PHASE I PowerPoint

Registration Cards
Name on folder
Last name, first name
Areas of interest
Current jobs
Role of the Coordinator
Office Phone: (610) 240-1913 (from CHS, ext. 1913)
CHS Phone: (610) 240-1145
“I can’t help you if I don’t know you need help!”
Role of Advisory Committee
•Review proposals
•Appropriateness of learning experience
•Safety of students
•Final decisions
January 4 & 5 Introduction and Orientation to
Senior Internship Program and Process
Seniors will attend orientation sessions during their free periods. Guidelines and a
packet of materials for Phase I of the program will be distributed.
January 27
Phase I Materials Due
The required materials include:
an application indicating the area of interest including the
signature of the student, the parents and the faculty advisor
draft letters of interest to potential community sponsors
February 3-4
Phase II Orientation (Room 142)
Program Update Meetings
Seniors will meet with the Coordinator to discuss status of requirements for
completion of the process.
April 7
Collection of Phase II materials Begins
Materials include:
detailed plan of proposed program
sponsor agreement
notarized parent permission form
$2.00 course fee
Extended Physical Education Form
Final Grade Report Form
April 11-15 Final Approvals based on satisfactory completion of
teacher, class and school requirements.
May 9
Senior Internship Program Begins
June 3
Last day of Senior Internship Program
June 6
Journals, Evaluations Due
Student journals, student and parent evaluations will be turned in
when students arrive for Commencement Rehearsal.
• Students should plan to participate in the program for an average of seven
hours each day.
• Parents may not sponsor their own students.
• Students should not be paid for the experience.
• Students are encouraged to explore an area of interest other than their
present employment; continuation of their present employment in a different
area of the business or profession must by approved by the Advisory Committee.
• Students planning independent projects must be supervised by a
• credentialed adult throughout the experience.
• Students will communicate regularly with their faculty advisors during
the program and will submit a written record of their activities at the
conclusion of the program.
Guidelines, continued
• Students must maintain satisfactory academic status in order to
participate in the program. Faculty members may approve or deny the
participation of any student at any time before the beginning of the
program. No course work or assignments may be submitted or accepted
after the program begins.
• Students represent Conestoga High School while participating in the
Senior Internship Program. Throughout the process, all school rules will
be in effect. The administration will evaluate each student's participation
throughout the experience and reserves the right to withdraw the Senior
Internship privilege at any time during the process. Students who are
withdrawn from the program will continue in or return to their regular
schedule of classes.
Phase I Requirements
1. Identifying the Area of Interest
• Start narrowing focus: dream, chance to try something
• Resources available
• Faculty advisor name and signature
• Parent and student signatures
Phase 1 Requirements
2. A Letter of Application – draft
Your Street Address
Your City, State and Zip Code
Date (written out)
Name of Person
Company Name Street Address
City, State , Zip Code
Dear ______________:
Opening paragraph:
Briefly describe Senior Internship Program. Mention dates and that
the internship is unpaid. State reason for letter.
Middle paragraph:
Describe your interest in career area. Describe your strengths in this area.
Closing paragraph: Solicit response
Request appointment to discuss possibilities. Include phone number and mention
that you will call them in the next week to set up an appointment.
Thank person for attention and interest
Your name
Program information enclosed
Introductory Paragraph Samples
I am a senior art major at Conestoga High School in Berwyn, PA. One of the highlights of
being a Conestoga senior is having the opportunity to participate in the internship
program. Every year seniors are given time off from the regular school schedule to take
an internship and enjoy the experience of having a job in the real world. The internship
runs from May 9 to June 3 and is typically an unpaid position. I am sending this letter to
your mural arts program with the goal of being taken on as an artist’s assistant. Please
note that due to my commitment to my high school’s varsity lacrosse team, I will only be
able to work until 2 p.m.
The Senior Internship Program at Conestoga High School provides the opportunity for
seniors to explore a possible career area during the month before graduation. This
experience offers students a chance to explore a chosen field and allows them to decide if
this is a desirable profession for them later in life. Being a senior, I’ve reviewed my high
school experience, and I feel that graphic arts and advertising may be where I see myself
after graduating from college. I think it would be a great hands-on learning experience if
in some way I would be able to work with your company during this period.
Interest and Background Paragraph Samples
I have interests in the career areas of most social science fields, most specifically political
science, which I will be majoring in, as well as law, psychology and sociology. I also have
interest in medicine, (specifically neurology and pharmacology), as well as journalism.
Regarding my experience in the social sciences, I have taken 3 AP level courses in
psychology, US history, European history and well as two college level courses at Villanova
in philosophy and sociology. Combined with an intense interest in these areas I would be will
suited to do any work involved with it. I have taken a course in physiology at Conestoga, and
my interest in medicine has been evident ever since I was a child. Journalism, specifically
regarding sports, is a very large interest for me, as being a sports writer has been a somewhat
farfetched and impractical dream of mine for a few years.
The interest of mine would be either physical therapy or nutrition. I have always wanted to
enter into the medical field but I do not feel I would perform best where blood is present
because I tend to become uneasy. But I have always had a passion for wanting to help people
to become healthier. So by choosing either physical therapy or nutrition I can make others
aware of being healthier by helping their bodies to be stronger. Not only will I be able to help
others but also myself. With the knowledge I will receive in either of these two fields I will
be able to learn how to take better care of my own body and live a healthier lifestyle.
Interest and Background Paragraphs, continued
My interest in chemistry evolved last year when I took my
first chemistry class. It amazed me how much information
was locked between the blocks of the periodic table. I
could know atom sizes, molar mass and ionization states
just from looking at it. Currently, I am taking chemistry 2.
I find the course very interesting. I am certain that being
around professionals whose careers are similar to the one I
wish to have in the future will be beneficial for me.
Closing Paragraph Samples
I would appreciate it if you would get back to me regarding my interest. My
phone number is ______________. I am available to meet with you at your
convenience to discuss this program further. Thank you very much for your time
in considering my request.
I would like to talk with you about the possibility of interning with you during my
internship. I am very busy, but you can try to reach me after 5 p.m. at
Thank you very much for your time. If at all possible, I would like to meet with
you to discuss the possibility of working at your studio from May 4 to May 29. I
will call you in the next week to set up an appointment. My email address is
____________ and my phone number is _____________. I look forward to
talking with you soon.
• Blue Books: Student Services and Library
• Journals in Student Services
• Online research
• Networking: parents, friends and their
Special Circumstances
AP Exams
Employers rank attitude and communications skills as the
most important qualities in employees. They are “hiring
attitude and teaching skills.”
Returning alumni advise:
• “You get out of it what you put into it!”
• “Don’t slack off in your senior year!”
I can’t help you if I don’t know you need