BIOL 1107 Instructor: Principles of Biology I (CRN: #20756) 3cr Fall 2014 Dr. Carrie S. Thurber Email: Daytime Phone: (229) 391-5115 Office: Conger 214 Office Hours: M 1:00-3:00pm T 10:00-11:00am, 3:30-4:30pm W 10:00-11:00am, 1:00-3:00pm R 10:00-11:00am, 3:30-4:30pm F 10:00-11:00am **Appointments and walk-ins welcome; BOLD hour is at the AAC ** Course Meetings: MWF 12:00-12:50pm Nursing 249 Course Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the basics of modern biology from atomic particles to evolution. General topics to be considered include chemical, molecular and cellular basis of life, photosynthesis, cell metabolism, cell division, genetics, biotechnology, and evolution. This course serves as a foundation in biology for all ABAC students and is a building block for upper level biology coursework. Prerequisites: Exemption from or successful completion of READ 0099, ENGL 0099 and MATH 0099. Co-requisite: BIOL 1107L Course Objectives: By the end of this course students should be able to: Demonstrate knowledge of Biology, Science and the Scientific Method Demonstrate proficiency in the process skills associated with science Demonstrate knowledge of the basic chemical nature of living things (e.g., chemistry, carbon, water, thermodynamics) Demonstrate knowledge of cell structure and function Demonstrate knowledge of basic chemical processes involved in living organisms (e.g., respiration, photosynthesis, and metabolism) Demonstrate knowledge of cellular reproduction and genetics Demonstrate knowledge of the basics of evolutionary theory and natural selection Demonstrate knowledge and general understanding of the history (and biologists) involved in classic experiments Note: Students may vary in their competency levels on these outcomes. Students can expect to achieve these outcomes only if they honor all course policies, attend class regularly, complete all assigned work in good faith and on time, and meet all other course expectations of them as students. Page 1 of 7 Course Materials: 1. Campbell Biology, 10th Edition, Campbell et al. Pearson Publishing **Additional readings may be posted on the web and/or distributed in class 2. Mastering Biology Access Code 3. 882-E scantrons (7 total) due by 8/22/14 4. I-clicker 2 ** Textbook Website: Class website: (Desire2Learn) **You are required to purchase an iclicker2 remote for in-class participation. iclicker2 is a response system that allows you to respond to questions the instructor poses during class, and you will be graded on your in-class participation using the iclicker2. In order to receive this credit, you will need to purchase and register your iclicker2 remote by 08/18/14. You must come to class at least once and vote on at least one question in order to complete this registration properly. Once you have responded to a question with your iclicker2, go to Complete the fields with your first name, last name, student ID, and remote ID. Your student ID should be your ABAC 918 number. The remote ID is the series of numbers and sometimes letters found on the bottom of the back of your iclicker2 remote. iclicker2 will be used every day in class, and you are responsible for bringing your remote and extra batteries daily. Anyone who attends class with more than one iclicker2 ( i.e. a friends or other classmates) will have all iclickers confiscated for the class period and all parties involved will lose HALF of the TOTAL semester points for participation; a second offense will result in loss of ALL participation points. : Grading: Grades will be based on class participation, in class work, homework, quizzes and exams. iclicker2 Participation 60 pts (1 pt/class for answering at least 2 questions, 1 pt/class for answering ALL questions, until 60 pts is reached) Mastering Biology Homeworks 060 pts (6 x 10 pts each, due before exam date for covered material) Weekly In-Class Quizzes 100 pts (11 x 10 pts each, lowest/missed quizzes dropped) Hourly In-Class Exams 500 pts (6 x 100 pts each, lowest/missed exam dropped) Final Exam Total 100 pts 820 pts Lecture grades will be determined on the percentages listed below of all the possible points that you EARN. Percentages will be rounded UP to the nearest whole number when assigning letter grades. Page 2 of 7 Grading Scale: A= > 90% ( > 735 pts) B= > 80% ( 655 - 734 pts) C= >70% ( 570 - 654 pts) D= >60% ( 490 - 569 pts) F= <60% ( < 489 pts) In the event that a student’s final class percentage is close to the next highest grade category, the instructor may consider lecture attendance, lecture preparation and participation and/or submission of extra credit assignments in determining the final class grade. Bonus: Attendance 010 pts In an effort to encourage classroom attendance and thus enhance a student’s exposure to the material, the following bonus points (see table) will be awarded on a sliding scale to students who have no or limited non-institutional absences at the end of the semester. Be aware of the difference between points and percentage points. The attendance points are not percentage points. Check with the instructor regularly to see your absences. The instructor’s roll is official and will not generally be changed after the day of class. 0 absences = + 10 pts 1 absence = + 8 pts 2 absences = + 6 pts 3 absences = + 4 pts 4+ absences = + ZERO pts Academic Policies: Attendance Policy: Courses at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) are provided for the intellectual growth and development of the students. The interaction with instructors and other students is an important element of the learning process, and a high correlation exists between class attendance and course grades. As such, it is expected that you will attend every class session on time! The instructor will take roll or circulate a sign-in sheet at the beginning of class (~first 10 minutes). Any student not present at the time roll is taken and/or missing a significant portion of class will be counted absent. It is each student’s responsibility to keep up with all classroom activities; lecture notes (oral, written on the board, or on slides); and dates of exams, assignments, quizzes, etc. Additionally, students are expected to be present for EVERY exam session, except under emergency situations. Please come see me or email me if you know you will be missing an exam. I check my email frequently throughout the day between the hours of 7 am and 9 pm; you can expect a response generally within 24 hours (longer on weekends and holidays). Mastering Biology Homework Policy: Mastering Biology is a website designed by Pearson Publishers (they make your textbook!) that contains study materials and online assignments to help students ‘master’ the material. I will be Page 3 of 7 assigning six (6) homeworks (10pts each) consisting of multiple chapters of material that will be due by 8:00PM on the night prior to the exam covering such material. There may be an additional BONUS assignment due during finals week. It is expected that you will complete EVERY Mastering Biology homework assignment on time. Any assignment turned in after the due date and time will receive NO CREDIT. If you are having trouble with Mastering Biology please see me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that you do not miss out on points. I strongly discourage you from turning in assignments at the last minute as computer and website problems may occur resulting in late work and missed points. Participation Expectations and Conduct: Students are expected to be prepared for class (i.e. bringing a notebook or computer to take notes and their iClicker2, having read the materials prior to class and taken notes), participate actively in the discussion of materials, and be respectful of other people’s contributions and opinions. “An Abraham Baldwin College student is expected to show proper respect for order, morality, and the rights of others. Conduct which is normally reprehensible or which is of a disorderly nature and in violation of written policy shall subject the student to disciplinary action.” Participation includes both asking and answering questions posed during class. Please respect your classmates by not talking over them, ridiculing their contributions, or being disruptive to the discussion. In order to have a fruitful discussion everyone needs to participate and help create an open environment for dialog. Additionally, cell phones, pagers, and all other electronic communication devices should be turned off and out of sight during class. Please notify the instructor in advance (at the start of class) if an emergency exists where you need your phone. Disruptive behavior will result in students being asked to leave the classroom for the day. Exam Policy: Make-up examinations will not be given. Any student who misses an examination should notify the instructor in person or by e-mail prior to the next regularly scheduled class. Absences from a lecture exam will result in a grade of 0 for that exam. The lowest regular exam score will be dropped at the end of the semester. Subsequent missed exams will not be dropped and the student will normally receive a 0 for the other missed exam. The final exam will be comprehensive and will not be dropped or used to replace other exams. Cell phones, pagers, music players, and any electronic communication device must be turned off and out of sight during any testing periods. The wearing of earbuds is prohibited at any time during class, including during exams. Students may not use programmable calculators on exams or quizzes. Students may be asked to remove caps or turn them around during testing periods. Student enrolled in classes in the Division of Science and Mathematics will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of subject matter requiring higher order processing skills. Examination questions may include essay, synthesis, analysis, and application: as well as completion, multiple choice, true false, and matching. Computational skills and drawing or diagramming may also be required. Withdrawal: A student may withdraw from the course up to the midpoint of the semester and receive a grade of W. After midterm, students may withdraw only with permission of the Academic Dean and may receive a grade of WF. A student withdrawing from the lecture must also withdraw from the corequisite lab. Students that stop attending class without officially withdrawing will still receive a grade for the course. Page 4 of 7 Academic Conduct Code: Academic integrity is the responsibility of all ABAC faculty and students. Academic dishonesty and irregularities include, but are not limited to, giving or receiving of unauthorized assistance in the preparation of any academic assignment; taking or attempting to take, stealing, or otherwise obtaining in an unauthorized manner any material pertaining to the education process; selling, giving, lending, or otherwise furnishing to any person any questions and/or answers to any examination known to be scheduled at any subsequent date; fabricating, forging, or falsifying lab or clinical results; plagiarism in any form related to themes, essays, term papers, tests, and other assignments. Academic dishonesty and irregularities will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment and may be subject to disciplinary procedures as outlined in the student handbook. Please check with your course instructor if you have any questions about the conduct code. ( Tutoring: The AAC is a free tutoring center in the bottom floor of the library. Ask the student at the front desk when tutors are available to help with biology. If you are struggling and not using all the resources available then you are choosing to not succeed. Disability Accommodations: This course fully complies with the accommodations available through the office of disability services. If there is a student in this class who has documented specific needs because of learning disabilities or any other disability; please contact the course instructor immediately to discuss accommodations. Note: The above schedule, policies, procedures, and assessments in this course are subject to change in the event of extraordinary circumstances, by mutual agreement, and/or to ensure better student learning. The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to the schedule and/or syllabus at any time. The lecture topics will be covered in the order listed above and exams will be given on dates specified; however, the instructor may modify the pace at which the material is covered; add or delete material; and/or modify the content covered on each exam. Students are expected to read relevant textbook chapters and/or assigned material prior to each class period. If the campus is closed due to inclement weather or class is officially canceled by the instructor, plan on the missed activities occurring on the next scheduled class day. Page 5 of 7 **Tentative** Course Calendar: Class Meeting (Date) W (8/13) F (8/15) M (8/18) W (8/20) F (8/22) M (8/25) W (8/27) F (8/29) M (9/1) W (9/3) F (9/5) M (9/8) W (9/10) F (9/12) M (9/15) W (9/17) Assignments QUIZ 1 QUIZ 2 Exam #1 QUIZ 3 M (9/29) W (10/1) F (10/3) M (10/6) W (10/8) F (10/10) M (10/13) W (10/15) F (10/17) M (10/20) W (10/22) F (10/24) M (10/27) W (10/29) F (10/31) M (11/3) W (11/5) F (11/7) Chapters First day of class; Syllabus review Introduction to Scientific Inquiry Introduction to Scientific Inquiry The Chemical and Energetic Context of Life The Chemical and Energetic Context of Life Water and Life 1 1 2 2 3 Carbon and Molecular Diversity Labor Day Holiday—No Class! Carbon and Molecular Diversity Metabolism Metabolism 4 Macromolecules: Carbohydrates Macromolecules: Nucleic Acids Macromolecules: Nucleic Acids Macromolecules: Nucleic Acids Macromolecules: Proteins Macromolecules: Proteins Macromolecules: Proteins 5 5/ 16 5/ 16 5/ 16/ 17 4 8 8 Exam #2 QUIZ 4 F (9/19) M (9/22) W (9/24) F (9/26) Topic QUIZ 5 Exam #3 Early Informal Feedback QUIZ 6 *Withdraw Deadline* QUIZ 7 Macromolecules: Lipids Membrane Structure and Function A tour of the cell Cell Cycle 5/ 17 5/ 17 5/ 7 7 6 12 Cell Cycle Cell Cycle Fall Break—No Class! Cellular Respiration Cellular Respiration 12 12 Photosynthesis Photosynthesis Mendel, Genes and Sex! Mendel, Genes and Sex! Mendel, Genes and Sex! 10 10 13/ 14 13/ 14 13/ 14 Chromosomal basis of inheritance Chromosomal basis of inheritance 15 15 9 9 Exam #4 QUIZ 8 Exam #5 Page 6 of 7 M (11/10) W (11/12) F (11/14) M (11/17) W (11/19) F (11/21) M (11/24) W (11/26) F (11/28) M (12/1) W (12/3) M (12/8) QUIZ 9 QUIZ 10 Chromosomal basis of inheritance Genomics Genomics DNA Technology DNA Technology DNA Technology 15 18/ 21 18/ 21 20 20 20 Exam #6 QUIZ 11 Thanksgiving Break—No Class! Thanksgiving Break—No Class! Evolutionary Theory Evolutionary Theory FINAL EXAM 12:30-2:30 PM Page 7 of 7 22/23 22/23