
Welcome to your first high school English
 We will read a variety of texts throughout
the course and complete assignments
using different styles of writing
 Our summative unit and exam will have
a focus on dystopian texts
 I know you don’t all love English…I will try
to make it as painless as possible 
I know studying grammar can be boring,
but we need it to make our writing better
 We need to cover two main grammar
components in this course:
› Parts of speech
› Types of sentences
› Parts of speech test
› Sentences quiz
Here is your chance to be creative!
 You will choose a picture and write a
paragraph that appeals to the reader’s
 Start thinking about your favourite places
to be and/or visit
 Evaluation:
› Creative descriptive
We will get to know the gods and
goddesses of Greek mythology
 This unit will include individual work and
media-based group work
 Evaluation:
› Formal paragraph
› Media project and
MOVIE: Percy Jackson
and the Lightning Thief
You may not be looking
forward to Shakespeare, but this play is
confusing and funny and will hopefully spark a
little interest in you
 Don’t worry, we will work as a team during
this unit to understand the language
 Evaluation:
› Formal paragraph
› News article
› Social media assignment
MOVIE: She’s the Man
This will be our first look at dystopian texts
 We will read a number of short stories
that will help us with some writing and
lead us into the summative unit
 Evaluation:
› Formal paragraph
This is our summative unit
We will read different dystopian novels in
 You will be required to work individually and
 Evaluation:
› Formal essay
› Media project
› Final exam
MOVIE: The Island
We have the opportunity to use a lot of
technology throughout this course
 This allows us to become more confident
with technology and collaborate with
our peers
 We will often use the school’s netbooks
to do some blogging, collaborate with
others and create media projects
Come to class prepared (separate binder with dividers,
writing utensils, books required for the day, your ideas and
Be on time: Dr. Phil says, "late people are selfish."
Feel free to bring snacks and drinks to class - but once you
make a mess, this privilege will be taken away
Listening to music is allowed during individual work time
Please sit where you are supposed to sit
RESPECT - yourself, your peers, classroom furniture and
equipment...and Ms. Seaton
Cell phones....we will chat about this
Have fun!
What else do you need from our class?
When you are given time in class to read, use it, instead of
staring off into space
Doing your homework is beneficial to YOU, not Ms. Seaton!
If you know you are going to be away, let Ms. Seaton know
When you return from being away, check the "What Did I Miss?"
Do not plagiarize - make sure you understand what this means
and how to avoid it
Do not just use spell/grammar check when editing - always print
off assignments and proofread them yourself
Read and listen to all instructions CAREFULLY - never start an
assignment without reading over everything
Always try your best, even on small assignments
Read all feedback on assignments, so you can improve on the
next one
Participate. We want to hear from you!
True or False?
I don’t eat any meat.
I secretly wanted to go to the Olympics for hockey.
I swam across a lake this summer.
I help coach soccer.
I have been teaching for three years.
I have a dog named Zoe.
This is my first time teaching grade nine.