needed).
The aim of the marshaller
is to assist the pilot
in the safe manoeuvring
of the aircraft on the ground.
The marshaller communicates with the pilot
by making visual signals
with his arms and hands,
but the pilot is not required to comply
with marshalling instructions
he considers to be unsafe.
The extent of the marshalling assistance
will depend upon:
The pilot’s familiarity with the airfield,
the number of obstructions,
the size of the aircraft,
the field of view from the cockpit.
At an unfamiliar airfield
taxiing instruction can be passed
to the pilot by radio;
For a long taxi route,
marshallers may be stationed
along the route at intervals,
or “follow me” vehicles
may be used.
Night Marshalling
Taxiing at night requires more
detailed marshalling directions.
Taxi Lights
Navigation lights must always be on,
and taxi lights used.
Care should be taken not to
dazzle the marshaller.
Nav Lights
Night Marshalling
Marshallers carry wands or torches
for identification and must be visible
at all times by the pilot.
If the pilot looses sight of the marshaller
they must stop and wait for them to catch up.
Towing and Parking
Aircraft are never taxied in to or out of hangers
– they are towed or manhandled instead.
Handling parties must be qualified
and consist of:
An experienced supervisor.
One person in the cockpit
to operate the brakes.
One at each wing tip
to ensure obstacle clearance.
Either a driver for the towing vehicle,
or sufficient people
to manhandle the aircraft.
Towing and Parking
When parking an aircraft the handling party
act in accordance with orders for that aircraft:
a. Park the aircraft facing into wind so that no part
of one aircraft overlaps any part of another.
b. Double chock the wheels - fore and aft.
c. Release the brakes.
d. Check the electrical services, ignition switches
and fuel cocks are turned off.
e. Apply control locks.
Fit pitot and static vents covers.
g. Lock canopies and doors, fit canopy, wheel and
engine covers and set drip trays.
Danger Zones
Danger zones are those areas in which
there is a high risk of injury to personnel
when aircraft components or systems
are operated on the ground.
Danger zones include:
Engine intakes - sucking
Engine exhausts – blowing & hot
Propellers – always considered as “live”
Helicopter rotors – prone to “blade sail”
where they rotate and bring the blades
closer to ground height.
Danger Zones
Wheel and Brake Fires
Aircraft wheel brakes
are made of two components:
a pad of heat-resistant, hard-wearing fibre
and a disc attached to the wheel.
Friction between pad and disc slows the aircraft,
it also heats up the disc –
which can, in prolonged taxiing,
abnormal loading or heavy landing,
cause a fire.
The Marshalling team are in charge of this
until the Fire Service arrives.
Danger Zones
Wheel and Brake Fires
The safest course of first aid action
against an aircraft wheel or brake fire is:
To stand forward or rearward of the wheels,
depending on the prevailing wind,
but never in line with the axle.
To operate the fire extinguisher
at the limit of its range,
and to spray the extinguishant downwards,
0.3m away from the wheels
Check Understanding
What are the tradesmen who attend
aircraft arrivals and departures known as?
The Marshalling Team
The FOD Team
The Handling Team
The Safety Team
Check Understanding
What is the person who assists the pilot
in the safe manoeuvring of the aircraft called?
The Handler
The Marshaller
The Director
The Supervisor
Check Understanding
How does the marshaller
communicates with the pilot?
By Radio
By Semaphore
By Hand and Arm signals
Through Air Traffic Control
Check Understanding
What precautions should be taken
when using taxi-lights?
That the taxi-light bulbs
are not burned out.
That the marshaller
should not be dazzled.
That the aircraft batteries
are not overloaded.
That people in adjacent buildings
are not dazzled.
Check Understanding
Areas around propellers, engine intakes,
exhausts, rotors etc.
are considered as what?
Activation Areas
Blade Zones
Rotation Areas
Danger Zones
Check Understanding
What is the effect called when
a helicopter on the ground,
has its engine running,
and a gust of wind causes its blades
to be closer to the ground than normal?
Blade dropping
Blade falling
Blade sailing
Blade slipping
Check Understanding
When fighting an aircraft wheel fire,
where should you aim the extinguisher jet?
0.3 m away from the wheels
0.3 m above the wheels
Directly onto the wheels
0.3 m behind the wheels
Check Understanding
At an unfamiliar airfield
how can taxiing instruction
be passed to the pilot?
Via a TV link-up
By ‘follow me’ vehicles
Via Semaphore
By Radio
End of Presentation