Course Overview PowerPoint


• Start filling in “MyPage”

• Try your hand and brain at the word puzzles

• Example: solve the following riddle…

1. A filing-cabinet of human lives

Where people swarm like bees in tunneled hives,

Each to his own cell in the towered comb,

Identical and cramped—we call it home.

Top secret

Big Deal

Example: Mad Adam

A Palindrome is a word or group of words that reads the same, both forwards and backwards

Can you think of any others?

Spoiled children of celebrities:


A zookeeper announces that he has captured two fewer than a dozen beasts by hitting them hard with a square-patterned object and putting them inside it.


Be prepared for class.

bring a pen, notebook, paper, and any necessary texts.

Be seated quickly, open texts and notes and be ready to work; begin exercises outlined on the overhead screen.

It is your responsibility to come to class on time. It is respectful and diligent to come on time; it is disruptive to arrive late.

If you arrive after the bell has rung, signaling the beginning of class, you will be marked late. You will need a late slip for admittance; place it in the late slip box.

It is your responsibility to make up missed work. If you know you will be away a certain period or day, please let me know as early as you can, particularly if we are doing any kind of group activity, test, or presentation.

If you know you will be absent for a test, please talk to me before the test and we will arrange a time for you to write it outside of class.

• If you are unexpectedly absent due to illness, parental withdrawals, or other legitimate reasons, please consult the class log or your

“classroom buddy” upon return, and if you missed a test or presentation, return.

assume that you will write a missed test on the day you

• Your parents/guardians should phone the school or provide a note explaining your absence within

3 school days; otherwise, a make-up test may not be given. If your absence is unexplained, a mark of zero will be assigned.

If you will be gone on an extended vacation, you must fill out an absence form from the office, and you must complete and hand in before you depart any assignments that will be due during your absence.

Allow the teacher and fellow students to speak without interruption.

Raise your hand if you wish to speak.

Use appropriate language. leave cellphones (powered off) or iPods in your knapsack. At times you will be allowed to use cellphones for educational tasks.

A well-organized notebook is your best study tool.

Divide your binder into FIVE distinct sections:

Literature Studies (see subsections)

Language Matters

Writing Skills

Reading Skills

Tests and Assignments

We will read a variety of texts throughout the course and complete assignments using different styles of writing

Our summative unit and exam will have a focus on dystopian texts

I know you don’t all love English…I will try to make it as painless as possible 

Here is your chance to be creative!

You will choose a picture and write a paragraph that appeals to the reader’s senses

Start thinking about your favourite places to be and/or visit


› Creative descriptive paragraph

I know studying grammar can be boring, but we need it to make our writing better

We need to cover two main grammar components in this course:

› Parts of speech

› Types of sentences


› Parts of speech test

› Sentences quiz

We will get to the know the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology

This unit will include individual work and media-based group work


News Article

Media project and presentation

MOVIE: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

You may not be looking forward to Shakespeare, but this play is confusing and funny and will hopefully spark a little interest in you

Don’t worry, we will work as a team during this unit to understand the language


Formal paragraph

News article

MOVIE: She’s the Man

This will be our first look at dystopian texts

We will read a number of short stories that will help us with some writing and lead us into the summative unit


› Formal paragraph

This is our summative unit

We will read different dystopian novels in groups

You will be required to work individually and collaboratively


Formal essay

Media project

Final exam

MOVIE: The Island

We have the opportunity to take part in a board wide initiative: G9EDLP

This allows us to use technology and collaborate with our peers here at EDSS and also at other schools

We will often use the school’s netbooks to do some blogging, collaborate with others and create media projects

True or False?

I go to hockey rinks a lot


I have a dog named Shakespeare.


I have been to the East Coast 5 times.


I play volleyball.


I have 3 sons.


I watch the TV series “Bones.”

