Negation- Pre assessment:

¿Cómo te sientes
How do you feel today
Me siento bien
Me siento enfermo (a)
Me siento conteno (a)
Me siento triste
Estoy bien
Estoy enfermo (a)
Estoy conteno (a)
Estoy triste
Anuncio-Tri-mester testing schedule:
Seniors: Tues. May 26– 1st, 3rd, 5th /others: Fri. May 29
Seniors: Wed. May 27 -2nd, 4th, 6th/ others: Mon. June 1
1. Please keep all your tests in the test section of your
portfolio – start reviewing now for trimester test.
2. PLEASE focus on this weeks lesson and reviewing for
trimester test. There will be no more re-takes.
3. Please be sure to do all Bell work and class activities. Keep
them for review- many words in context on the final.
4. Be sure to keep your cell phones put away unless you have
permission to have it out.
la tarea: Unfinished work from Monday: WB 80, T Chart , 7.2
Vocab review
Learning Targets:
1. Yo puedo say opposite feelings-
2. Yo puedo say what hurts and what I am not able
to do
3. Yo puedo decide when to use Estar/Sentirse/Tener
Nota: Trimester review answer key is on
Teacher websites,FOLDER-Trimester Review 2B
Estar Tener Sentirse
TENER Idioms
Tener frío
Tener calor
Tener miedo
Tener sueño
Tener hambre
Tener sed
Tener prisa
Tener éxito
Sentirse (e-ie)…
REPASO: ¿Cómo te sientes?
Tengo Catarro
When you are done, review activities p. 251#27 & 28. Be
ready to give an example of how to do these. (#28 how to
form a command & say what the irregular commands
Trabajo de clase y la tarea
miércoles 20 de mayo
Tocatimbre: Tener Idioms
La tarea: 7.2 Vocab Review sheet, WB 80, T Chart
(unfinished assignments from Monday)
2nd period only: *Those who did not take 7.2 Vocab quiz Monday will be taking it
today or the next day in class.
*Those who took quiz Monday please do the following: ALL COMPLETE
SENTENCES: Correct p. 249 # 24 (use command song). P.251 #27 ¿Quién es? / #28
En el colegio
*Socrative - Homework check WB81 & WB 82 Tomorrow
La tarea: WB 81 & 82 / unfinished class work
Trimester Review –Seniors Tues/Wed. before the quiz- Should be completed and
checked online.
What is the formula for an affirmative tú command?
Tú form drop the “s”. Order now. Pedir / Pides/ Pide ahora.
¡Ponte en forma! Get in shape! P. 249 # 24
Usa mandatos informales: Reflexive verbs use the same formula for commands,
just attached the reflexive pronoun “te” to end end. ONLY REFLEXIVES
Modelo: Despertarse temprano. Despiértate temprano.
¿Quién es..? P. 251 # 27
1. aburrido
Vicente está o se siente aburrido.
En el colegio p. 251 # 27
: Usa las formas correctas de estar, sentirse, tener
En una oración completa.
La tarea: unfinished class work, WB 81 & 82 if not already finished.
p. 251 #27 ¿Quién es?
1. Vicente se siente/está aburrido.
2. Marta está enferma.
3. Leti tiene sed.
4. Ricardo está/se siente nervioso.
5. Ricardo tiene miedo
6. Leti/Marta tiene calor
7. Marta no se siente bien.
8. Vicente tiene sueño.